Give me three SOLID reasons why Americans should be allowed to continue to purchase fully-automatic weapons over the...

Give me three SOLID reasons why Americans should be allowed to continue to purchase fully-automatic weapons over the internet.

...NOT SO FAST, BUDDY! Just as I thought, you can't even name ONE! Fucking republitards !!

Give me three solid reasons why OP isn't a flaming faggot

So we can kill more people like you

You cant buy full auto over the internet or irl without a Class 3 federal firearms permit which is hard to get and very expensive to maintain. A class 3 also grants the ATF the right to come in and inspect your weapons at any given time. You are clearly misinformed and should neck yourself.

You cannot buy a fully automatic firearm over the internet. You can't buy any firearm over the internet except for black powder guns.

>You cant buy full auto over the internet

False, there are literally guns on right now

>except for black powder guns.


> A class 3 also grants the ATF the right to come in and inspect your weapons at any given time.

Shall not be infringed BTFO

Wal Mart does not sell fully automatic weapons. And you cannot buy a gun from You have to go to a Wal Mart and have them fill out all the paperwork to pick it up.

You still have to go to the store in person to pick up your item. Again, you are clearly misinformed. By advertising the item online and not stocking the store Walmart is able to save a lot of money. What else do you have? I have a couple hours to fuck you up with some truth bombs.

Oh shit. You got me.

Not saying its right or wrong, only saying that it is

I'll give you 4

Nice b8 m8

You can buy pre-1900 guns online, and have them shipped without doing paperwork.

Troll thread. Move along boys.

A man is not truly free if he does not posses the means and willpower to resist tyranny. Fully automatic rifles help


So far nothing listed



>Troll thread. Move along boys

This. When people stop taking this shitty bait, the threads will go away.

>Give me three SOLID reasons
Brown Bears, Black Bears, Polar Bears

Since assault weapons are such a huge problem in america why don't we do this instead!

The fingerprinting smart guns are a good first step, but they still leave open a lot of room for abusive by an authorized user. I propose that guns should not only need biometric unlocks, but also that the user should need to call up 911 and have the operator remotely unlock the gun for use it they concur the user is in a legimate life threatening situation. Also, mandating cameras attached to all weapons, especially concealed carry ones, which record and transmit to a cloud storage.

Guns should also have a feature whereby they can only fire if they are pressed against the target. This will prevent mentally unstable men from killing children at long range.

Magazine limits are common sense, but also the first round loaded should be required to be a warning foam round. The foam rounds used by police forces are effective, but still require training to use safely, so the mandatory civilian foam rounds should be much less dense, and not designed to inflict pain, but to make sure an attacker 100% knows there is a gun present and give them a chance to flee- thus reducing overall gun deaths.

We should should also license free thought and speech. We can control the spread of bad ideas by putting biometric scanners on all computers, cell phones, video game consoles so that certain ideologies cant spread.

Obviously dangerous speech and ideas are easily concealed in various ways, so all information about our populace will be public record and searchable.

All people should have an override put into their voice box so that they can have their voices muted if they start saying something potentially hurtful or expressing dangerous ideas.

Help me come up with some progressive ideas that will help me target the greatest killer of this or any other century. I know with some time if we work together we can stamp out dangerous free speech and ideas.

OP is a faggot. Sage.

Americans allow the government limited powers, not the government allows it's citizens rights.

Not enough I'm afraid. We need to amputate everyone's limbs and have them hooked up to machines pumping them full of nutrients. People can punch and kick with limbs, so they're better off not having them for their safety.

You can buy fully semi automatic. To libfucks this is the same thing but bigger because SEMI=BIG TRUCK

Number one you can't buy full auto nor machine guns.
Two if you banned all guns. The criminals would still buy what you speak of.
Three. You will always be able to make guns as long as you have access to metal. But you don't think about that because your a stupid fuck.

>Give me three SOLID reasons why Americans should be allowed to continue to purchase fully-automatic weapons over the internet.
They can't. Learn your own gun control laws Libtard.
May 19th 1986.

Gpod idea. we should also use powerful electrodes to stimulate muscle activity in order to prevent atrophy so as to maintain good health, it might hurt a bit bit it's for their own benefit.
All this still leaves the potential for wrongthink though. Simply not being able to express toxic ideas isn't enough, a truely just society must ensure it's impossible to think inappropriate things im the first place, eventually we will have neural implants to that end but in the meantime I propose thay all citizens be heavily medicated in order to supress any dangerous thoughts or feelings. Failing that lobotomy is always an option, for the greater good of course.

to start the communist revolution