Would /POL come after me or screw with someone who had a /POL decal on their car or truck...

Would /POL come after me or screw with someone who had a /POL decal on their car or truck? What's the general rule of thumb on this... I seriously don't want to piss /pol off.

You don't talk about pol outside of pol
>t. Newfag

Thanks for the heads up, I thought that was just for Sup Forums but I grew up and started hanging around pol more.. besides I don't really do porn enough to visit b since I grew up and have a gf... thanks again

rules 1 and 2 nigger
if i see a Sup Forums sticker i'm vandalizing your vehicle because it means you're probably a cringey tryhard 15 year old
so put it on leftist cucks cars instead

This, it's cringe.

is Sup Forums just for porn now? sad!

You'll hang out here for a while, then outgrow it when you turn 16 or 17. Unless, of course, you're retarded or something.

revenge porn and rate muh limp dick

I support the concept of /pol and thought by showing a decal I could do something good... I'm seriously not trying to have my car jacked up... Its bad enough if I go to any Trader joes worrying about some 50 something liberal women keying it because its not an electric hubrid prius liberal mobile


Rules one and two faggot. Also our name is Sup Forums don't ever leave out the second slash again.

Sup Forums is hot garbage. Its the least random board on the site. Every day its the same retarded mostly gay porn threads.

i fucking miss 2005

Newfag here. 2014-ish was when I started browsing. The only Sup Forums I've ever known has been boring repetitive shit.

It used to be full of gore and raids. Sup Forums was a beast back in the day.

I'd honestly fuck with your car solely on the basis of how cringey putting that on it would be

You've missed out on old Sup Forums, so much better back in the day. With the raids, hacking and doxxing...
now it's the cancer if Sup Forums.
You're better off here kiddo.
Yes, desu. Even worse, it's all trap shit too and "r8 my cock" threads.

They even do "faces of Sup Forums", breaking anonymity.

So sad.

Hide your power level in public. Be a smart goy and fly under the radar, just as (((they))) do.

we're not a gang that's gonna beat you up for falsely displaying our colors
showing your powerlevel in real life is risky, though. put that on your vehicle and some antifa cunt might take it upon himself to teach a 'fascist' a lesson

You should evaluate what's wrong with your life where you feel the need validation through publically identifying as Sup Forums

It was just kiddie porn back then. It may be boring repetitive shit now but at least I don't feel like I'm playing CP roulette everytime I reloaded the page. b felt like a legit honey pot. Also introduced me to motherless which seems to have also gotten somewhat better.

The moronic idiocy is still alive and well.


>It was just kiddie porn back then

Don't be a revisionist history kike, it was never like that in 2005

Don't display your power level. Always act impartial.