We are trying to locate the method of shipping they used to get this car to turkey

We are trying to locate the method of shipping they used to get this car to turkey.
>Truck traded in to AutoNation Oct 2013
>AutoNation Sends truck to Auction
>Truck bought by Maz Auto Nov 2013
>Maz sells truck and Ships to Turkey Dec 2013
>Truck ends up in isis propoganda Late 2014


Articles start poping up same time as truck vids about Isis camps in Turkey as well

ok op of 2 thread here


Maz quashing the subpoena is not un noral but is somehting to consider. Why would he not give up info on who he shipped the car to? CAse setteled out of court i believe to stop more info from being of public record.

how long before this thread gets shut down too?

It was bought through the obama "cash for clunkers" program. Instead of being recycled it was sold to isis. Really itches the stitches.

seems like its alive

It's like they're filming in Texas or Arizona. Backyard, home made propaganda

if youre going to notify me go to other site

Spot on.

Not that many ports... couldn’t be that hard.... unless it went over on a military ship.

Mark learned a lesson, don’t trust car dealerships... lol

Hey mark, don’t step on a fresh dog turd on a hot summers day... free life lesson

Ford shipped it to turkey. Stop being a shill

Owner traded it in on a new one. Dealer sold it and others at auction, buyer shipped it over, never discovered who it was.

Can i examine your proofs?

Maz Auto purchased the car from auction and shipped it to Turkey a month after purchasing it.

The possibility of all this info being made to look like the truck left the country could be a possibility as well.



we need someone to call maz auto and ask how they would ship a truck to turkey
(731) 370 7232

or a place near turkey that the ship would take a similar rout as to not alert anyone

Who cares?
*swings a pendulum in front of the people ITT*

are you familiar with turkish shipping ports at all by chance?

Nope. I do know some Greek ones, though - they probably don't matter in this investigation.

mersin among others

port of iskenderun its closer to syria

check these

It doesn't necessarily have to be as close to Syria, though. It could've been shipped to Antalya or Kushadasi for all you care. Cars have their way of getting delivered, even on land.
Also, Turkey is not as vast as you think it is.

i know it dosent have to be close to syria in fact i know there are isis camps in turkey

lysander shipping

Those sure are some nice mountain peaks in the background