Do you feel the tides turning? I feel it in my bones

It feels like some truly great happenings may be imminent. JFK is when shit gets wild I suppose.

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The big happening is on Friday when Trump releases the JFK documents, it's also Hillary birthday. Maybe he wants to release the documents on that day just to mess with her. Kek.

I feel something, but it might be gas.

Please let it be THE happening

Praise Kek
Let there be happenings

Thread theme

No one will be talking about Hillary anymore on Oct 26th. I don't know how Trump timed all of these, from stopping Bush/Clinton dynasties, preventing TPP, and releasing JFK documents.

The Happening is a train that just keeps speeding up.

get ready for Trump to come down with the big reveal

>be Trump
>cockblocked by corrupt CIA
>have evidence that CIA was involved in Vegas shooting
>release JFK files implicating CIA
>public turns on CIA
>1 week later release evidence that CIA was behind Vegas shooting

This one weird trick would buttfuck faggot dem gun grabbers and RINO cucks at the same time

source: my ass, but search your feelings as it makes total sense

Oh fuck yeah

god I fucking love him

hngg yes i want this


I think this is his gameplan to show the World what he's up against. BASED Trump.

Don't forget to tweet/wish Hilldawg a Happy Birthday with this.

Obi-Wan is right, come November the world will be a different place. However I fear the reigns of power are simultaneously being shifted further and further east. Vigilant of China, we must be.


can i get a gestalt

fuck off Jew.

Trump flips the script on the news cycle by revealing /comfy/ news on Fridays. He does it to whitepill his supporters and blackpill his enemies right before everyone is supposed to have a good time.

I have had countless of awesome Friday nights after Trump tweets/leaks some serious shit, so look for him to do the same with JFK.

Keep an eye on China. There’s a reason why we only hear from the MSM that WW3 will either be with North Korea or Russia. It is a distraction to keep you not focused on China.

Also, I’d bet $6.02x10^23 that China pushes communism in the US and Canada, but not for the reason you think. It isn’t because they are communist and want us to be communist too. It is because they know that communism would economically cripple the US while they take the lead and lock in their dominance.

Fuck off. Israel is about ot be exposed big time.

>The declassified documents say Israel had nothing to do with it, nor any "Jew".

I feel it too. I'm doubtful it will begin with the JFK release, but nonetheless something enormous is brewing. And it's close.

I will also send a happy birthday tweet to remind Chealsea that her mom lost, and is a failure

>get ready for Trump to come down with the big reveal

trump would actually first link deep state shitheads to the CIA first:
>McMuffin/Bush1/Bush2/Romney/Obama/Ted Turner

then he’d also mention how the CIA brought crack to black neighborhoods

then he’d link current lefty MSM to the CIA:
>Chink Wigger

just for good measure, he’d rebrand the CIA into 2 parts:
>traitor fuckfaces would be called something like the Creep State
>portion of CIA that actually protects the US would be rebranded back to its original name before it all went to hell (Office of Strategic Services)


Yes, I'm having an uneasy feeling and can't sleep. High chance of a happening soon. Please pray for Trump.


Abraham Zapruder (the Israeli) just happened to be there to document the event.

Jacob Rubenstein permanently silenced the patsy Oswald, before he could ever testify.

The Kennedys wanted to shut down Israel's Nuclear Weapons program.

The JFK film by Oliver Stone which never mentions or even hints at Jews being involved, was financed by a Jew Billionaire.

So many Cohencidences.


You're right about the news cycle. The (((news))) just recycles stories from Friday throughout the weekend. Even after all the craziness going on in the past year they still just go on autopilot and take the weekend off. I think Trump knows this. Anything big released on Fridays will stay in the news all weekend and less counter (((opinion))) pieces are published to control the narrative.