Why don't presidents fight the war?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

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those "poor" volunteer.
welcome to reality.

and no, system of a down is not ok to listen to.
they legit fucking suck.

Ask this people.

Which countries?

Why do the rich want to kill the poor? Then the rich would become poor

I wouldn't even call it volunteering, when they are poor and unskilled and have been brainwashed by the education system and media to think that joining the military is a good thing. I call it getting conned.

Its in quotes does that mean that cnn is implying it is actually a banana ?


God what a shitty song

>President fights in war
>No more president
gg no re

Trying to figure that out also.


>poorfags volunteer to join the military for the gibs
>get sent to a third world shithole and forced to fight that country's poorfags for our amusement

Selective Service is not on a volunteer basis, it is mandatory.

Except it's literally
>"And we don't live in a fascist nation!"

There has not been a draft since VietNam.

Currently taking my morning shut before I have to go to the job I volunteered for.

I don't want the president fighting my what's, that's not what I elected him to do.

does the meme war count?
if so then isn't Donnie like G. Wash crossing the Deleware river?

It all turned out good though, everyone loves Bush now

have a good day famalam

You should be a rapper

Wow, CNN, transphobic much

>if so get bent you faggot.


Is there a force in the universe that can match Köksal Baba’s unbridled rage?

when part time dentists meet the "english" "national" "team"

Because Russia would rule the world. Or maybe the Philippines.

He is even worse than a Jew. He is--may Allah forgive me for uttering this word--an Armenian.

The American education system is very anti-military.

Exactly, not everyone sent to fight wars volunteered even as recently as a war your father probably had to sweat getting drafted for.

Cnn itself doesnt know what it is implying.
Because they are "important" and also incompetent.
Back in the good ol days the person leading the war was leading the armies. Now people that lead armies are 70 year old men with cash who need more cash.


Active duty enlisted here.

The military pays for so much of your shit(and will continue to do so for the rest of your life) you have to either have the responsibility of a 10 year old or 10 kids all with different mothers to actually be poor. I went to basic training with

>wearing underwear
wow I didnt know marines were such faggots lmao

speak for your self nigger, my pres is based as fuck.

yeah so based removing the philapinos

drug pushers like pic related need to die to make room for Isis ain't that right based duterte

shud the fug up :--D

Get in here:
Actual evidence of exploitation of children in Hollywood.
Brooke Shields done a nude photoshoot for Playboy when she was TEN years old. Photos regarded as legal despite being blatant CP.

How is that markup value treating you guys ?

Collectivization was a policy of forced consolidation of individual peasant households into collective farms called “kolkhozes” as carried out by the Soviet government in the late 1920's - early 1930's.


Implying there's a difference

because the killing of the richest would be a constant
chaos for a President