Wolfenstein II The New Colossus

Hey Sup Forums what is your opinion on this game?

Some gameplay has been released early on YouTube, reveals a great lot within the first 10 minutes.
> Blasko's father is a physically abusive white racist
> Suprising revelation about Blasko's mother

Progressive virtue signalling garbage at its finest.


Looks good, I'll be getting it for sure.

First game was good, now it has turned into progressive trash. If I want niggers in my game I just go play prison architect

Stop playing video games

Even though the Nazis were obviously the good guys, I don't care that they are the enemy in the Wolfenstien games. The new one looks like shit because of all the other super liberal stuff they are inserting. Somebody post the character bios.

We should wage an SJW campaign complaining how Wolfenstein reinforces the white hero mentality, the belief that only white people can save minorities supporting a superior inferior dichotomy that is endemic of white racism. Can't believe the devs are so racist as to make the main character white blue eyes blond hair aryan. Should have been a woman of color.

Isn't it true that, through his father, Blasko gets a good reason for hating nazi's?

There's ZERO chance that they don't make some sort of "clever" BLUMPF reference in the game.

>shoot the fucking dog
I can handle the conservative insultry, but why would I want to pay money to be traumatised

I thought he was jewish.

Wait a minute, so his mother IS a jew?

That makes him a jew. So you're basically paying to play a jew that kills white nationalists. Holy shit. I mean it was always suspected, and everyone could see the signs (apart from the faggot steam forums, but still)


I didnt care about nazis being bad guys in old/original Wolfenstein, it was all way too simple
>shoot nazis, find key, proceed to another room

Now its bunch of current-World-SJW crap propaganda condemning nazis and glorifying communists and BLM...

Main reason I stopped playing videogames. Even racing games like Need For Speed are filled with nigger characters being ultra-smart of protagonists.

Im very picky when I EVEN choose to play new videogames, even they became huge time-wasters but sometimes there are good games - from time to time.

That's just how wolfenstein is
Let them have this one

NeoDoom is better anyway

Played the first one; gameplay was fine, story was stupid. Not buying the second one since it'll be the same gameplay with an even dumber story.

>Let them have this one
Found the kike guys.

NEW WOLFENSTEIN games were made by Swedish company, with help of Jewish overlords BETHESDA - explains alot.

I didn't really care about the story, just the gameplay from the previous one so I don't mind too much.

From what I watched subtle references to Trump's presidency is a guaranteed.

Well it's revealed that Blasko's dad only married his mother for her family's shekels

Wolfentaine is as old a series as Duke and Doom.
Goddamn retards.

and no, it’s shit

>The niggers gangbanging the blonde german girl

They're not even trying to hide their (((message))) anymore

Good. Nazis are pieces of shit. Fuck Nazis and fuck communists too.

Not playing this one. Hopefully cyberpunk 2077 will be out soon.

Nazis are cool. Fuck you.

Nazis in games and in a lot of movies are cool as shit.

Not every single one, but as long as they're shown with some level of realism and not just blatant disrespect. They took on the world because they were the greatest European civilization in existence at the time. Might even have ruled the Earth.

The world would not be the same today if they had won, that's for sure. I bet it would be peaceful and crime would be almost non-existent. Not as much because of fear of punishment as because of love for your nation.

Come on man Raiders of the Lost Ark they got fucked up, but it was entertaining as hell to get there.

No. Fuck Nazis. And fuck everything else.


>Elder scrolls online

Holy shit, i fucking knew it. I packed Elder scrolls online in when they inserted fag marriage after fag marriage into it, a nigger loving Nord that's part of the main quest that you HAVE to do, and all that anti nationalist bollocks from the dominion side.

>World is much better and more advanced under Nazi Regime.
>Allies just lost the war because the jews wouldnt give them their groundbreaking technology until it was stolen by nazis
>rebel fighters are basicly agianst civilization and consist of maniacs and mentally challenged
>somehow progressive virtue signalling

You're a faggot lol

It looks pretty cool but I'm not into single player FPS story modes. LIke I tried to play Doom and that lasted like a whole hour. I just want to frag out on some faggots.

>Not as much because of fear of punishment as because of love for your nation.

Are you 12? kek

The game would be 99.9% the same exact game had Trump not been elected. I'm so tired of seeing all the asshurt faggots on this board because a game features killing Nazis. Did you nigger faggots not even play The New Order, which features scenes of concentration camps, jews having technology that the Nazis wanted to steal, a black person ranting about how people like Blaskowitz were the Nazis in American before the actual Nazis took over? Did anyone cry or complain about that back then? No? Hmmm. I wonder why that is. Why did no one have any issues with the content of TNO, yet when a new game that was majorly developed BEFORE the presidential election comes out suddenly the trumptards of Sup Forums get endlessly triggered about it? It's truly amazing to see the cognitive dissonance in action.

Jesus fucking Christ I hate this fucking garbage ass board and the lot of underage retard triggered cunts that post here.

Delusional thinking at best. Also, it's a fucking game.

You're a cuck bitch. 'Fuck everything maaaaaaaan' Wow such edge.

No, fear of punishment would disappear pretty quickly with the initial firing squads. After, s'all good man.

It's typical shitty american "satiric" fps, game. Fucking garbage. If you want to fight ebil nazies or whatever, play Red Orchestra

Right? Who fucking cares about killing Nazis. Fuck. I hate Nazis. Nazis are pieces of shit. I say kill all the Nazis. But, as you said, it's a fucking game.

or nba2k
or nfl

A loser who plays games all day calling me a cuck bitch lol Oh the irony. A britbong of all things.

>Shitskin detected

>Delusional thinking at best
t. reddit
bet you havent even played the new order

>Also, it's a fucking game.
who could have guessed

>All day

Bit of projection there faggot. Also...


The insult cuck was for you faggots, it can't be used against nationalists you stupid fuck. Go raise your wifes son.

Pale beta who can't get laid detected.
How does it feel knowing your women prefer Muslim brown cocks over your own?

I don't think they'll make any reference to Trump, because I'm pretty sure one of Trumps brothers is on the board of directors at Zenimax, which owns Machine Games.

Wahhhh they hurt my Nazi feewings

They shouldn't be allowed to make fun of my identity! It's the ((((((Joos))))))) and the niggers!

cry more, faggot.

This is not the reality

TNO was good (story was meh)

Are you just trying to slide a thread faggot bitch?

>Doesn't address how cuck is aimed at his kind.

kek! Figures. Tell me against how you hate nazis, you oven dweller you.

Remember when Wolfenstein used to be a game about killing generic nazis and robo hitler with absolutely no political motive whatsoever?

That not actually in this game is it?

lol Okay Mr. Nationalist. What are you doing to advance your cause? Are you going out in public speaking about nationalism to your fellow bongs? Or are you just playing vidya all day ranting on the chans like a beta loser?

Who is saying that anybody shouldn't be allowed to do anything?
Oh that's right, the Left is saying that. And what's the first rule of the Left?

They always accuse you of doing what they are doing.

It's honestly astonishing the cognitive dissonance here.

Sup Forums HATES being called Nazis by the left. They hate being called fascists or whatever other insults they get thrown at them. Meanwhile half this board LARPs as literal national socialists on a daily basis. Nothing but a bunch of goddamn children inventing things to get upset about because THEY WANT TO BE A VICTIM.

It makes no goddamn sense. Then there's this video game, the 1000000th video game ever made to feature murdering Germans / Nazis, yet NOW you get butthurt about it because they made some cheeky tweets on social media. It's fucking unbelievable the density of people here.

>A game about killing nazis ever controversial

GTFO out of my country faggots.


> Confirmed, Blasko's mother is Jewish.

>Fucker keeps changing his flag
>Wants me to Dox myself.

Do you know how many nationslit movements are underground in the UK?

Figures. You're a cuck bitch, who doesn't have the fucking balls to stand up to nazis, and you have to raise your wifes son. kek

>the game is about killing nazis
Anyone else ever been this bluepilled?

>I’m 12 years old: the post

I'm sliding on your faggotry. You've spilled it from your bong, britbong.

Why do you think changing your flag changes your ID? Your pathetic bating is grating at this point. Acrept you've been defeated.

>Sup Forums cannot be defined
>even though it is mostly NatSocs

>Sup Forums HATES being called Nazis by the left.

Are you fucking retarded? No one gives a shit about that you stupid fuck. It's because the left throw the term nazi against anyone to the right of Obama, that makes it humerous, and frustrating at the same time (to those who first encounter the left)

The fuck are you on? Also..

>Meanwhile half this board LARPs

Holy shit. You're a fucking retard and a half. Alot of studios use progressive shit in a bid to get sales and be right on, Shooting nazis like in old school wolfenstien games, whatever, it's WWII, but when you read the bios? It's quite clear it's a narrative being pushed.

Stop being a fuckwit.


You're posting shit, because you've been outed for posting shit, and you're trying to save e-face. Take a pic with your mouth open you cuck bitch.

I genuinely enjoy the games and the nazi super-science theme, but hate the devs are virtue signaling as hard as possible with this one, and co-opting the #resist hastag and basically baiting to shill their product.

>all these butthurt nazi's ITT

I'm going to buy a few copies of the game just to make you faggots cry more.

Nazi's eternally BTFO.

Oh wow! So many underground nationalist movements! And meanwhile, you can't do shit about your daughters being groomed into sex slavery for Tyrone and Mohammad, who take turns with her all at once in a train. Meanwhile, you're stuck playing vidya while the police commissioner comes knocking on your door asking about a post you made on facebook and demanding you pay your tv tax so Mohammad next door can get his welfare check, while he bangs your daughter.

What's wrong? Did I make you upset? Are you angry cause you are conquered slave of Islam now?

" Blasko's father is a physically abusive white racist"

lol. the character bj blazkowicz is a jew.

"Bat Tomb Hallway @ThatTomHall

@ID_AA_Carmack @TheSilkiest @ThatTomHall That's been suggested. My intent was: his mother was Jewish, tried to hide that, unsuccessfully.
2:37 AM - Mar 2, 2014 "

>Poorly designed Flags
>Ugly uniforms made by enslaved Chinese
>Cuck cameras
>No VW
Lazy as fuck

It isn't cognitive dissonance, you're just an idiot. Sup Forums doesn't object to being called Nazis, we revel in it. Well, the NatSocs do, anyway.

It is normies and alt-lite types who hate being called Nazis. Here's a hint; Calling someone a racist or a nazi only offends them if they AREN'T one. Calling me a Nazi isn't offensive, it's funny.

And if anyone is upset about this, it's because there's a video game unironically depicting Marxists as heroes fighting le ebil nazis who repeat thinly veiled parodies of alt-lite "free speech" talking points.

We are allowed to dislike things. Your claim that this is inappropriate may be disregarded out of hand, it rings utterly hollow.

id software sucks. they just outsource their games to shitty companies. Saber is doing a great job with quake lol

>Are you fucking retarded? No one gives a shit about that you stupid fuck. It's because the left throw the term nazi against anyone to the right of Obama, that makes it humerous, and frustrating at the same time (to those who first encounter the left)

Proceeds to get angry about Nazis getting killed in vidya.

>Blasko's father is a physically abusive white racist
He's also a pole, kikes and their propaganda.


If the game was truly just about killing Nazis (like all the other games in the series), then nobody would be making a big deal over it. Instead it's leftist propaganda on top of Nazi killing.

>Cognitive Dissonance the post

How is this even a game? Didn't they take them down in TNO?

How long to do I have to max dose soy and fluoride to think like this?

Those were the good old days
...now it's all about pushing as much SJW ideology as possible to the masses.

There was some article about "Nazis" online getting upset when the first punch a Nazi trailer came out. Of course the only tweets they used as examples were a handful of normies upset about politics in games.

>w-we are cool

>implying it isnt fun to play the bad guy in video games

>can't refute a single thing in the post
Sage. Fuck these Sup Forumsiral marketers

>BJ's mother is a Jew

They expect me to be surprised about that at this point?

People are upset over the "Punch a Nazi" thing because the leftists literally label everyone they dislike as Nazis or Nazi sympathizers.

Essentially they just want to enact violence on anyone that opposes their ideals.

This is like Michael Fassbender (Blonde hair, blue eyed, chiseled jaw), playing a kike in X-Men and going to Argentina to kill those nazi white bois.

Pathetic kike fanfiction.

If you can look past the mandatory sjw pandering it is very nice to see 50-60's nazi USA. Enjoy the atmosphere and KKK walking down the street.

>BJ checks SMG mag
>sees bullet
>10mm Auto
That's it, I'm joining the Nazis.
Hilariously, everything that's happened IS the Jews fault.
>Jews have supertech
>many of which could have helped mankind
>"No goymn, you don't get!"
>Nazis round up Jews
>Jews give Nazis supertech
>don't give Allies tech till it's too late

There is nothing cuck about cameras.
Why wouldn't you trust the super state that managed to build the jew-less Uber Utopia.

To be fair, BJ seems to take after his father more.


Do you think it'll inspire some Nazi punching in real life? I hope so! Drumpflets are going to get wrecked!

I nope'd out of that bullshit the moment I heard the word "proletariat" in one of the trailers.
I don't give a shit about Nazis, but I'd rather play Revolution 60 than spend one minute fighting for commies.

Why the fuck does she mouth off to her Husband, who hasn't hit her yet, whilst he is angry? How does this help anything?

What type of racist would marry a Jew? And that bitch deserved the beating she got, she laid hands on him first. The dog attacked him, there was nothing else he could do, and why the fuck would that little faggot chuck things at his father like that? fucking race mixer.

shit man, I had to stop watching when shooting the doge. I can't play a game that encourages murdering doges :(

Think of it as Of Mice and Men.
Despite there only being conflict at the very end, being caused by a woman acting like a thot and a literal retard, on top of the main protagonists almost achieving their goals due to capitalism, Capitalism and the 1%ers are still the antagonists somehow.
The same thing will happen with this game where the plot has nothing to do with the actual message and people will eat it up despite the plot not conveying anything about the message.

t. Sup Forums

Is it just me or is wolfenstien the most confusing series.

>castle wolfenstien
>wolfenstien 3d
>spear of Destiny
>return to castle wolfenstien
>wolfenstien the new order
>wolfenstien 2: the new colossal sjw
I mean wtf