Sup Forums movies

Sup Forums movies.

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No country for old Benis.

that one with the violent and but secretly compassionate protagonist

The Man from Earth, mind blowing twist at the end.

The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)


Men Behind the Sun


>they shot his dog


There Will Be Blood

It is just so inspiring to watch that and know that proud, strong negresses made it all possible.

the edge
red pill on


jew propaganda
no joke, I knew a fat jewess in college who said this was her favorite movie

Sam Peckinpah's great 1969 film "The Wild Bunch".



well it can go both ways with that film,for zionist lib shit for brains it is the gratification of another dead white boy.for whites it is the old saying "around blacks never relax"

Why hasn't this been posted yet?

Absolutely Subversive

What happened to that website that rated how jewish movies were, I think it was called J-Dar but, it looks like it got taken down.


Conan the Barbarian.

wag the dog

capricorn one
the man who would be king

don't let them lie, interracial cuck porn is most popular category in the bible belt

The Blade movies.

Also, do you think the Blade movies hinted at the whole pizzagate thing with trafficking people for their blood?

Made by Scorsese, staring De Niro and Jodie Foster, focusing on stupid and angry white lunatic. Perfect triggering movie for pol.

Perfect choice.

i didnt understand this movie, too artsy for me

The Fugitive
Conspiracy Theory
The Untouchables
Pretty much anything cyberpunk

>Kids edition:
The Lion King
The Incredibles
(Come to think of it, we could use more red pilled kids movies. Anyone got suggestions?)

Angry Birds movie


Killing snakes and other reptiles [Good]
Having a nigger ally [Bad]

I meant stuff that wasn't already mentioned.

Falling Down

main charecter kills redpilled guy

kys faggot


LvT is literally Hitler


Er Ist Wieder Da

Hitler is literally Hitler.

>kills edgy nazi larger faggot
Nothing wrong here

This is the reality of the scene. If the surplus dealer were not a whiny douche then I might have disagreed.

kek. please elaborate.

>Kids edition
My Little Pony, Season 5, episode 1 and 2.
(45 minutes of anti-collectivism)

I always wonder how many Americans know about Romper Stomper

The ending that was cut was of whats-his-face shaving his head again after the death of John Connor

Low budget shit that Travolta made before Pulp Fiction made him relevant again. Race swap thing that was so stupid that even my racist uncle said was a fucking farce. Basically a bad movie from top to bottom that some jackass thought would be a good idea for a Twilight Zone episode.

I know but I worked at Blockbuster from 2000 through 2003

Also I heard about a movie, a foreign one, where a man's mentally handicapped daughter is sexually abused by a middle eastern scumbag

I thought it was like Fury, or Rage, or some other word for anger

Anyone know it?


How highly do you rate it?

peter pan apparently.

That's not quite it, unless I got the synopsis wrong

It's fucking close though

Just a bit on this

- Some pretty savage violence against the "gooks"
- You will be gay for Hando (Russell Crowe), no matter how straight you are. He is a convincing psycho
- The best white power soundtrack of all time

Hey yo, faggots - I found it!


Brilliant movie. Very lefty though

Fuck Peter Pan.