since soros dumped 18 billion into the open society foundation i have noticed a YUGE uptick in divide and conquer threads

here are some red flags

>lol america is cucked *posts le 52% face*
americas demographics is an issue for us,nothing we dont know,these threads are designed to turn us against the Americans when we need brotherly unity,many posters of these threads are under a union jack which turns americans against brits

>are IE italians white?
if you are European you are one of the boys,even Romanian or even...*spits* the french

>hey guys lets look at this old pic of muslims in X country and laugh
this tactic is designed to demoralise X country posters and make them leave pol like we did with most of the indians IE POO etc.

Be on guard for these and other divide and conquer shills,its in their interest that the pol hivemind attacks each other,the more we are slagging each other off the less time we are focusing on vegas and pedowood.

focus on nailing dan Schneider to a cross,not arguing with a meme flag whom is saying white people aint white.

we are all cucked to varying degrees by various ethnicity groups,we have a paki problem,the dutch and krauts have a turk problem,america has a nigger and spic problem,sweden has a somalli problem and the french have a french problem.

focus on pulling each other out of the quick sand rather than boasting whos sunk the least eh?

Nice proxy 52% Amerinigger


british hate thread?
british hate thread.

Are East Slavs, Albanians, Portugese, Greeks and Bosnians white as well?

hi open society! is soros feeling well?

Fuck off Achmed

You're not White and never will be

~The Media too, notice how all ads that have couples are black man and white woman, not like 60% or 70%, like 99%

And how the white man is cucked, fat stupid, odd looking hipster and the black is alpha?

like in all adverts, or the womans is in control and the man is the butt of ALL jokes, like every single time?

show your flag pajeet

Does anyone have link to the leaked Soros emails? DC Leaks website is shut down and I cant find it anywhere else.

The absolute state of Shareblue lmao
Whatup Niggers.

Also friendly bump.

surely an user has the files stored?


t. Achmed and Mohammad

Fucking dirty sandniggers get off Sup Forums

>>lol america is cucked *posts le 52% face*
Wtf ive noticed this too. In the last two days there has been a huge spike in "le 52% face meme". Extremely suspicious

Whatever you say Goymany cuck


Just a note, don't get your panties struck up in a bunch. I shit on every possible country to have a laugh every now and then, it doesn't mean I hate you.

Excellent thread OP

soros i sconnected to semion mogilevich, the same jewish mobster behind Putin

the 52% meme is stale as fuck,suddenly a massive surge of OC was created and now its constant

very suspicious.

>are IE italians white?
they aren't, though

Thank you,britania.

If push comes to shove i'll be glad to die by your side fighting jewish funded commie scum.


They just performed raids on the Australian Workers Union due to ties with GetUp! and the Australian Labor Party. I've read articles that say Soros has given financial support to GetUp! so that may be the link we find between him an the Labor Party. I want the primary source though...

Are russians white?

>Nazi larping meme flag

Easy to hide some Negro Bush Country behind a Swastika, Cuck. Quit larping and kys, just a humble request.

Go fuck a Dog, you pretentious bastard.

you got a touch of mongolian but if the finns are white so are you

no more brother wars

Depends from where in Russia you are my man.

>divide and conquer
>implying we can make an alliance with non-whites
>implying over 50% of the nations (((they))) label as white are actually white and would not be used as mere infiltrators if we let them into our movement (ie. moortalians, s*rbs, albozergs, etc)

DC Leaks has been absorbed by Wikileaks.

bullying countries that are being replaced with third worlders is a good thing-this includes america.

Oh right I forgot swastikas are illegal in your cuckold country

Go pull your dick to more scat porn you degenerate subhuman

That pic is revenge for swecuck meme. This is what happens when forcing your way on based Sven.

greece and italy built the foundation stone for western civilization,if it was not for them we would never even have an ivory tower to lose in the first place

Reported to the BKA for posting on a hate speech website


I never thought they would react like this, its not even that good of a meme, but the reactions from the yanks is fucking priceless.

>implying we can't make an alliance with non-whites

Either new af or Stormnigger.
Purity spiraling is absolutly pointless and any help to preserve whites and the west should be accepted.
>inb4 muh racemixing
If you equalise working together with non-whites with allowing them to fuck your wife, then I suggest you take your cuck fantasies somewhere else.

a fucking leaf...

Ancient Greeks =/= Greeks
Ancient Romans =/= Italians

>goycuck civic nationalist
Hello NeoFAG

Le 52% face

you know hes a nazi larper when he doesnt even know that the nazis had black and oritental and arab SS soldiers

Rich coming from the Country where you can get jailed for misgendering but are legally allowed to fuck Dogs.
No offense, but you're not really in the position to make fun about anyone famalam.

Am I on Heinos Blacklist now?

This is what 18 billion buys you nowadays?

This one is my favorite.

>He doesnt know the Nazis had black soldiers in their army
>He doesnt know Nazis where basically CivNats whilst still preserving their own Race


*spits* fag

t. civnat reddit cuckold scatnigger

At least White history is allowed here, you can get arrested fot viewing a 10 pixel by 10 pixel flag of your own swastika


french man detected

Are you unironically implying that Greeks and Italians should be concidered Non-White?
Have you ever been to Italy or Greece?

>le epic nazis loved to suck BASED BLACK MEN cock just like me!!!!!!!!!

Unironically end yourself and clean up the gene pool, oh wait the closest a cuckold like you will get to breeding is watching your wife get a train ran on her by """""refugees""""""

>OP calls out shills
>attacked with alacrity by (((leaf)) and memeflag posters

Nothing to see here Sup Forums

>Canadians and memeflags
90% sure you are non white shitskins


I noticed that too, but it also gives me hope as all the threads are so demented and downright stupid the Left look more hideous and unvoteable each day.

How's that no gun thing working out you abbo shitstain?

Fucking cuck. A nation of cucks. Giving up your guns. You're not white. Spineless abbo faggot.
Don't you have a toilet to be cleaning out right now you 3rd world slavshit? Slavs aren't white.


Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

>even.... *spits* the french
>the french have a french problem.

I like this bong!

>3rd world slavshit? Slavs aren't white.
I am neither Pranjeep. Check your flags better

Says the country that gave us such treasured white culture as GGG and scat porn. Based Germany!

gj user
bumping for awareness

Your country is so irrelevant I don't even know it and could care less

You're still not White btw

Either British media is even worse than I suspected or you're falling for confirmation bias.

Yes, I have, and with the exception of the north, Italy is completely shit.
Literally Mexico-tier people.

Greece is in its entirety, similar to the south of Italy, except they're even lazier.

Also, except for a small chunk of their populations, they don't even look white.

It's like you're trying to make pasta?

I'm French actually. Why am I responding to a leaf anyway

>Monaco is Slavic

Brainlet holy shit kek

t. Goymany cucklet

Go polish another nigger knob

I do not think you and I visited the same places. Haven't been to Greece to be honest, but a lot of my family has.
Italy on the other hand is pretty damn white if you ask me.
They are still in Europe and part of the european culture. What the fuck are you planning to do?
>No, birthplaces of Ancient Greece and Rome, you're no longer white so we don't care about you

With that kinda attitude white nationalism will be confined to the fucking Faroer Islands.

thanks for bumping an awareness thread, shill

You're not White


Can a janitor or mod make up a sticky post not unlike the old logical fallicies one we used to have, but with a list of common slide threads from today? Can a janitor or mod also just start autobanning by imagehash on terrible shill memes, not the ironic knockoffs mind you. High quality content rule or whatever, just FUCK. These niggers are fucking faggots. I see it too OP. It seemed like they had their budget cut after the election as a punishment perhaps an now they have many payroll hours to spend again.

>Germany isnt white
Now you're getting desperate.

>talks about sliding threads unironically
>ironically is a slide thread


>18 billion will only buy you a few shill threads on Sup Forums

user I... also pic related

>claims to be against shills & degenerates
>posts degenerate image that has no basis in white culture
this board is 90% bluepilled shills shilling shills, who eventually leave their job redpilled, and who Soros, kikes, jws, & the police target next year as a 'problem culture on the net' that has to be defiled with shillposting. its an endless cycle, that can't be cured until net anonymity is ended

it buys you a few 1000 SJWs learning chan speak and finding our weaknesses and using our flags to turn us against each other

not only on pol but twitter and fb

expect a shit load of swede posters saying there is nothing wrong with cuckoldry

It's the feminists who work in media and advertising

They have been brainwashed at University and are now implementing their Western hate


If an Italian and a Frenchman are white, so are many so-called "spics" of pure European ancestry.

My mum is from Spain ( Córdoba) and dad's parents from Galicia and Schwaben.

11 000 000 in Mexico alone - twice the population of Norway. Are you going to waste them?

spics are mixed with aztecs

white hispanics are fine,metizos are not.

>a YUGE uptick in Kremlin divide and conquer threads
>misdirect blame to the jew/liberal {{{ Soros }}}
Nice try comrade!

it matters not the source,only we are aware of it and dont let it affect us

kremlin,soros the man on the moon push back against all of it

The stuff is all shills; but a bit is just bants
I always liked the maymay though, it looks funny

My son is a meme now.

I'm seeing it too, and I'm sure most others do as well. It's ridiculous how many do get baited, because those shills threads should be DOA but seem to get responses. I think it's also that those replying don't understand the damage they're doing. But in the end they quickly die of because the OP has moved on to shill elsewhere and the conversations usually fizzle.

On a side note, I can't imagine how disgusting those people must people. They surely are poorfags earning below minimum wage, probably extremely obese, smelly, and overall generally stupid. They would be a lot more effective if their leadership wasn't so out of touch, because you cant rely on the shill farms to provide any thought into what they're doing.

Ok mate


jesus hurry and get them mixed with niggers already

It's worse than you think. It's fucking constant


nonstop shilling and division posts, started maybe a week or two ago.

Notice the uptick in the term 'get glassed' or some variation of it? I know it's not exactly a new term, but I've seen it 50+ times per day, when I might have previously seen it once per 50 threads.

Its being going on with the blaming T_D for shit. Don't get me wrong, they can be dumb as fuck, but they're useful autists

America, you are based 52% and managed to elect a non-cucked Pres, just get the fug out of my country with your bases god damn.

Not till you're nazis again

You niggers get all kinds of welfare here in Germany, yet you still voted King Nigger Erdocunt.

fucking roaches man

If you want actual discussion/information go to 8pol. This place is filled with reddditors, crappy memes and dividing threads.
