Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this.

lets just all make everyone earn the same wages, not value scarcity and work ethic at all and make everyone poor as fuck and starve to death because of some emotional fallacy someone has haha

You should support the national socialism, then

I mean just look at that fat guy wearing a top hat. He drinks a lot of milk.




GOMAD will cost you. But it's worth it.


Median wage worker is in the top 1% of the world's economy, minimum wage worker is top 2%. Their success is owed partially to CEO guy who created the opportunities and products that made their lifestyles possible.

Stop bitching, the majority of the world will always be poor yet you are lucky enough to have what you have.

Capitalism/Communism are both Jewish ideologys designed to enslave nations were the pursuit of material wealth is the driving force

>Rise up against the rich 1%ers goys and I'll give you all a slice of the cake *handrub*

>The Dream is about striking it rich Goy! Its a rat race, trample over your fellow man to get ahead! I'll throw you some shekels in the meantime *handrub*

NatSoc was the antidote to this Jewish poison, your goal should be about enriching your race/country as a united group of people working together, not against one another.

You know that we already hate the Jews and want them removed from society, right?

Cleaners and checkout assistants don't generate wealth

Why does the lefties always think that the revenue thst the CEOs make goes straight to their pockets? I don't like Capitalism but thst mindset is plain retarded.

>Suit and tie
Wew lad

>lets just all make everyone earn the same wages
The very first post is a meltdown. Adorable.

>You should support the national socialism, then
Economically, Nazies were neo-liberals, like Reagan.

Are you admitting Sup Forums being a safe space?

>drinking milk
Enjoy your estrogen.




Why would i defend that?



We won't "defend this". But we will say that many of the (((ones)) who are pushing against it have their own nefarious agenda that will turn out just as badly (if not worse) for everyone else.

>[shitposts violently]

Milk is not a right, it's a privilege.

If everyone got the same amount of wages, no one would be a sewer worker.

>Why does the lefties always think that the revenue thst the CEOs make goes straight to their pockets? I don't like Capitalism but thst mindset is plain retarded.
Why don't right-wingers try reading books?

Left consists out of Communists and Anarchists. Anarchists are either AnCap or crypto-Communists. And Communism is not about the amount of wages, it's about the market economy that we want to abolish.

The problem is that market exchange makes a mess out of industrial economy.

>Economically, Nazies were neo-liberals,

Economically Nazis were socialist who gradually went to almost full communism during the war.

Post more good shit.

Let's blame the CEO that created the jobs for the other two, and not the government who established the pay scale in the first place.


>16hr is middle class


> is told Communists do not suggest equal wages
> keeps talking about equal wages
And then people wonder why they are being called retards.

>People are earning exactly how much they're worth.
Nothing to see here.

>Economically Nazis were socialist who gradually went to almost full communism during the war.
You are lying. You are also hideously uneducated, since you clearly don't know what "full communism" means.


>CEO that created the jobs
Shouldn't it be the _investor_ who generously allowed CEO to use his money to create jobs?

I look like the guy on the left, and I make 27$/hr, working in maintenance.

Also, this post assumes every CEO is making 38 million a year.. which is a little optimistic to say the least.

>The problem is that market exchange makes a mess out of industrial economy.

Market exchange is the only remotely viable way to maintain industrial economy, as every leftie attempt to abolish markets confirmed. Unless you got an AI powered by undead ghost of Marx or some shit in your basement, central planning cannot be even made to work in theory, disregarding inevitable corruption and self interest, as soon as the number of things whose production has to be planned crosses 1/50th of the components that a modern society needs moving around. USSR only survived as long as it did because of shadow markets existing on every level of society, from households to ministries.

>taco bell workers

>tfw 29 years old and working at some jerkoff call center as a contractor for $16/hr

Shoot me lol

lefties still live in 1875 xD


National socialism is the only ideology that recognized that there are two forms of aggression: Vertical and Horizontal.

Vertical is intra-tribal, conflict within the tribe. Aggression/conflict such as class warfare and aristocratic in-fighting.

Horizontal is inter-tribal, warfare between other tribes such as between races, cultures, ideologies, religions Ex.

Liberals are very aware of Vertical conflict (with the exception of Jewish influences) but clueless and naive about horizontal conflict. This is why they foolishly believe that China/Islam/Jews are their friends in fighting the tyranny of the rich.

Conservatives are very much aware of Horizontal conflict but are almost completely blind to Vertical aggression (with the exception of the Jews/political Zionism). Hence why they foolishly brown-nose the rich and view them as trust-worthy allies in the war against hostile races/nations.


>buying milk when it costs $3.70
>buying milk at all

The 99% needs to learn how to shop

T. Porky.

You're not fooling anyone here richfag.

Why didn't you even attempt to change ID? You've already been caught lying.

> Market exchange is the only remotely viable way to maintain industrial economy,
Says who? We've got over 2 centuries filled with systematic market crashes and wars waged to postpone market crashes.

> as every leftie attempt to abolish markets confirmed
Yeah. Which why Soviets collapsed within first two months of war. Oh, wait. They didn't.

Stop lying.

You get the bullet too you filthy kulak! We're coming for everything you own and we will kill your family because you make more than we do! >:)

>You are lying.

No, you are. Even your flag is "I am lying!" statement.

>You are also hideously uneducated, since you clearly don't know what "full communism" means.

On the contrary, I'm educated enough to know what "full communism" means in practice, and not give a fuck about rhetorical games employed by villains in an attempt to convince fools that following their greed and envy won't result in bloodbath and famine, like it did every time before.

National socialism combines race and class, basically

The white worker is the basis for our transformation of society

xDDDD literally nothing is wrong with the system d00d lmao just get money haha xD

>leb ebil ceo guy
Who the fuck do you think runs the company ? The "workers" ? There is a reason why they aren't in command of the business.

Then don't buy fucking luxury goods when you're living on minimum wage ffs. It isn't a living wage and it shouldn't be a living wage.

>You've already been caught lying.

Look at the gall of this cur. Then again, gall is a commie's only weapon.

>Says who?

Says reality.

>We've got over 2 centuries filled with systematic market crashes and wars waged to postpone market crashes.

We've got over 2 centures of previously-unimaginable prosperity in every country that had free markets, immediately or gradually turning into poverty and starvation in every country that abandoned them.

>Which why Soviets collapsed within first two months of war.

Which is why Soviets suffered defeats of magnitude frankly unimaginable for Russians and only survived because of their allies.

Damn, a minimum wage worker makes a lot. God bless USA

Why does the Median AND Minimum Wage Earners both need a raise? Shouldn't you be arguing for redistribution of money the top X% earns to the bottom Y%?

> commies are dumb because we've killed some of them
How long will it take for you to switch to "evil commies put innocent right-wingers into gulags"?

>National socialism combines race and class, basically
No, it doesn't. Read your beloved Hitler, if you don't want to read Marx. Go read at least something, ffs.

> I'm going to use whatever terms I want and pretend that everyone else mean the same thing when they use those terms, even if they clearly don't
That's what I call "lying".

Liberals failed and fucked up our economy by outsourcing everything now they want a raise?

>Who the fuck do you think runs the company ? The "workers" ? There is a reason why they aren't in command of the business.
Investors are in command of the business. CEO is simply hired to represent their interests.

Fixed those carricatures.
I think it's kind of funny in a sad way how leftypol commies keep portraying ''da rich'' as these people with weird mustaches and weird hats, when in reality it's only leftist hipsters who dress and look like that. It's funny how they accuse the rich of being fat when the rich are much thinner than the general population.

Leftists keep insulting themselves and projecting the way they look into the people they hate.
There is only one group of people that will unironically sport a fucking top hat and a monocle (protip: it's not ''the rich'')
Hard to take people seriously when they can't even be honest about something this basic, when their first ''argument'' that comes out of their mouth is accusing people they dislike of looking like them.

> Shouldn't you be arguing for redistribution of money the top X% earns to the bottom Y%?
He should be arguing for making CEO responsible to workers - or society in general. But he is not a Socialist, so he doesn't.

Fascism was born from the patriotic social democratic/non marxist socialist split with you commies in WW1. Even before hitler there were the strasser brothers

NS is the third position between two internationalist and materialist ideologies that are opposed to the middle and native working class, as well as the family

>I'll make up definitions of terms that in themselves confirm my position and demand from everyone to use those defintions

Fuck off, Big Brother.

I wish my annual hourly wage increases were enough to match inflation, but no, my $0.22 raise I get every year will have to do.

I wonder what my paycap at Walmart will be post-pay restructuring. After 12 years at walmart, I only make $14/hr

Without Mr. Red the other two would earn nothing. Wealth creaters also pay most of the tax.

>arguing with communists

It's like arguing with women except instead of crying when you finally manage to navigate their web of sophistry and have them cornered, they call you a bootlicker or they just stop replying.

Communists can be eating shit in a gulag and they will still defend their ideology. They will still claim "Ah, not real communism. There's been a mistake!"

Stop wasting your time, dummies.

>Fascism was born from the patriotic social democratic/non marxist socialist split with you commies in WW1.
The fuck are you talking about?

Second (Socialist) International split into SocDem (Centrists) and Communists (Left). Fascists had nothing to do with either.

> Even before hitler there were the strasser brothers
Strasserites weren't fully Fascist. They also were retards - due to their association with Nazies. Everybody told them they'll get purged, but - no. Jew conspiracy to divide brothers in arms.

ugh cringe

Get in here:
Actual evidence of exploitation of children in Hollywood.
Brooke Shields done a nude photoshoot for Playboy when she was TEN years old. Photos regarded as legal despite being blatant CP.

>implying that equality is possible to a socialist dictatorship.
the only thing that would be eliminated in such society is the middle class, but stratification would still occur since those who are part of the dictating communist party especially the apparatus who makes day to day decisions regarding production "owns" the means of production so nothing has changed since the capitalist boss has only been changed by a communist boss. equality proposed by marx is only true by his own definition but stratification would still occur since it is inevitable.

>NS is the third position

NS is an absolutely standard socialism, and indeed international socialism as espoused by Marx branched off from German national socialism (as, you know, even Communist Manifesto states). Your choice of group that has to be blamed for all the ills of society and your own failures does not make you special

I would also like to add that Natsoc still slides towards caring more about horizontal aggression than vertical though. So if you are working class, I would look for a way to make it slightly more calibrated towards making your own standard of living higher, otherwise the rich white who will take over will certainly make it lower as they view you the same way you view niggers.

>median wage $16.57/hr
>top wage $20,160/hr

Nice job leaving the other 160 million wage earners out of your socialist meme.

Try harder.

> stop oppressing me
> I have the right to constantly redefine terms to fit my retarded ideology
Whiny faggot, kill yourself.

>Wealth creaters also pay most of the tax.
That is not correct. First and foremost, they are no "wealth creators". Secondly, corporations paid most of taxes in 50s, but now situation is reversed.

>Whad type of winger are u goyim?


>NS is an absolutely standard socialism
You keep shilling non-stop. Are you being paid?

>international socialism as espoused by Marx branched off from German national socialism (as, you know, even Communist Manifesto states)
Quote it, bitch.

There is a difference between flipping a burger and signing billion dollars contracts through hard negociation

Even so, in this country it is not even really a problem. If you look at the top 10 or 1% and go back and see where they were 20 years ago they were almost all in a much lower demographic.

Fact is, in this country, no matter where you start if you do a couple simple things you can end up in or near the 10% in 20 years.

Graduate High School. Do not reproduce until married. Stay married. Have kids. Don’t get involved in drugs or become alcoholic. Even further education is pretty much optional and I suspect the way Universities are libtarded up actually may be detrimental.

Just a few simple “old fashioned” things. Do them, enjoy life, and wake up in 20 years and realize it was all worth it.

Without that rich guy there would be infinity sign next to the time it takes both the medium income earner and minimum wage earner to get a gallon of milk.

Socialism plays on the greed of people. It isn't your money and it never was.

You make good points, but you never acknowledge the omnipresent Jewish influence in Communism.

Retarded democratic socialist detected.

>There is a difference between flipping a burger and delegating the right of manage the inherited money
fixed that for you

>It isn't your money and it never was.

Yes peasant, you must slave away for me to earn that money. :^)

>You make good points, but you never acknowledge the omnipresent Jewish influence in Communism.
Because 2+2 always equals 4, regardless of presence or absence of Jews. Communism is based on objective facts, no personalities.

Either Marxist theory is wrong - and it is irrelevant who was Jew or wasn't.
Or Marxist theory is correct - and it is also irrelevant who was Jew or wasn't.

The only reason the minimum wage earner has money to buy the milk is thanks to the job provided by the CEO. Without the 1%, the 99% would be jobless and broke.

>job provided by the CEO.
>Shouldn't it be the _investor_ who generously allowed CEO to use his money to create jobs?

Yes, and a nationalist wing in the centrists went on to give birth to fascism. It's where Mussolini sprung from, and it was a social democratic minster of the interior that turned a blind eye to the freikorps killing communist revolutionaries. Every fascist movement has sprung from nationalist movements of farmers and workers, picking up the middle class along the way, although it tended to lose its economic edge as it matured

Its inflation. My dad made $2/hr at one of his first jobs when milk was .20 gallon and gas was .40/gallon. 1970 that was a little more than double the minimum wage.
Inflation is the fucking problem. If everyone makes more then goods just cost more to adjust for market value. Decrease inflation and dumb fuck taxes and you will simultaneously have goods more affordable and more jerbs. Its not like the manufacturing of milk or gas is more expensive. Its taxes and inflation. I would assume with the advances in tech that its actually cheaper than in 1970.

Get in here:
Actual evidence of exploitation of children in Hollywood.
Brooke Shields done a nude photoshoot for Playboy when she was TEN years old. Photos regarded as legal despite being blatant CP.

>defend this
Hey Dickhead,
Life ain't fair.
t. The Real World.

>*less than double the minimum wage

>Communism is based on objective facts, no personalities.

But the leaders of said revolutions are almost always Zionist Jews looking to kill off the upper-class of capable/intelligent whites to remove competition of who rules over the peasant stock and then replace them as their nepotistic masters.

Recognize this or don't. But it's true regardless of Communism's objective points.

Also see my previous post:

Believe me when I say you have the ability to make more money elsewhere. Explore your options my man

>Communism is based on objective facts

Communism says that if I give you tools and materials and then hire you for $10 to use them to assemble an object, that you should then also get to keep the object you assembled.

If you can't put together why that is stupid then you have no hope, sorry.

Truuu. Fucking commies don't understand the ambition capitalism creates.

he's confused.
but i think what he means was that mussolini was a former influential member of the italian socialist party, hence the relation of fascism and socialism.
giovanni gentile - co author of the doctrine of fascism is also inspired by hegelianism.

But how many CEOs are out there versus the minimum wage worker ? I would think abolishing all executive level positions and redistributing it wouldn't result in much of an upgrade. Especially if that company no longer values working in USA and will leave to another country then minimum wage worker and even median wage worker will no Job at all.


>Accept being exploited and don't fight back.

>Be a good, docile peasant.

I wonder who could be behind this post.