Why was electroshock therapy on gays banned again? It's not liked it did any permanent physical damage...

Why was electroshock therapy on gays banned again? It's not liked it did any permanent physical damage. If I were a fag I would gladly volunteer to rid myself of such degeneracy.

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Mike Pence's Best day ever.

Hang the gays Mike!

Because it literally doesn't do anything

What's his name again lads?

EST doesn't actually cure gayness. It just creates a pain association with arousal at the thought of gay sex. It doesn't make gays attracted to women.

Neither does cutting off ones dick, but we don't hear you complain about it.


Homosexuality doesn't exist as a behavioral phenomenon.

It's a hypothetical situation created by lifestyle advertising. They've changed history books and doctored public records so people think homosexuality has existed forever, when, in actuality, nobody is gay. Nobody has sex with members of the same sex. It just literally never happens ever.

frogs do

> Nobody has sex with members of the same sex. It just literally never happens ever.

I wish that most men are gay. More women for alpha conservative men like me to breed with.

> It's not liked it did any permanent physical damage.

causes memory loss and amnesia

Isn't that a good thing? Fags should be fucking. That's how they spread aids because all of them have it


Lobotomies don't do any damage either.

Technically, homosexuality is caused by an unequal distribution of the correct hormones (ones designated to affect sexual attraction) in the brain. Basically, whenever, a guy sees a girl, when gay, the chemicals saying "ooh, I wanna fuck that!" are not released. Rather, it is the other way around. Same thing for women.

All things considered, gayness is kinda like a birth defect if you think about it. It can be fixed, but the person afflicted will see themselves as "normal" and will not want to change that. Thus "gay pride".

It's banned on children.

Electroshock would still be administered to adults. It's the equivalent of a sex change or gender change.

The hypocrisy of the LBGTQ community. Invasive and unethical cosmetic surgeries and castrations are legal but less invasive therapies to change someones sexual orientation are wrong?

My guess is it didn't work OP

There is no biological evidence for LGBTQ.

>burger education

many animals show "gay" behavior, but i think bisexuality is way more common than homosexuality.

They literally want to cut a little boys penis off. Fuck the world.

as far as i have read, its only when they live in captivity

so does pot, but that's legal in my state

I don't like being a gaymosexical. If there were a cure, I'd probably take it. But that would threaten your already small pool of fuccbois.

But if there were a pill or a vaccine to give me more autism, I'd want more powers

Name 1 (one) animal that does that

>Why was electroshock therapy on gays banned again?
It was too sexually arousing and produced a generation of incredibly horny gay men. Current consensus is that it would be best used on straight white guys who are having trouble finding a gf and resorting to vidya and imageboards instead. If only we had a president who could institute a widespread, affordable program of electroshock therapy for incel white boys across America.

>if i were a fag
but OP, you are a fag

You're all fags and you're all going here. Tory Smith says he's a pedo. m.youtube.com/watch?v=XSEBkmRQpG0

>Electroshock therapy not allowed on gays, even with consent
>Still allowed on patients with major depressive disorders

Really jogs the noggin.

here's gay satan just chillen. hangin in his crib

No known cure or therapy and there never will be because it would be seen as homophobic. People like me are forced to struggle with lifelong celibacy and porn addiction because no medical or psychiatric aid is coming. This is not a good world for the man afflicted with homosexuality who recognizes 'sex' between men as evil.

That literally fixes the problem then.

Marriage isn't that great anyway. Even the straightest Chad gets sick of fucking the same woman eventually. So, at the end of the day it doesn't even matter.

Posts like these remind me to smile when a white person dies in the uk