What must be done about this bug man epidemic, Sup Forums?

What must be done about this bug man epidemic, Sup Forums?

Why can't nu-male cucks have a photo of them taken without opening their mouths?

WMAF strikes again



have children, priorities change.

men get fat with women during pregnancy

>fuck asian bitches
>have kids
>get fat on craft beer
Why is this bad again?

>hurr durr I have a kid
>I should get unhealthy

How do you look like that at 180 lbs?
This guy must be short as fuck.

Male seahorses get pregnant. Male peacocks look WAY BETTER than female ones. And then there's your pic. And mine

drinking in front of your young children is degenerate

He should have gay married and adopted

"Boil the rice, pay the price" sounds far better and you know it, faggot

well if you cant fuck other women it doenst matter what you look like

>calling yourself a man
>not being in 200lb.+ club

nice perky dick

>everything about this.

How the fuck does this happen? He looked normal before, now looks like a total low test numale. He even has that open mouth and empty eyes fluoride thing going for him.
That's not a human anymore, that's a mancow. Put it out of its misery.

Now I understand what men mean when they say the wife gains weight in marriage
And the child is a mini elliot rodger

So when Singel then fit and healthy and when parent then unfit and unhealthy? shouldn't you try to become or stay as healthy as possible to be a good role model for your children and live long to support them?

It’s done to hide their weak jawlines


>Mouth open
oh god, what is the psychology behind this?

That beer in his hand might have something to do with it.

And what molest his kids?

No, because chinks can't say L.


wow and his waist looks so big and fatty it must be like 32 inches

Self-conscious - they know they look like crap and they feel bad about themselves, so they make a silly face
Obsessed with social media image - making a fun ''WOO I AM HAVING FUN'' party face despite nothing exciting happening

Came to ask just that

I fart heavier than him.
Get yur testosterone going son

I wonder why this kinds of posts always get upvoted to the sky in normie net. He turned from a fit man to a race mixing sloth. I consider that disgusting and hardly worth upvoting.

I was going to calculate the volume of a 145lb fart but it's 1:40am so I'm going to bed. Sorry we couldn't be a screenshot together user.

You got it exactly right there. The only time a man should have his mouth staying open is while giving what he expects to be his last battlecry.

Not to defend this insect man, but do people not act silly with their kids in your country?

Because they all have shitty lives too and want to bring everyone else down with them.

Making mediocrity the norm and dragging others down is a hallmark of our liberals

That fat faggot is more closely related to his neighbors than he is to the little bug monster next to him.

I see you


Men can act silly while entertaining their kids without being absolute faggots about it.


>more elliot rodgers in the world

victims of the pencil neck

Can we all agree now the beta white males gotta get a gook is a undeniable truth? That Elliot Jr is going to be even more supreme.

>145 lbs

that guy must be 5'4"

Who the fuck is talking about ''acting silly with their kids?''
Are you retarded?

Shit genes breed with shit genes and result in shit parenting on top of that regardless of whether or not they venture outside their own race.

He doesn't look much bigger than myself and I'm around 140lbs at 6'1".

That's how you summon Sterculius

why is there an old asian woman beside him?
why does he shave his chest if he has a dad bod?
such questions.

if in his left pic he isn't on drugs, then he has some personality disorder because he had crazy eyes.

>grows up looking good
>Gets married
>Has kids
>Has a comfortable life and parents well

Sup Forums is angry about this? Neets and virgins itt

>140lbs at 6'1".

100% chance he stopped working out well before he met the sideways vagina

Don't bully me.

>chinks can't say L.
chinks can't say R the same way as in english. there is a consonant L in chinese, like the name Li. they can't roll their Rs.

i have very similar proportions to that guy's pic on the left right now, i'm only 5'9" and weigh 185 lbs.

no one would mistake me for a body builder either and i've been grappling for 10 years. that guy is short and idk wtf u are talking about 140 lbs and 6'1", you'd be a twig.

Fucking lanklet, I bet you're skinnyfat too.

How does a grown man in decent shape only weight 145lbs?

Is he 5 feet tall?

>Don't bully me.

Did some say bug man?

there hasn't been that many jews on a bus since the end of the Reich



people who exercise vs people who don't exercise

Literally the numale

>180 lbs and looking like that
lmao, either he's a 5'4" manlet or he's just lying about his weight in both pictures



It's a beer. It's not like he's slamming a bottle of jack daniels

I know fucking moms at age 20 smoking weed in front of their kids and even smoking it with kids on their laps. World is fucked.

I dont mind a beer in front of the kids, but hard alcohol and smoking weed in front of them is a no-go

I don't know that I believe left picture is really him. The noses look significantly different.

hungry skeli I presume, I'm 143 at 5'9(Heh manlet) and I look like a low end skinny fat with good shoulders, we gotta go to the gym bro.

Say that to my face on the street, yeah?

>180 lbs
>With that physique?

Is he like 5,5? Manlet.

its like jack skeleton lmAO

It's impossible to work, maintain your relationship with your SO AND take care of your children and MAGICALLY have time to workout.

Don't make fun of him for not staying /fit/, he literally doesn't have the time.

Why is the slob hairy, but the athlete hairless?

Why does every numale have that very punchable mouth-open look to them?

He might not have the time to stay /fit/, but letting yourself become fat is an entirely separate thing.

>the nose

Lmao excuses are for the weak. Which you will always be

He obviously had the time to eat like a fat piece of shit and post on the internet about it for useless e-points.

Why do you have birthing hips?

Power stance.

Male version of fishmouth.

Why do they always have tgeir fucking mouths open? I have seen a few bugmen irl, and every pic they take they have this expression on their face.

He must be like 5' 9"

>bug man

is this like some /x/ tier lizard people shit?


It's the same as the girl with the dumb look on her face

It's like, she's trying to project that she's secure by making a silly face, as if to say "look I don't take myself too seriously" but really it's an attempt to cover deep seeded insecurity about knowing she's an ugly duckling. Making a retarded face gives her the illusion that its her choice she looks like that, when really, with a serious face she'd look even worse.

Apply all that to a tubby emotional non threatening numale

Ayy lmao

Insecurity. They pretend they're acting or joking. That should then make it more acceptable to post a selfie and get attention.



>literal mind shattering orgasm

>Those fucking hips
Pls tell me you're gay.

145 lbs = 65 kg

fat with
180 lbs = 82 kg
What a fucking manlet.

That's expected out of women. Most of them are like that. It is not for men.

Bug man detected.

the fact that such a fit man only managed to mate with an asian discourages me from working out. What do Sup Forums?