Were the nazis socialists?

Were the nazis socialists?
Dare I say, NATIONAL Socialists?

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National socialism =/= Marxist socialism.
Equivalence based on words is retard tier.

did you really have to make a whole thread


its just astonishing that there are actual posters on Sup Forums who somehow dont believe that the nazis were leftists. this thread exists to educate retards


retards on Sup Forums is not a contradiction

>> national socialists are not socialist
Burger education at it's finest

Hitler states that the marxists twisted and corrupted the term "socialism",it's not real socialism what they have.
Just read "Mein Kampf" and you'll understand.

>Only my specific brand of socialism is real socialism
How can you not see youre as retarded as all other leftists?

Fun fact - I actually read Mein Kampf - shiet tier book with a page-long sentences. Chaos of thoughts. Very uininteresting and with very little of consequence. 2/10

And yes, socialism is cancer whatever national or international. I don't give a shit if you want to leech on me because of class interest or your genetics or your skin colour - fuck off.

He can't because he overdose on nazi youtube propaganda and Sup Forums redpils. He will get over it in some time and become hardcore communist, I know those types.

Read the real translation w/o filtering and forging

if we're honest. Marx pretty much said the same thing later in life. He said at least once, that he wouldnt call himself a marxist because the people who read him and started calling themselves marxists were doing horrible things in his name that he would never approve of.

>read the book
>no I mean read the REAL book

>Marxism is so shit even Marx wasn't a Marxist

it's still garbage that's as stupid as communist manifesto. I can't understand why people believe in all this leftist crap.

The absolute state of Jews in this thread. Try harder.

Its depivted as gibberish for a reason

this is the thread OP pic related is from

>t. Juden

Yeah I seen you in that other thread JIDF

You could own property in Germany, therefore it was not socialist. Socialism is the abolition of private property and profit.

Say it with me folks







The person who started the political movement, the person who with it rose to power, the person who led a country that followed the movement and the leader who died in the country following the movement literally states that the form of socialism that was in his own country and in his own political party and idea is not the same as other forms of socialism. And we are somehow having a debate on if it is?

> National Socialist German Workers Party

>Workers Party

All signs point to yes. Break the conditioning.

>tfw you realize people saying that nazi germany wasn't socialist is just another example of lefties going 'not real socialism'

they were not (((socialists))). they were socialists. make sense?

That is actually a clarification that is much better than one would expect.

National Socialism was not real Socialism ;^)

Left, right... To quote a modern political genius, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

For the benefit of the city folk: both the commies and the natsocs were authoritarians pushing a big, centralized state. Put whatever label you like on it, but be sure to understand the core issues. Authoritarian, centralized, big state.

>Insert video of "communists" cheering a speech by Hitler.
>That's not real socialism.

Nope. That's communism my friend.

you could say nazis outjewed the jews

Communism is stateless socialism with no hierarchy or money.

In theory

ITT op is a fucking idiot and doesn't know the history of the national socialist party and Hitler's disdain for socialism.. especially Marxist socialism


Right, it's a retarded idea and it will never happen.

>My face when Sup Forums is going through another contrarian circle
So, who are we going to be next year? Minarchists? Nazbols? Greens?

Weren't they fascist?

But of course they are socialists,they were similar, he just did what socialists do: they kill everyone who disagrees with them

>checks flag
yep, asshurt Poland that never managed to achieve fascism and refused to give up Danzig

and let me guess, you're too smart to pick a side?


Communism is owning the means of production aka the stuff

Socialism is owning the fruits of production and distribution of all money. Aka taxation and welfare.

How hard is it?

Additionally.. this isn't what Nazi Germany had going on, now did it?

Retards everywhere

Were the Communists of russia fascist?

of course they were
hitler was leftist
his economy was based on theft, taxation and loans
he was a fucking leftist
but to know that you must read third reich constitution (economical laws especially) but this is too hard from autists from 4 chan
so they are worshiping hitlur like kids who discovered comics with capitam amurica
pic rel
t. it's was not a real socialism

You literally have no idea what you're talking about and lack any understanding of socialism or communism.

Please refer to this post for babbys first into to explanations.

This term isn't useful. "Class" is something that can never be eliminated because I can conjure divisions based on class into existence merely by speaking words.

>the Sup Forums class of internet users
>the leddit class of internet users

>the wholemeal bread class of folk who like toast
>the white bread class of folk who like toast

"Class" is just a verbal tool to forever subdivide groups against one another; keep their attention diverted from what really ails them.

>We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.
>Adolf Hitler

the (((current))) capitalist system.

Aka Jews crashing Germany in to the ground and whoring up German film and media

Which is literally what they co tinier to do here.

We now live in a semi socialist welfare state Jewish banking utopia


Hitler was right

What is your view of Churchill?

>Hitler protected private property rights
>Focused on racial identity, never invited niggers or opened the borders
>Stopped usury , and was against internationalism

>People still think he was leftist

You polish nigger need to read pic related, he could've use any other word that "socialism" in his ideology. He wanted to take the only the name socialism from the marxists/communists, as he felt they ruined the term with their policies, and also used it as bait to attract leftist voters to his meetings, which in turn red pilled them(prior before his win in '33)

Get it now, you dumb faggots?

communism is international socialism
national socialism is what it says a fucking national socialism

how hard it is ?
>Aka taxation and welfare.

gee i wonder what economy program hiltur had
>high taxes
>welfare for germans
they even wanted to give everyone a fucking car
and private owners had huge obstacles for starting a business

>Retards everywhere

Oh, such edgy, not being radical moron is killing white people etc.

>as he felt they ruined the term
They created this term, what are you people taking about? Also III Reich was socialist as fuck.

also pic related

read third Reich Constitution and economical laws retard
it's nothing different from communism

That doesn't constitute "leftist" moron.


They were socialist enough. Unsustainable economy required imperialism to survive

Capitalism is the ONLY economic policy compatible with nationalism

Have you read nothing in my post? He tought that marxists ruined the word "socialism" with their policies.

Also, if the third Reich was socialist in the leftist sense, why didn't Hitler: forbid private property, open the borders to invite all mongols and niggers, abolished racial identity or cultural traditions etc?(pretty much what actual socialist countries did)
He did none of those things. Stop baiting.

Congrats you proved that communism doesn't work

It's a game.

NatSoc was the perfect weapon against (((communism))) and (((capitalism))).

>a rare based leaf appears
this desu
if you make socialism and mix it with nationalism it will need something to feed from because socialism always leech vital powers from people
that's why hitler needed war so badly, to hide sinking economy and show people new "enemy" so he can stay in power

nationalism needs success so it can love from it if you combine capitalism with nationalism then nation will be free and will start buliding their future
and the sight of growing future will fuel them even more

without 60 millions dead

yeah it killed best germans on meaningless war
great wepon

baiting this much gain , you really can't read?

If he was a socailists , then why did he alson killed the strasserists (actual marxists that were socialists that were plotting a coup) from his party once he gained power?pic related

Did national socialist Germany starved its population like Venezuela, or Russia with famines? kek.
you're shitposting, or actually retarded

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class conflict, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the common good and accept political interests as the main priority of economic organization.

>Hitler wanted a world war
>sinking economy
False again, polenigger. You had no reason to keep Danzig. see for how Poalnd fucked up

U should try it before it was edited. Adolf's grammar and syntax was fucking horrendous, not to mention the sentence structuring. And he had help writing it. Piss poor effort for one of the greatest leaders ever.

>thinking gdp means anything
I've got a bridge to sell you, my man. In fact, you might as well commission five or six or fifty since it'll raise your numbers

Nazi Germany was funded on inflation and debt

>>He tought that marxists ruined the word "socialism" with their policies.
So what? Your intentions/ideology do not matter! What matters is the way you want to achive some goals, lets say successful society. It doesn't matter how you will call wealth redistribution or why you will do it, it's still just marxist socialism! Your "perfect" type of socialism(nazism) in practice was economic disaster which lead to war.

>meaningless war
The war was necessary and the opposite of meaningless. Of course it ended with a loss since the enemy showed itself unbeatable, and is still untouchable.

Thanks to Nazism we have environmentalism and abortions

Not an argument. Nazi Germany rose up from inflation and debt, and thrived through the great depression while other countries were affected by it.

>nazis was economic disaster
>led to war

What led to war was your refusal to hand over Danzig, in exchange for railroads and a German alliance against future soviet aggression.

Again, you're falsify calling national socialism "marxist' despite not being one bit like the left. You're only sperging out because Hitler put only the word "socialist" despite having no socialist policies, as i mentioned earlier, if you even read. If he named his ideology differently, you wouldn't comment on it. You're autistic if you think nat soc has anything to do with communism/socialism/marxism .

Also to debunk that nazis were failing economically and wanted war
The basic bullshit we hear:
>debt was driving them to war
>growth was driving them to war
>full employment was driving them to war
>not letting women/jews work was driving them to war
>fascism had a conquest mentality driving them to war
>everyone was insane thus driving them to war
This bullshit reminds me of the "women make 70 cents on a man's dollar" zombie myth that never dies: Debt as a percent of GDP was constantly shrinking (standard keynsean policy effects). Growth existed from 1934 to 1938 and is virtually a straight slope; war didn't slow or speed it up. Women only dropped 10% in the workforce, and Jews were less than 1% of the population, so their loss didn't change anything either. This must be standard bullshit they teach in schools since it never goes away.

>German GDP in Billions of Dollars:

>1938 - 351
>1939 - 384
>1940 - 387
>1941 - 412
>1942 - 417
>1943 - 426
>1944 - 437
>1945 - 310

As far as military spending, Germany barely broke the US threshold of 40% of GDP, the entire duration of the war, and spent LESS THAN THEIR RIVALS in preparation building up to war:

>CHART 9 - spending as percent of Germany GDP:

>1935: 8%
>1936: 13%
>1937: 13%
>1938: 17%
>1939: 23%


>Refuse to give something that is yours
The French and British ceded to Austria and Czechoslovakia, who started the war were the Germans only retarded deny this.
Even more stupid is to say that he had no socialist policies


>links me a bait nigger site in brazilian\
>hasn't read one of my posts in here
I can tell you're a race mixed mutt with an 80 IQ

look at pic related in this post to answer the Danzig situation


or food

They were against abortions.

>Maternal ward at work camp

It was a mixed system, emphasizing some major social programs. But even the private sector economy, things were heavily put in favor of party loyalists.

>did not hate poles
>only killed thousands
Hitler's actions delivered the whole of Eastern Europe to the Soviets
He who decided to take the Romanian monarchy and drag the Romans into war

it's ok to kill babies if they are not Aryan: D


I'm here and proud.

Total hate for capitalism and marxism, the only way out of this mess.

>refusal to hand over Danzig
There's no such thing as danzig. Germs sperged out and destroyed it. Gdańsk was, is and will be Polish, fuck off already with your autism and delusions.

>ou're only sperging out because Hitler put only the word "socialist" despite having no socialist policies
I do not care about word or ideology. I care what it leads to and it leads to socialism and war.

>be nat soc
>get broke
>start a war
Nazis were a good boyz dey dindu nuffin...

Romanians willingly joined the Axis due to the threat of Soviet Russia invading, stop bullshitting.

Have you even read that whole image? that was before ethnic germans were abused in Danzig .

Also, if he really wanted to exterminate the poles, why did he still praised them and wanted them to integrate in '44 after the war? pic related

People have different strengths and weaknesses. I wouldn't expect someone who edits books for a living to make a worthwhile leader but you seem to be implying the opposite.

You have no idea what an argument is. Also the claim that German citizens didn't suffer from huge inflation is factually wrong.

Oh look another crypto commie faggot that doesn't understand inflation going for le GDP meme again. Deficit spending is not sustainable.

In the 30s the reich was financed by fucking 90 day loans lmfao

>Poles love Hitler
I do not even need to answer this

If they did not enter the war they would not be invaded by the Soviets

now you're just shitposting. i've shown you proof on how Germany never wanted war, wasn't economically broke, wasn't marxist/socialist, and you're still in denial like a dumb white nigger.

You haven't debunked any of my posts that shatter you narrative. You're just an asshurt pole that's too stupid to practice fascism .

And to end this, Danzig was part of Germany and full of ethnic germans that wanted reunification with Germany.

hang yourself

where did i say that poles love Hitler, you fucking monkey?

Soviets were planing on invading Poland for a long time. Had poles given up Danzig in '39, they would've been allied with Germany, instead they refused every offer and went hostile on germans.

Brazilian IQ everybody.

Oppressed minority
Who uses this term? It makes me think.

If that happened the Allies would help the Poles as they helped Greece or do you think the Allies agreed with Communism? the axis that forced this accursed alliance with the USSR

>baiting this hard
That's why England abandoned Poland to the communists after the war ended in '45? kek

Poland was just used to declare war on Germany.

Hitler was always planing to oppose Russia, but due to Poland refusing his offers and getting aggressive, he forced a temporary pact. Funny how England and France only declared war on Germany, not Russia as well...

Bait harder, you nigger


you're such a pathetic retard it's sad. I do NOT care about ideology. Call it whatever you want to.
If they didn't want war, why did they start it? Your story just doesn't make sense

ww2 is just a story about germs being germs. There's nothing that leftist hates more than a little bit different leftist.

They didn't start no war, faggot.
England and France declared war on Germany.

Are you really a dumv wigger? that didn't read my posts at all?

Nationalism and socialism are both liberal ideologies.

Americans, beig the dumb ugly mutts that they are, think that socialism/leftism and progressivism are the same. There is nothing wrong wanting to redistribute wealth among your ethnic folk, as long as businesses can thrive and there is room for going up and down the economic ladder. Nationsal socialism is left-wing, isolationary, and traditional. The very definiton of Fascist.

The left-right scale describes econmic policy, not social policy as americucks always think. Btw the UK is more capatlists, therefore right-wing, than the USA, and you can’t use the NHS reason anymore to counter-argue this as the USA has a national healthcare too. We have lower corporation and personal income tax compared to most US states.

No that’s communism you Ameimutt-negro-lover. Socialism is the significanr redistribution of wealth and the existence of public services, which nazi Germany had plenty of.