Why do colored people commit so many crimes compared to everyone else?

Why do colored people commit so many crimes compared to everyone else?

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Because the mostly act like an animal, not like a human being. They never progressed fully in their form of evolution.

Their poverty is a catalyst but if they really wanted to they could get out of it

There's a white guy in the picture too dumb fuck. Are you saying he's an animal too?

Well i mean they are 94% of the population


>implying whites don't act like niggers compared to Asians and Jews

why don't whites kill themselves while they're at it if they care about the crime rate so much

Bluepill- they are niggers/wetbacks/etc and they are just animals and act so.

Redpill- poverty, prejudice judicial systems, falsely accused/set up, etc.

He's a slavic jew, fuck him

That's how they are taught by their society to deal with conflict. Need money? Steal some shit. Someone was mean to you? Stab them. Wife won't listen to you? Punch her in the face repeatedly.b Things aren't going your way? Blame someone else, then shoot them. Then, make sure that you glorify all of these actions in your culture to ensure that those who come after you follow in your footsteps.

They are literally their own worst enemy.

That's the point. Only 1 out of 27 isn't a colored person.

well he does play niggerball

imagine having a high intellect and surviving in africa

you dont need it for anything really, you dont need to prepare for winter, you just need to chuck spears at the nearest living thing

so you sit there all day, with your brain overactive on stupid bullshit, under the fucking blazing heat, with your head producing more heat, wasting copius amounts of energy on something that is completely useless, thinking

so you're more likely to die of starvation and hunger

this is why niggers are stupid, in africa, they dont need to be smart

also our welfare programs havent helped since they already had a low IQ and were susceptible to taking "advantage" of it and using it to their own detriment, the lowest IQ niggers reproducing the most because they fuck first, ask questions later, and all of its paid by taxpayers


Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.

GINI coefficient is better still.

>1 million whites
>80 thousand asians
>jews aren't mentioned at all and it's well known that they get lumped in with whites on certain stats
>also no source
If you were to open a textbook that had the definition of inherent bias in it, this excel graph would be displayed. And you can't even get past 1.1 per capita with us despite your best efforts to make us look bad. Sad!

Was this chart made by a nigger, too?

It's genetic.

They are naturally more violent/stupid. Hence why whites are justifiably racist.


It's a complex of things, but the most salient are a lack of long term thinking (higher impulsivity) and poor self control. These are also traits that cause poverty.


Nice try, Tyrone.

Almost 0% of convicted criminals are innocent. The reason it's noteworthy when someone is exonerated is because it's uncommon. It's not uncommon due to a lack of trying: unimaginable resources and time are spent every year--every day--on an appeals system.


>cherry picking when it's obvious whites commit crimes much more compared to other superior races

lel pathetic