Is this a staged photo?

I am not knowledgeable enough in German uniforms to say if this is fake but it seems like bullshit. Is it from a movie or something?

It certainly looks staged.

That photo was from a movie if i remember correctly. The gun he holds didnt exist at the time

>the actual Nazi's were good

Y'all need to let this meme die.

Yeah that's why I wanted to get proof. I want to believe it's fake. Looks like if he shot at that angle he would shoot through the other guy's hand.

Yes, all of the pics of nazis holding guns to people heads are fake.

You have to be a retard to believe that pic is genuine.

It is staged, I saw the proofs but I don't have it. That being said fuck nazis.


kill yourself

Its from a movie

>The next film is one I am personally ecstatic to see get a legitimate US release, the docu-drama Auschwitz. Shot in 2011 on the leftover sets from BloodRayne: The Third Reich

Uniform - Ok.
Gun - Ok (Luger).

But, can still be fake.

Dude holding the gun is a Jew...must be a movie


Why they killing Irish baby?

>Hey let's photograph two of /ourguys/ pointing a gun at a baby
how can you possibly believe this to be genuine

Of course it's fake. Every German knows that Nazis killed kids with shots in the neck, not the skull, dumbass.

That's obviously staged, but the Einsatzgruppen did kill children.

Thank you, Sup Forums.

Nazis are bad because the jews in hollywood the literwlly fuck children and drink blood said so in their plethora of ww2 movies they release every year.

>Uwe Boll film
I never knew there was an Auschwitz video game.

>The left's only argument against Nationalism is a still from a Uwe Boll movie

Jesus they're desperate


It look staged because it's from a movie.

potato nigger

Racist American white male cop using a cat as a silencer to kill unarmed black male (2012)

Bullshit. You threw the kids into bear and eagle pits while strapped to masturbation machines as you jerked off in the corner. It was real in someones mind.

Because they actually did that in reality

wasn't arian enough

No rank insignia, no national defense crests on their tunics or sleeves, wrong helmet decals for SS, no rank insignia on shoulder boards, wrong belt buckle for SS, the scalloped pockets on the guy holding the gun are wrong, and they're not even wearing proper stalhelms, those look like Spanish versions,

Kek wtf

Is that a photo of Bigfoot?

The most important question: Why would the SS dudes take this picture ? What is there to gain ?

Can't see the barrel against the kid's head, am I blind moha?

show the hug box what's up based brit

>gun is american
>is this movie

No they just wanted to have good PR so they placed the photographer right in front of where the bullet is supposed to go.

A whole bunch of them were.

but they are, see how much they love their healthy people?

>here you carry with you
>a hereditary defective costs fifty thousands reichsmark on average until he reached the 60 year of age

yeah, one armed guy supervising the transport of prisoners is totally the same as what's shown in OP's pic

Looks like a Walther P-38 which is period correct, but everything else in the image is glaringly wrong.

Why would the Kike baby need to be held to be killed I don't think they'ed do that they'd just put it on the ground and shoot it, thats a lot less dangerous than shooting one that is being held and a lot less messy.

Doesn't seem safe. At least shoot the kid while he's on the ground.

Do you see his hands are up faggot?

>Uwe Boll
Well, that explains why the uniform is completely wrong in every aspect.

Post feet.

Leftists don't support a German's right to choose?

Notice the photo quality difference between this and OP's.

The OP's is clearly from a movie.

That's not a SS helmet, he's aiming for the other guy's fucking arm and neither of them have a rank insignia on their collar. Props department doing a lousy job.

The real question is, should we care if the SS is braining like spawn? Second question being if the Nazis where just shooting Jews in the head on site why put them in concentration camps? I mean I get the free labor idea but couldn't germans support the war effort similar to how we did it?

Yes, and yet I can't see any weapon pointed at him. *checks flag* Never mind, have a good day lad.

Picture of post natal abortion (colorized) 1943
This just shows how progressive Nazi Germany was.

>people with their hands up are being arrested by soldiers

I doubt they were good, however i also doubt they were any worse than the others around them.

nice shoope dope douu

same old joos, same old tricks.