Be american

>be american
>speaking ill of israel is illegal
>be hungarian
>get mail from the government naming the jew

Other urls found in this thread:

isn’t soros hungarian?

lmao, no he is a jew, a rootless wanderer

what does it say OP? translate pls

Must be nice to live in a country that actually acknowledges the cultural war that's going on.

>you recognize this piece of shit? is a filthy kike



>born in budapest, HUNGARY
yeah, disregard OP. probably jew as well

National consultation about the Soros-plan
Don't stay silent about it

>>be american
>>speaking ill of israel is illegal
Is this part actually true?
We passed a law in UK not long ago where it is 'illegal to mention, discuss or otherwise entertain the idea of a zionist conspiracy centered around Isreal or the jewish people'.
Didn't know USA did it as well, I mean, we all know how the situation is, but is it actually LAW there like it is here?

If not us, who will oppose our jews?

Lol now it is.


your country spawned satan himself...not sure if i can trust you at all. yes yes. muh israel etc.
but still, forever hungary will be known as the birthplace of soros

>Didn't know USA did it as well, I mean, we all know how the situation is, but is it actually LAW there like it is here?
Yes dipshit christcucks will do ANYTHING for muh God's Chosen.

Ok, so now a Jewissh man born in Hungary makes him ethnically Hungarian? I guess London is 109% British english then

eyo boznegs can I get a quick rundown on what your official madman has been saying today? I think there was a stream or something?

>Being born in a country makes you that ethnicity
Wew lad

Businesses may be denied certain tax benefits if they boycott Israel or do business with countries that do so. You're still free to say that every single bloodsucking kike parasite should be put on their knees and shot in the back of the head. For now.

Full survey:
1. Soros György wants to get Brussel to import at least 1000000 migrants a year from the Middle-East and Africa to the European Union, including Hungary. Do you support this Y/N
2. Soros György, together with Brussel leaders wants to get Hungary to remove the border fence and open the borders to migrants. Do you support this Y/N
3. The Soros-plan includes getting Brussel to distribute the migrants accumulated in West-Europe, especially to East-Europe. This includes Hungary. Do you support this Y/N
4. Based on the Soros-plan, Brussel wants to oblige every member state, including Hungary, to pay each migrant 9million forints [34000usd] of welfare. Do you support this Y/N
5. Soros György also wants migrants to get more lenient criminal punishment than natives. Do you support this Y/N
6. The goal of the Soros-plan is to have the european nations' culture and language pushed back in order to integrate the migrants sooner. Do you support this Y/N
7. Part of the Soros-plan is launching a political attack against the countries rejecting immigration and strike them with sanctions. Do you support this Y/N

literally third reich tier

We are working on it also be known as his deathplace. Besides, we tried to gas him back then but you took him in

fucking based hungary
can i move to you guys?

I'm still undecided as to these guys tbqh. Like, when their subhumans flood europe it's A-ok, now it's different though.
Never mind fucking poland who was accepting niggers straight from africa 10 years before anyone else, what are these guys about


no OP is retarded