I went to a recent live taping of Colbert's show in the audience

I went to a recent live taping of Colbert's show in the audience.


Is he still funny or did he become anti-Trump for the shekels?

Why did you feel the need to make this shitty board even worse?

did you notice the laugh track when you watched it on tv?
t. guy who saw kimmel live and noticed the laugh track bc no one laughed at his monologue

Did you get pairs of anything?!

Captcha road road

How were the hot dogs?

cool story

Honestly, I think it's for the shekels. Something about his tone makes me feel like he knows how stupid and cheap the applauses are.

They have several people in front of the audience who tells them when to cheer, boo and applaud along with signs. The audience is going off of those signs and people trying to raise the hype.

I had nothing else to do at 5AM

how many LGBTQIWHOMSTVED with blue hair were in the audience?

None that I saw, honestly. Most of them looked like middle aged normies you'd find in a middle class neighborhood.

I feel like I'm missing something here.

>They have several people in front of the audience who tells them when to cheer, boo and applaud along with signs.
Interdasting. So when they clapped at Trump firing Comey, someone signalled them to do so.

so you didn't have anything better to do? I think I would rather nail my own feet to the floor

It's hard to say but they're pretty obnoxious and hard to miss.

They're interesting. Also, New York's fucking dirty. The Big Apple isn't nearly as interesting as I thought it would be.

Did they understand the Trump jokes or was it forced?

You didn't like New York?

Why tho

Did they have a guy work over the crowd between takes?
Who was the guest?

Blonard Blumpf!!!! Was he really pissed off, at times, or was he more mellow?

The jokes really aren't hard to understand. It's mostly "Trump's a dumbass" style of jokes. There's the subtle small laughs that are genuine but whenever you hear the crowd going nuts, those stupid signs are lighting up telling people to cheer/applause.

Why not?

Not a fan. I liked it better than LA/Hollywood though. Fuck Hollywood Blvd, that's where all the SJWs hang out, along with junkies and homeless people.


>The Big Apple isn't nearly as interesting as I thought it would be.
it used to be a lot more fun before disney bought up times square

seriously I don't understand why anyone would go there if they didn't have to,

Andrew Garfield was on it and he was as awkward as I thought he was. There was a band too but I don't remember who they were.

I think one of the producers was talking to the crowd when they took breaks.

He was pretty mellow.

It's a lot dirtier than I thought it was.

I couldn't see myself in a show without heckling obnoxiously, were you not tempted or prepped to not react at all? No clue who Garfield is so guessing show was pretty vanilla anyways.

Did you bring your camera to check out the people with the cheer & boo signs, could they not afford electric signs?

did you find the pizza map handkechiefs?

Thanks for sharing your account.