Is graffiti right wing or left wing?

is graffiti right wing or left wing?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's degenerate and unaesthetic


Breakdown of social order allowing damage of property for no other reason than you can.

It's not neccesarily any wing, but breakdown of order seems to be a core trait of progressive ideology.

it's mostly left wing becuase it originated in NYC with nigger hip hop influences.

This shit is cool though

yeah, it would be nice on canvas, not on the side of a building.

depends honestly

Neither, it's just a shit blight on the urban landscape.
Yes, even this.

A vast majority of graffiti is just niggers pissing on their territory.
graffiti "artists" need direction and mentoring. a by product of fatherless society not personal degeneracy

this is bullshit. a well done graffitti is fucking art. if you are just writing your "autograph" or w/e the fuck it is called, should be arrested.

Lush is a toy who steals memes from Sup Forums and gets credit for them.



Depends what it says and what its on.

Most is left wing but some is right.

>blight on the urban landscape

this is so boring and stupid looking like a scene out of disney shit

This is a paid mural, graffiti is gross. We should focus on how to make appealing architecture instead of painting over our ugly buildings.

>this is bullshit. a well done graffitti is fucking art

maybe, but does it match the aesthetic of the surrounding area? i don't want to look at an out-of-place eyesore every day.

>if you are just writing your "autograph" or w/e the fuck it is called, should be arrested.

99% of graffiti.

this is by far my favorite graffiti

wish I had these kinds of skills so I could take my shit posting to the next level

Whores and drunks are too, obviously.

>Yes, even this.

indeed. it's not the sort of thing you want to look at every day.

Graffiti are degenerate. Vandalising is for idiots. All 3rd wolrd countries will have Graffiti meanwhile civilized Japan is graffiti free



checked m8 best by far.


That is absolutely amazing. One of the best things I've seen in my life.

Fuck you.

I remember seeing this after one of Hillary's coughing fits. The proverbial "frog in my throat".

Got a good laugh out of it.


but we need more fashwave graffiti

wheres the one with her in a bikini?




It's counter culture so i say both? I like seeing skilled artists but i hate seeing tags

thanks user
brb, fapping

I don't know about yurop, but here in America it's a crimal act and disrespect of others property. Only a nigger here in the states would stoop so low as to vandalizing someone elses things.

the babe in the bikini or the trashbag??


Hold on!


kill yourself

The original was better

dont. know. which.pair.of. eyes. to. look. at. aaaarrrggghhhh

Unsanctioned graffiti is vandalism.
Asking a property owner, or being commissioned to graffiti a surface is acceptable.
It's still degenerate, but it's requested degeneracy.

assholes that just tag everywhere are faggots, people that do murals on stuff they were asked to do are cool.

Graffiti is about as attractive as marking territory with piss. People notice it and most don't approve or care. Try Paris. Smells like excrement everywhere.

Murals are even worse, which typically wastes taxpayer funds or worse yet, private "charity".

Personal gripe of mine is when they tag vehicles. They'll never match tagging with actual livery.

lawlessness and destruction of property is degenerate

load up on drugs and it makes sense

>the pinnacle of brand placements.
I asked for a pack of Malboro Reds when I got my first packet of smokes.
I know exactly why that happened.
And I'm glad it did.



Graffiti is best wing.

>Mexicans dream of not living around Mexicans
Never going to happen. Shitty people don't become better when they travel in hordes, they just ruin whatever place they move to.

That's in israel you mongoloid dipshit

Are you implying I should actually read the filename? Do you have any idea what time it is?


Damn straight.

I have a few like this around the corner from me

That's about 2min from me

There's Putin, Salt Bae, Hillary, PePe

It's time for you to get your GED

*sprays gang logo over wall*

>not knowing anything about Israel
>probably hates Israel too because the majority around here also hate Israel

Damn americuck, learn about the place you hate before you hate it

Stupid question makes a slid thread.
Mods aren't very smart on this board, are they?

nigger wing

Triggered, poltards?

woops forgot graffiti

That's just a plastered picture on a wall you retard. It's not graffiti.

No Trump
No Fascist USA

They called it a day after one too many BLACKED threads.

(You) for effort

it's nigger tier to damage public property, no matter who does it

This is a mural, not graffiti.

No Potassium Potassium Potassium!

It's antifa tier cancer. Also alot of nogs do it so yes, grafitti is degenerate as fuck.

Yes it's a mural, but it is graffiti. Just because it's not a shitty tag, doesn't mean it's not graffiti.
To answer OPs question, it's for everyone.


>those drips
Disgusting. This is extremely bad practice.

Conservative - right = tends to be higher in conscientiousness, order, law abiding
Lib/Progressive - left = tends to be higher in creativity, openness, more free-spirited and artistic
The messages can be either but the artist at heart is usually left of center

Why the fuck would graffiti have to be political?

Well that's no way to win a baseball game.

>is graffiti right wing or left wing?
Are you an idiot or retarded?

The 'liberals are creative' meme is crumbling lately though. People now know that creative types are usually coerced into virtue signaling (pretending to be left-wing) to save their image, or that they're just the ones with more free time because they don't have jobs. I'm cursed with being creative instead of being good at more logical things like automotive stuff, and I knew tons of people who were pretty apolitical or even right-wing in my circles. It's just the ones with the loudest voice get noticed, and that usually means being unemployed and shouting 24/7.

Also remember that the left can't meme.

I was under the impression drips were impressive and sought after


My answer is based on psychological research. It is not exclusive as there is overlap. These are the reflected trends. Look into the Big 5 traits for more on that.

My fucking sideds....... that's a great irl shitpost, fat albert, but it should have been Tyrone.

Degenerate, so left wing.

Are sandwiches left or right wing?

Congratulations that may be the dumbest post ever

I actually got that joke.

They're far right. Remember, goy; there's no such thing as plain old right wing anymore. It's FAR right, or extreme right. And according to (((social media))), libtards have a big problem with making sandwiches.

I am guessing he is both
Slide thread saged

>I know 3rd grade chemistry

>Normies discussing graffiti

It's like down syndrome sufferers trying to argue physics
It's embarrasingly senseless

It's completely unavailable to the unitiated

It's creative vandalism or vandalistic artwork..either way it takes skill and years of practise

Give a normie a spray can or even ask him to tag and he will embarass himself and guaranteed stop talking g shit afterwards

Graffiti is soul on the soulless postmodern kike perversions we call architecture
Contrary- on historic architecture it's very unfitting, misplaced and just gross- only a complete piece of shit writer or "sprayer" for normie would do that

Stop sounding like fucking boomercucks, polspastics
Refrain from speaking if you understand shit

>a well done graffitti is fucking art.
doesn't mean that it's not degenerate.
Killing people can be an art too, but doesn't mean it's not a crime.



Who the fuck is lush?

>using 'toy' unironically