Why are Americans okay with living in an oligarchy?

Why are Americans okay with living in an oligarchy?

they think dying in poverty is the pinnacle of freedomz.

>4 consecutive days of in 4 years
i haven't had more than a weekend off in about 20.

Because literally every society in the world is a fucking oligarchy. Try to find at least one country where there is none, faggot

Why are Germans ok with Jews running their country?

Because they are nothing more than conditioned Jewish slaves

How is your foreskin friend?

What a fulfilling existence you must lead

>I don't blame wallstreet


How does the UK feel about Jews running their country?

how much can one man suck so much that he works that hard and still has a shitty life?

>former marine
>no health insurance
this is wrong tho, this is a lie, this guy is not a marine.
you literally get free medical care for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

>tfw everyday is a weekend
you wageslaves are the biggest cucks of them all

not necessarily free because you earned it but still

there's nothing honorable about that you fucking simpleton


wait another thing, the GI bill covers about 3 years or more worth of college depending on where you go.. wtf is he doing paying it off for so long.. also why didn't he just join the Mil Industry.. what the fuck is going on in this


Burgers really are the perfect goys


'murica must be a hellhole to live in

How do the Swiss feel about Jews running their country?

hes a liar. im a veteran and i have healthcare for life. Also i got my schooling with the GI bill. both these benefits are part of the pay you get for serving so hes a liberal shill.

HAHAHAHA says the fucking burger...

It's like pottery

Its not an oligarchy its a democracy. Far worse.

only thing switzerland has is those jew banks.

Yup, this is more widespread than you think

We're slowly going back to Feudalism, only a matter of time before the banks make us their bitch niggas

((THEY)) made the worker bee feel proud about hard work

((THEY)) made the worker bee believe that; big work = big money

braindead worker bee dont know otherwise and THANK God for that.

otherwise who would run the world? Oompa Lompas?

So you're ashamed. Is it illegal in your country to talk bad about them?

dishonorable discharge

It warms my heart to know we still let retards have jobs.

how about Iceland

that same retard could probably earn same money per months if he applied for autism bucks, rented out his house and lived in a trailer and did nothing ALL DAY LONG

Are you retarded? Why would it be illegal to talk about them?

Who did you molest Paco?

It's pretty easy to see the seams in democracy when you talk to more than a few "average" voters. People are dumb.

Back before Trump I used to tell people I wouldn't vote if my choices were Jeb and Hillary, if only out of principle because it would mean that with the exception of the Obama administration there'd been a Bush or Clinton in the white house since fucking 1980. It worried me that most people didn't think that was a big deal.

Nice mem flag leftpol.

So you don't have an opinion on the jews that run your country. Well let those without Jews cast the first stone in the future then, medpack.

All I'm reading is how completely useless college education is. Dude works his ass off for 8 years to pay for it, then still has to get 2 jobs.

>how completely useless college education

depends on the course you chose. it applies to all countries

Because Japan is leaving us in the dust


Americans are thick-headed, uncreative, brainwashed sheep. Most of the "people" who have this mentality are nords or irish. It seems that Roman occupation/feudalism/christianity domesticated them a bit too much for their own good. They now have a suicidal urge to work themselves to death for their corporate masters for pennies on the dollar and rub it in everyone else's face like it's a good thing.

You literally just described Germany. Well done.

Germans at least get payed well for working hard.

A real country

When and if I am made supreme dictator of the west, people like pic related exterminated in the mass purge of good goys. If your survival instincts are that broken, you don't have a right to exist.

technically isnt he brain-dead? maybe when you are supreme deictator you should put such people on disabilty pension while keeping them under lock-down for their own safety

Yes!!!! Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.

Guy doesn’t NEED health insurance. He is young. His most likely illness is stub toe. And if he should get cancer or something he has VA benefits.

Do you have a single fact to back that up? If you like it then maybe you should move there. I hear the beaches are nice this time of year

Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.

America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.

How does the other Sweden feel about Jews controlling their country? Is it the same as the medpack or are you chicken shit like the other 2 foreigners who didn't have the guts to respond?

They don't want oligarchy but a lot of these fools think the left is against oligarchy. They need to learn economics.

LARPer spotted.
With GI Bills, VA benefits and military experience, he could easily get educated or get a decent paying job.
Unless of course he was dishonorably discharged.

>former marine
>pay for college
LARPer detected!

Hillary Clinton was the oligarchs' preferred choice, and Americans rejected her, showing democracy works and that money can't buy elections.


What about the GI BIll? What about the VA? Something tells me he fucked up bad to not receive either of those things.

maybe he turned full LGBT anti-war while his base was being raided

This man might want to consider being more effective at his job. I like his attitude and work ethic but gods man WTF are you doing that you can't take a day off?

Productivity>>>>>>Hard Work

Every fucking time bitches

>former marine
>2 jobs
>pay for college
>no health insurance
ya ok. report sage hide

oh, that makes sense,actually.

freedom creates disparity
freedom trumps equality
kill yourself you commie faggot

Does all that just to go into debt. Get your class A and make bank.

I was thinking the same thing. Where the fuck do you work where you could get 4 days off in a row?

t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire

Same reason you are I guess

Stockholm syndrome.

It's just poor management of funds. I own a home in a small town that I rent out to pay off the mortgage. I have funds saved up to mitigate any damages on the home while I'm not living there.

I put money into an emergency fund as well as a few retirement funds. I invested in tools so I can fix my own shit when it breaks.

Most people just piss through funds keeping up with trends, and that's actually a luxury that's relatively new in human civilization.

People are just fucking retarded and we don't enforce proper values in our societies because we just don't care any more. Sad.

>united states of wageslavery

The engine of your impending social and cultural collapse is unrestrained capitalism.
All your people here focus on and rage about symptoms, instead of understanding the roots.

> Because literally every society in the world is a fucking oligarchy. Try to find at least one country where there is none, faggot

metric shittons of jobs are stuff like work 14 days straight get 4 days off. From police to coal miners.

Are you retarded? Capitalism doesn't necessitate spreading Islam and niggers throughout your society whatsoever.

Oh but it does. Capitalist elite wants an "open" world. Open world means everyone can go wherever they want.
Furthermore, immigrants are consumers. Even if they don't produce shit, and live off social aid, they still consume.
They also provide cheap workforce, which has the bonus effect of driving wages down in general.

>i am the 53%
Yes Jamal we know

>Are you retarded? Capitalism doesn't necessitate spreading Islam and niggers throughout your society whatsoever.
What makes you think this?

Cheap labour and ideology that keeps masses dumb - that's what any Capitalist wants.

it would be great, if only they would downplay politics. i really don't want to hear about policy shit or activist shit.

There's another aspect here: destruction and replacement of high culture with mass culture.

Can someone explain to me why this guy is proud that he works two jobs, doesn't have healthcare insurance and hasn't had 4 consecutive days off in 4 years?

I would feel pretty gypped if that was me, but this guy is acting like everyone should be like him? Wut?

like you have something against oligarchy

Because most of the world doesn't have mummy may or Adolf Merkel handing them a cushy life on the backs of others

>i am the 53%
sorry but it's 52% now...

Brainwashing. If you grow up learning that every other country is a communist hellhole (except for Israel of course) you think you're living the dream. It's like North Korea in a way.

>There's another aspect here: destruction and replacement of high culture with mass culture.
What high culture? Pre-WWII it didn't exist, not for masses. And the culture elite had wasn't particularly impressive - we've simply cherry-picked the best out of it.

>Capitalist elite wants an "open" world
Technically, no. They want it "open" only when it benefits them.

Now we heading into the era of rabid Nationalism (since there are no new markets, not after the 1991), when elites of different nations try to keep their markets to themselves.

He could have been dishonorably discharged, but then no one should give a fuck.

so having a week or two off and only working one job is now a 'cushy' life?

They all are, look how they voted for a "billionaire" half kike and fell for his bs. pathetic

How he fucked up paying for college with GI Bill if he is former 'muhreen? He must have been fucked by green weenie for something if he had to work two minimum wage jobs to pay for college.

don't Marines have access to the GI Bill?

Congratulations you have passed American High School

tv & reality don't mix. they will learn it the hard way when the dollar goes down. Burgerland will become a dystopian end times hellhole

There are only 2 types of government: monarchy and oligarchy.

Communism, socialism, and (((democracy))) are just different kinds of oligarchy.

Yes if you can't afford to do so


yes, they do.
i dont know what the fuck this pic is.
probably propaganda.

what the fuck is wrong with Americans

That's just the tip of the iceberg Hans

>they speak about nationalism, cultural heritage, blood and soil
>they support globalism (by supporting capitalism and the deregulation of the market), which is destroying national identities, cultural heritages, borders and sovereignty of all western countries.

this guy is a moron.

wtf....how the fuck can you take a year and a half off from work...and be paid...wtf

It's not about affording it, they aren't allowed because boss man says no.

Stupid holiday yank

We all live in an oligarchy mein friend