Approx 75 - 90 % of all Americans are about to be obliterated by nuclear fire

Approx 75 - 90 % of all Americans are about to be obliterated by nuclear fire.

Who did it will not matter at this point.

My life sucks so I don't care

Wouldn't it be great if they only nuked the west coast?

how do you get a job at the shill factory?
do you get paid by the post, or by the hour?
can you make a living out of it, or is it a side gig?

This is the difference between conservativism and liberalisms. Liberals want everyone to have a livable wage, education, healthcare, and a political voice, including conservatives. Conservatives want everyone else to die in a fire.

the 25 - 10 % survivors are preppers and folks who live in the rural lands.

Few towns in CO expected to survive. Denver to be the capitol following this.

muh bootstraps


it needs to happen. our decadence is not fitting of a civilized nation.

great post

> no srsly I know we say ww3 every day for the last 5 years but this is it!

If this happened, we'd also get nuked. Or starve to death.

>Approx 75 - 90 % of all Americans are about to be obliterated by nuclear fire.


We're not gonna get nuked, faggot, stop being a queer.


They don't have a big enough arsenal to kill that high a percentage. A few cities out west will be BTFO but that's it.

Sup Forums users will be the chosen few that survive the nuclear hellfire.

Nuclear war would be super entertaining - prove me wrong.



>Liberals want everyone to have a livable wage, education, healthcare, and a political voice, including conservatives.
Yet you support the democrats who will not do any of this.
Look at what they're actually supporting for the economy. This is not good for the working class and the poor. They're really good at pretending though. Most liberals do not seem to understand why their ideas will not do any good for most people. They're useful idiots mislead by false promises and confusion.
And what's worse, you support their plans to sabotage the populist uprising of the right (which has been very successful) instead of making your own and forcing the democrats to change (the same way conservatives are doing for the republicans). The democrats are hoping to unify their base against Trump as a common enemy so that they do not have to reform themselves. And it's working.

smallpox is your only worry user. that and a hail mary emp

Only white Americans in the middle of nowhere would be left then the memes about le 33% would stop, we would be 100%

>prove me wrong.

I cannot


Trump won’t let it happen also why would it? Or are you just super magical only you the faggot op with a peace flag has the fore knowledge that an entire worlds nuclear arsenal is about to be set upon itself.

>tfw live an hour from denver
I'm ok with this

Sauce you flaming drongo

If 15g of meth in 3 weeks couldn't kill me, I seriously doubt a nuke can. Just ask moralfags or the DEA.




>its another episode of burger afraid of death so starts yelling
fuck off pussy

I have always been pissed I was born too late to see any test shots in the desert.

>Who did it

Looks like we're getting nuked. Praise kek

>dead amerimutts
yes please


>Approx 75 - 90 % of all Americans are about to be obliterated by nuclear fire.

I fucking wish

Confirmed Nukery

Still waiting

10% by December, 75% by late 2018 due to EMP.

yeah but when does yellowstone blow

you arent even woke

Sort yourself out
Have we reached peak degeneracy?

irl semen demons

Leaf meme flag

yellowstone blows 5 years after humanity has wiped it self out already

Stop being useless, you invite the wrath of the underworld.

Have a cool glass of piss



springs here

I look forward to this frankly

I just pray for a new Fallout game that is actually good and doesn't have stupid power armor and plasma shit all over the place so I can RP it a little more first

>Approx 75 - 90 % of all Americans are about to be obliterated by nuclear fire.

What inspired you to do this totally bullshit post, OP?

The mind of a troll is like an unflushed toilet.