Someone explain it to me?

Someone explain it to me?

You hate Jews because they're massively successful in media control and business right?

But, they only get money because YOU watch their movies and TV shows.

They do not FORCE you to watch their movies. You can bankrupt them anytime if you guys just stopped paying attention to them.

Am I correct here? If not explain why you hate jews so much.

Other urls found in this thread:

Personally I hate them for being foreigners

That looks like that high school musical bitch that fucked up her mouth

Jew hate has a lot to do with jealousy. NEET's and the working class don't want to/can't go to law school or med school to make the big bucks so instead of blaming their own inadequacy they presume the existence of the Goyim Cabal.

Jews are pedophiles.

Talmudism and Judaism should be banned OUTRIGHT.

>You hate Jews because they're massively successful in media control and business right?

Chinese are also guilty of the same things and i hate them for it.

We hate jews because they fuck with us using dirty tricks non-stop. They're slimy rats with no honor that only care about gold and israel. Asian people are almost just as successful as jews but they don't bother us.

They think they are above any criticism because they have the 7 trillion card.

This shit:

I've only met Jews who were poorer than my family growing up. I guess there must be other more evil Jews out there.

Jewish films and shows are the best, they are top notch. Jewish actors are super cool.

Are you retarded? I only use chrome and yt for instance, fb for communication if needed.
I dont spend any money on entertainment and I even genuinly think its boring.

Its not about me, its the masses that keep kikes buisness running.


>Someone explain it to me?

Uses chick from the Partridge Family in post description.....

>But, they only get money because YOU watch their movies and TV shows.

We are watch anime here, and mostly by way of piracy. You are thinking of someone else. Stop posting.

You should probably

just go back

to reddit

because it's really annoying

when you idiots come here and type like this.

Like, I'm all for formatting your paragraphs to be readable,

but I can't fucking stand it when you faggots come here

and hit return twice after everything you write.

So? Idk what the issue is here. They're successful because they're markting a product in demand.

Don't get me wrong I hate the left-leaning media, but it's their business and they aren't forcing anyone to watch.

Great thread, JIDF.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

You are absolutely correct. The only people who are to blame is the viewers. Just like the only people to blame are the drug addicts - the drug dealers have nothing to do with it.

>You hate Jews because they're massively successful in media control and business right?
No, absolutely not.


No because they own the Federal Reserve, a private company that lends out money to the United States at interest. Until the World's Central Banking system is crushed and the criminal Federal Reserve is abolished under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the constitution, they will continue to rule over us.

>They do not FORCE you to watch their movies.

I haven't paid to see a movie in something like 20 years.

No you dumb semite, we hate Jew's because they use their influence and power to push destructive ideologues on the Goyim which will hurt the west in the long term, like multiculturalism, third wave feminism, miscegenation and racial egalitarianism. Jewish dominated Institutions like Hollywood, the mainstream media and academia has been the greatest post modernist force in America for the last 50 years. If Jew's behaved like model minorities like Korean Americans and just focused on shekel making, whilst they keep their noses out of politics and social engineering, we wouldn't have a problem with your kind. But as you know, Jew's just can't help remodeling western civilisation to their image.

Do you think that if everyone on pol stopped watching media, that it would change anything? It would be one less drop in the bucket.

>They're successful because they're markting a product in demand.

Like soma and feelies.

Shit comparison. With that logic nothing should be marketable.


>But, they only get money because YOU watch their movies and TV shows.

Jews are notorious crony capitalists.

Both the posts you responded to went over your head.


Jew hate is an ancient Christian prejudice

They killed Jesus, see, so they hate them for it

It's also very popular amongst stupid people to blame some race or element of society for all of society's ills

>am I correct
No. you're OP is stupid. Okay I won't watch tv (I rarely do). When will the Jews be bankrupt OP... what's that? 'Never', because you're talking shit. Well whoever would have thought it.


The post I have placed went over yours. If blacks used the same logic you'd call them retarded.

>They're successful because they're markting a product in demand.

Drug lords can excuse themselves similarly.

>If blacks used the same logic you'd call them retarded.

Strawman argument. OP, you aren't as smart as you believe.

Holy shit what's wrong with you people and logic

see this


How the fuck am I twisting your words? LMAO people think they're smart without actually knowing what a strawman is.

>implying we buy into it

weak b8

>How the fuck am I twisting your words?

Your inability to grasp this is you limitation, not mine.

inb4 typo

That's... exactly what a shitlib would say. Congratulations on being downgraded to their logic.

>think they're smart without actually knowing what a strawman is.

You are building a strawman by suggesting "If blacks used the same logic you'd call them retarded."

>That's... exactly what a shitlib would say.

I'm no true scotsman.

That's not a strawman. Strawman is when you actually twist someones logic. That's not what I'm doing here, I'm telling you to apply your logic.

Holy shit you people, can you look up your own fallacies?

>Strawman is when you actually twist someones logic.

So you're the one that doesn't know what a strawman is, in reality.


The irony. You legitimately don't know what it means. Am I being trolled here or are you this stupid?

JIDF shilling hard the past couple weeks.
Fuck off kike.

Wiki it, genius.

>A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.[1]

Not kike. Am Capitalist.

I watch what I want to watch ( Game Of Thrones & the orville) for free on the internet.

Because of 9/11 you zionist wanker



That is exactly what I said you moron.

I am not misrepresenting your argument by saying other people can use that logic.

To think you're legitimately that fucking dumb, that you think other people using your logic is fallacious.

From wiki

>The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition


Susan Dey from the Partridge Family


>You hate Jews because they're massively successful in media control and business right?

I don't. Even though there are people like George Soros who are evil Jews in the world (and all over Hollywood), I don't hate Jews in general. It's these sick left wing Jews that are the ruin of western civilization.

>That is exactly what I said you moron.

You said "Strawman is when you actually twist someones logic."

I'm getting weary of your idiocy.

>You hate Jews because they're massively successful in media control and business right?

You wish kike


>The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition

Try to figure out what that means dumbass.

>refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition

This is not twisting anything. It is you inserting a substitutional (and false) argument that "If blacks used the same logic you'd call them retarded" and blasting away at that strawman.



No, that's not a strawman. What's wrong with you. I am not replacing your logic. I'm applying it.

If I were to replace your proposition by saying "you're saying it's ok to rape?" That would be a strawman. If I say "If others used the same logic as you, would they still be correct?" That is not a strawman, that is asking you to validate whether or not your logic is correct when used against you.

>I am not replacing your logic. I'm applying it.

You are "applying" a proposition I never made.

Because I'm making it dumbass. I'm making a proposition that if others used the proposition you made, they'd be stupid. Do you understand now or are you legitimately this slow?

If I was using a strawman I'd be pretending you made a completely different proposition. ME making a proposition isn't a strawman it's how a debate works.

>I'm making a proposition that if others used the proposition you made, they'd be stupid.

You said that I would make that proposition myself. You did not state that that was your own position at all.

I'm tired of you.


>>dirty tricks non-stop

that pic tho

Wow, you're legit. You have no idea how a debate works and don't know wtf a strawman is, it's no surprise you'd excuse yourself once you lost.

Haven't gone to the movies in over a decade

How does pirating shows and movies give the Jew money?
For real. Is there a way they're profiting from my shameless theft of media?
If so I want to stop and find another way to steal gigabytes of media.

What is tribalism.
Check the staff of any ivy league or elite school in the us.
Also literally 9/10 bankers, brokers, etc in NY are Jewish.

>You hate Jews because they're massively successful

Pretty much mailed it.

Someone explain it to me?

You hate Drug Lords because they're massively successful in junkie control and shady business right?

But, they only get money because YOU take their cocaine and meth.

They do not FORCE you to take their drugs. You can bankrupt them anytime if you guys just stopped being addicted to them.

Am I correct here? If not explain why you hate drug lords so much.

Let me see if I understand your shit logic:

Black people say whites are only successful in evil capitalist societies.

Apparently all things can be considered drugs to them. When a white man says, "If you don't like me, why did you buy from me?"

Black guys response "Because you're a drug dealer and its your fault I'm addicted."

Using your shit logic we don't have a marketplace since every commodity is now a drug people are forced to buy from biological addiction.

Shit analogy. Shit logic.


Even though I can read biblical hebrew all right. This is written in such a a cryptic way it could also be about hotgods or laundry.
I'm sure your neonazi source is trustworthy, though.

There's a great sense in banning all the monotheistic religions (don't forget we wrote the first five christian books), but good luck taking god away from people.

I'm sorry OP you need to lurk more. When you have lurked enough you won't be able to watch the shitty propaganda. Not the movies, not the TV, not the adverts and not the radio. Silence is golden. When exposure to these normal forms of media make you rage and dream of righteously slaughtering its producers you will be ready to start threads here. Till then you can fuck right off with the rest of them.

>ultra orthodox
yeah we hate them too
most american jews get circumcised by a doctor because they are not retarded.

You really don't see a problem with one small section of the community having massively disproportionate control over media, finance, government and education?

>Jews ONLY control the media and film industry
This isn't even good bait

I don't hate all Jews. In fact, The Jews as a whole are some pretty okay folks from my estimation. Shit, Sammy Davis Jr. was a Jew convert, and there's STILL no one alive or dead as cool as him.

I hate, rich, powerful Jews like George Soros and Jeff Bezos. That's really all.

>Someone uses his own analogy against him and he calls it shit

I could give a shit..

I just want jews to not always side with refugees... but that is their heritage being the original "refugee"

so they ruin everything because of it

>Uses own analogy against him

No, he made an analogy to my argument. I called his analogy shit.

>damage control

He literally copied what you wrote and changed a few key words.

0/10 OP

That's an analogy you dumbass.

>This level of butthurt
So you are mad because he stole your shit analogy?


Keep trying, I got all morning.

>So you are mad because he stole your shit analogy?

Thinks I made an analogy


>Thinks his pasta is original and not an analogy of previous pasta


Keep going.

>Desperately arguing I'm making an analogy. >Doesn't even know an analogy is not a pasta.

At least you can count backwards though right?

>Full damage control

Keep going