Everything you type will be used against you

Every keystroke on this website is potential blackmail material. Your IP is attached to every post and your ISP will be required to reveal your entire browsing and shitposting history to your future employer.

There is no reason to be here. Every time we post about the jews and how much we hate niggers and think rape is funny we are falling deeper into the clutches of the future blackmailocracy, where every past deed will be used against us.

Save yourselves, stop shitposting, stop nigger posting, stop bait posting, stop posting.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sauce on chick

I'm already in too deep.




Checked. NEIN NEIN

sweaty benis

Are you scared of little old pol?


fuck you nigger kike cunt, ill fuck your head.

they don't have to collect and use it against me.. I'll give a fucking live presentation in court. fuck

That gives me all the incentive I need to shit post harder
Deport the kikes, ethno state now

So what, don't be a fucking pussy. We'll be having a revolution soon anyways, who gives a fuck about planning for retirement or whatever. Heil Hitler.

>and your ISP will be required to reveal your entire browsing and shitposting history to your future employer.

let's begin

Niggers tongue my anus

fuck CIA niggers come at me

Prove I was one typing

If that's true, then it's too late now. Why stop now? Shill

I have thousands of hours of posts, I will do my part scorch earth tactics their resources.


Odds are most of us will be fighting in armed conflicts in twenty years anyway.

I would order that pizza.

>Save yourselves, stop shitposting, stop nigger posting, stop bait posting, stop posting.

A full redpill rundown on live TV!

>shill thread detected
reason: fearmongering


I hope they do I hope they show every person in America what I say here
Hey CIA niggers you're greasy fat fucking faggots and your wives fuck niggers while you're reading my shitposts

the only way to defend yourself is to shitpost so much that no one is going to want to sift through all of your bullshit

Whacha doin' Rabbi?

inadmissable in court, that kind of information is easily fabricated.

>people who use the internet connection of their neighbor get off scot free
you niggers are stupid

Shwo bobsbs

ok then. future employers thank you for the opportunity and a chance to escape this hell.

it only gets worse the longer your here


fuck off OP

yeah, it's too late for me

Gee, I wonder how someone could stop this.

Reminder that Breivik literally killed the blackmailocracy. It's really hard for a small sect of antihuman monsters to control, manipulate and blackmail everyone into a monster society when they are literally dead.

Good thing I use a burner phone that can't be traced back to me.

Pffft. Everyone knows Sup Forums is satire.

I honestly don't give a fuck. I've done more good in the memewars with the help of Sup Forums than I could've done on a real battlefield.

Jewish mind tricks

when people will start getting mass blackmailed it will only make the uprising become more fierce and sooner here.

they can try and cuck us

Everything posted from this IP is satire and done for entertainment purposes only. I leave my Wi-Fi unprotected in an area that is easy to access so I cannot be held responsible for what is posted under this address.

I'm already practicing staying calm while talking about certain (((topics))) ..clearly I still to practice

>wat a do

Read my lips: I dont give a fuck.
Sell your indulgencies and self-censorship elsewhere.

I love all of you in this thread.

:D this guy get's it
most of the employers are men and not nu-males so we can safely say they shitpost aswell

what the jews are gonna do is create an ethnostate by accident

Well then, i hereby promise to ass-rape your cold dead corpse after you go. I'll be first to the morgue, dude. We'll bury you buns up!


I guess we know you'll be the first to snitch on us.

Full disclosure: All my words are satire.


everyone stop having fun

im not a jew or anything

user is sort of right about this. Everyrhign is out there. Everything. And everyone is getting doxed. It's a matter of priority. The question is will it matter?

lol u scared

I am a mentally ill, cis white male who has nothing left to lose.

By the time this happens I’ll have fuck you money. Fidelity isn’t going to care that I dislike Jews.

>leave my Wi-Fi unprotected.
You'd still be responsible.

If everyone gets doxed, will anyone get doxed?

to my future bosses..

stop looking at my history you fucking pervs!!

M8 every time I type nigger on this website I am committing a crime in my country, my future employer being faced with a sea of the retarded drivel I shitpost on here is the least of my Sup Forums worries

If you havent assumed this since at least 2008
My condolences

even protected wifi is susceptible
inadmissible in court and rejection to employment is grounds for litigation against employer


or it goes the other way around, and you get dragged into a right wing interrogation, and theyre like shit sorry man youre alright have a good one

Unequivocally this

this should apply to this board as well

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

IE all this shit is a larp anyway.does anyone really fucking care?not that i have seen.but i have been lucky to be hired by actual americans.

Be smart then.

Yeah but I did time in prison.

I talk a lot of nutty shit here but all of my shit posting together isn't nearly as bad as the stuff I got arrested for: I cut off a guy's pinky with shears, and shattered his collarbone and a few ribs with a golf club, and for awhile I kept laughing whenever it was brought up, which was the central theme of the crowns pre-disposition report.

Also I think I have a break and enter to commit assault for using toffee foil to keep the circuit going on my door so it appeared to be closed when the lock was stuffed with toilet-paper--cement, and I then suck out of heel stomped the nuts of a sleeping guard who was a fat cunt.

I'm in my 40's and have been doing the job I do for decades. My employer knows about the stuff I got arrested for, and more as well, and he thinks it's funny.
He would laugh his ass off at the shit I post here. He watched me spam at pajeets here and I thought he was going to collapse from lack of oxygen and now he screams POO when they walk by our building.

Here is the worst thing that can happen from me from being confronted by my post history: I'll see some shit I did when fucked up that I forgot about, and enjoy reading it.

Hell, I've already given enough information in this thread to dox me.




Fuck off shill. This is the last place people can speak their mind, your fear mongering is misplaced.

Don't care. The world is so fucked up. Those praised as good are evil, and those outcasts who are called evil are often good.

Blackmail is for cowards. It is for villains. The west and it's people are sick at heart, so screwed up. You are attacking folks who have grievances in the worst way possible. You are creating extremists, and further building the ediface of tyranny.

It's the CIA way
> plz stop posting we're trying to look cute with our puppy stories n shite
Or we could kill the CIA and never have to worry about blankmail


>inb4 damage control

CIA and feds are more likely to be gay and trans than the general population. The two FBIniggers in the van down the street are probably rubbing their hotdogs together as they key log me.

Shitskins are a cancer and should be removed from White countries with violence if necessary.
But they are nothing more than useful idiots spreaded like an plague by kikes.

>employer requesting your ISP to reveal information on you

On what planet is this done? protip: none

>1 post

your employer can't use your posting history against you if you are your own employer.

Who is the red head?

>I cut off a guy's pinky with shears, and shattered his collarbone and a few ribs with a golf club
Hmmm, but why?
Also, I'm surprised you've managed to get a job with your record. I have a non-violent felon (B&E) and a couple misdemeanors but I can't even get a job washing dishes in a mexican shithole restaurant because everywhere is doing background checks for the past 7 years.

> all my bogposting and blacked threads will be saved for future posterity

Activate it.

nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike nigger faggot kike

Definitely had a chuckle m8.
God speed you poor bastard

joke's on you I bought a pass.

It's severely illegal for private parties to access your internet history. The government can get it for court cases, that's it. Your boss can't just buy an analysis of your browsing.

>Not hacking Sup Forums to auto update your Facebook status with every Sup Forums post
What is this Reddit?

Good luck with that. My IP address changes on an hourly basis. I'm behind 3 VPNs.

Meh. So I'll just go into the mountains and live off the land.
>Jeremiah Johnson
>went into the mountains
It's not like I'm stealing, doing drugs, or showing up late.

I'd expect nothing less from your country mate

Don’t give a fuck, OP.

>"stop baitposting" while baitposting
You really are the "do as we say not as we do" types.

yah at some point i realised im fuck'ed either way, might as well go along for the ride


Found the Gov paid shills.

Kys cuck nigger

I'll put a bullet in someone's skull before I will be blackmailed about my posts here. 100% serious.