Study: Women just aren't that into the 'marriageable male' anymore


It's time to admit Western women are lost cause.

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All according to plan

We never had chance.

Asians at zero?

Giving women suffrage was the most destructive mistake our grandfathers and father have made.

Already divorced. It sucked.
MGTOW. Unless I get a based Korean chick..

I'm afraid I'd be too weak mentally to handle having my life and kids ripped away from me
Early 30s so I guess I need to bite the bullet eventually

More to do with men who don't feel like being at a some skanks mercy.

I wonder when career feminists will address this issue, or will they keep focusing on the rights of their cunts whilst the family unit, the building block of any stable family, collapses.

The link is not there buddy.

The article is saying that women want to marry guys with stable incomes, and that such guys are becoming rarer due to the economy, therefore women make babies outside of marriage

Also, race isnt given, so it could all be niggers

Plebs need to read the articles before replying to troll threads

Fortunately, I did not have children with her. Just stepchildren.
I was lucky enough to get a clean break, no alimony, just a few debt payments.
Mid 30s.

But that's what they are being taught to want by the Marxist teachers, see

Roastie misinformation detected. The study said the exact opposite.

>But in some parts of the country, the marriageable male is no longer living up to his name, according to a new paper from researchers at the University of Maryland.

>Economics professor Melissa Kearney, the study's co-author, wanted to explore how fracking booms have affected the share of babies born outside of marriage. Historically, bursts of prosperity among blue-collar men have reduced the share of kids born to unwed parents.

>As the theory goes: Women have more drive to marry their child's father if he can contribute to the household. They'd rather not tie the knot with an additional dependent.

>Kearney checked on the romantic progress of men without college degrees in states at the center of the United States' oil and natural gas boom which have seen spikes in employment and wages. She looked at population data from swaths of Texas, Oklahoma, California and Pennsylvania.

>What she found surprised her.

>There was a different response this time, and it's sobering," she said." The commitment to childbearing with marriage in the '70s and '80s is just no longer there."

>Kearney and her co-author, Riley Wilson, calculated that every $1,000 per capita increase in an area's fracking production was linked to an additional six births per 1,000 women. About half of those extra babies, she said, were born to married parents.

>In other words, more money seemed to bring more kids — regardless of the parents' marital status.

>This baby boom wasn't as shocking to Kearney as the unofficial relationships. Babies, she explained, are viewed as "normal goods" — a demand that increases when income increases.

>In the past, however, baby booms from employment surges were restricted to married couples.

>During the 1970s and '80s, for example, surging energy prices during what was known as the Appalachian coal boom brought more work to miners. It fattened the wages of similarly skilled men in southern New York, Mississippi and Kentucky and shook up family formation in those areas. More women got married, and fewer women had kids on their own.

>Seth Sanders, a public policy professor at Duke University who studied Appalachia's marital demographics, put it simply: Times have changed.

>"There has been growing acceptance of having children outside of marriage, especially in the white community," he said. "Appalachia in the '70s and '80s was socially conservative with a high value to marriage."

Bahaha. Women are taking Chad's cock and betas are forced by the end of the gun to pay for it.

>Dad works minimum wage job
>Not able to pay alimony
>Chad fucks around and is more concerned with becoming a rockstar end 30
>Women has to make money
>Child grows up thinking his dad is a loser, his step dad an hedonistic asshole and his mother a traitor
>All three hit their late 60's and need care
>Child gives a shit and lets them rot and die in their own shit
Single mothers are cancer

That's....exactly what he suggested, dickhead

used to be pushover nice guy
started lifting, mma, gained 60lbs muscle, and now i act like an asshole, girls actually ask for fucky sucky and to rub their ducky now
but fuck that, im going to intentionally kill off my genes, sluts dont deserve civilization, let it collapse

There's no reason for a man to get married.

That was conjecture by the author,
, it had nothing to do with the study. And the author said that this was the case for African Americans. The study itself suggest that increases in income stability amongst working class white males didn't affect white women's decision to get married or decrease the rate of single motherhood, as has shown in the recent shale boom.

They will just argue that this is a result of male privilege, because these women are poorly educated and had few chances in their lives and will push the career meme onto them as well.

What the fuck!?
How can the data be this absurd? 72% faithlessness rate, what the actual fuck?!
Why isn't the government paying these people to get sterilized at this point?

It's literally impossible statistically speaking to have a black majority stable area, holy shit. There's no way you can have a stable area when 72% of the kids are fatherless pavement apes just chimping around.

Some men deny marriage though. I know two high-income guys who have done that.

it will eventually go full circle.

Critical theory is over applied in academia. Eventually as feminism becomes the status quo it will be rippled to shreds by ""academics"". This is because the only thing that outweighs agenda pushing is the satisfactory circle jerk of pseudo-intelligence.