How long do you think the whole SJW agenda is gonna last for?

How long do you think the whole SJW agenda is gonna last for?

Not that long, islam will rule soon and put everything back in order

The next election will decide that. This election was a resistance against it. The next decides if that resistance will be crushed or will prevail.

It's on its way out now

hey achmed

You could argue it never really has gotten that far to begin with. Try as hard as they can, they will never have a benis.

SJW culture isn't really that big it's just portrayed as this big movement most people think they're a bunch of whiny freaks.

How long were Emos a thing? How long did Grunge and the Hippies last?
About that long.

Been breaking for a while now, kicking in high gear now.

Well thank fucking god

hey ali how are you doing

It's dead already. The left pushed it way too far way too fast, even normies are sick of it.

It doesnt matter, as long as the politican follow the SJW mantra, with every passing day you will lose more freedom. Nazi were a small group in germany, but they had a big effect on history

I agree, but ppl gotta clean up the mess. It's a process and not easy. Lots of broken individuals. Do your part.

why are normies so fucking slow?

Until all their slags drop dead of lard disease like Heather Hyer and then the remaining nog folk will inevitably fall into disarray firing handguns at each other over nothing at all.

the ride never ends

Until college is finished, their parents cut them off, and they have to survive in the world where they'll discover that "intersectionality" has no meaning or value outside of the classroom, to anyone over 30, or for anyone not in our media with a financial stake in propagating that idea. Also, among adults Nickelodeon colored hair is pretty unimpressive socially or professionally.

dont turn your back on a fallen foe before checking they are dead 1st m8

Are you not a normie?
An abnormality amoungst Muslims is usually caused by serious birth defect due to your high levels of inbreeding.

I predict that it will last a few more years until the new stupid trend comes up.

Yea they just control the film industry, the schooling system, video games and popular music. No biggie.

>the south are just a bunch of cousin-fucking racists
>middle East is an incest-ridden desert that hates gays
Guys, i think incest is the way of the redpill

>sjw control video games
if they control them how come they are problematic?

>nothing the post

Be over soon.

Until it gets a heart attack.

>incest became outlawed
>we lose our lands, women and customs to invaders and homosexuals
Mother of god..

That's how they get what they want, public shaming and temper tantrums. They constantly call college campuses problematic too, you think they don't control those as well?

which game is this?

>incest becomes taboo and illegal
>marriage goes from binding of families to "but love"
>degeneracy goes rampant because of "muh feelings"
>civilization crumbles as families become broken and crime and degenerate behavior becomes mainstream
We need to go back to feudalistic traditions