What information did he discover that made the entire state send an army after him?

What information did he discover that made the entire state send an army after him?

Other urls found in this thread:



my guess is because he was a violent nigger who started killing people.
I know a nigger in violent crime is hard to imagine, but that's my conspiracy theory..

Holy shit maybe they were using a clone of LL Cool J for the secret space programs or maybe just running special ops on earth, and he either figured out the whole cloning thing and got pissed or maybe he realized that he his missions were helping to traffick humans/children/weapons and eliminate people inconvenient to the shadow government.

That was an incredible night that changed me forever.
I forgot about how many innocents they shot up looking for his ass afterwards.

LAPD corruption

I wish he would have made more progress.
He was a goddamn hero.

Who? Quick Rundown

they dont look anything alike

They burned that entire house to the ground to BBQ his ass.

they all burn

what about this?

I miss him, Sup Forums.

annual reminder that he's still alive.


Now that the dust has settled, the only mistake that I can see is trying to change LAPD.

>...yaladnam did renroD


so they never found his body right

They tried this shit, but nobody believed it.
(I love that they included a 3rd reference to his id just as a preemptive YES, WE'RE SURE)

Does anybody remember the manifestos published?

And how the final media version seemed to be modified by "Anonymous" and included all kinds of references that weren't included in the original manifesto? The number of pages in it grew huge, and as best as I can could tell, the fake content was coming from AnonOps

Quick, slide this thread.

Baltimore Detective was murdered with his own gun 1 day before he was set to testify before a grand jury in an ongoing federal investigation of police corroption and drug shake downs by an elite gun recovety unit. It wasn't gang bangers that killed him. Well the gangbangers could've been hired by who ever in the department assassinated and executed the slain Baltimore police detective. Really activates th almonds. I'm so sorry for the few police officers that tried to say to us police are dirty criminals and tried to expose the dirty police criminality and got murdered by their own dirty blue blood brother bastards trying to scream out and tell the world the police are dirty criminals. We really need another Chris Dorner but 1 that wins his mission and changes public perception and public opinion for good. Even if it takes another asymmetric war and guerrilla war like last time ike Rambo and even if it's much bloodier and violent if it has to be. And it can happen again and i believe it will. Even if the whole army and police come looking and kill the hero in the most horrific and brutal way posaible.

This man fights for your freedom.


God pol we need some more Chris Dorner's, Micah Johnson's, Gavin Long's, and some Larry Davis's all in 1 day for a really comfy happening. Not saying i want violence but it would be a really comfy happening. Meme it into reality?

>Dorner accuses Evans of violence against a schizophrenic man
> Dorner is accused of making a false statement
> after the least convincing evidence ever, the court rules that if you accuse a cop of violence and the cop says no she didn't that's enough evidence to convict you of making false statements

And that's how Dorner was fired from the LAPD.

guy went apeshit on corrupt cops. The hunt him down to a cabin in the woods. Then the government said fuck it and burned the place down. Guy was epic he runned away on a horse at some point

>What information did he discover that made the entire state send an army after him?

White women.



About the Baltimore neighborhood being on lockdown. Maybe the detective was shot by a cop he knew and was comfortable with and the Baltimore P.D lockdowned the neighborhood to find a fall guy and a patsy. But yeah fuck the LAPD and fuck the police. Chris Dorner was a true American patriot and a true hero.


>burned the place down
yep. shut him up good


Don't know if anyone cares at this point, but if you haven't noticed I still have a Dorner folder.
Does anyone other than cianiggers even care at this point?

The same info this other hero had.

Newfag GTFO

Yo nig i'm still here and if you threw that shit up on mega I would download it.

Do you have any audio recordings from the scanners?

I have 5 minutes of audio of them lighting the BBQ. Give me a minute, i'll maga it.

the way they handled it was my first true redpill.

that was probably the hardest I've ever laughed I'm my life when he had the horse

It was revealed in an interview with Evans after the showdown on Bear mountain that she was actually the one who initially cast suspicion on Dorner for the murder of his lawyer's daughter and fiance, and the notebook where he supposedly confessed and outlined his motives and plan to massacre the police was only discovered when they searched his house after the fact. There was literally no indication he had anything to do with their deaths or was planning on a killing spree before she and her buddies 'discovered' those notes.

I can't believe that was four fucking years ago already.

Can't believe I'm still learning new things about Dorner, but that completely fits.

he discovered the fact that he is uncornerable

OK, I got a 7zip going up now.
Sorry for the Democracy Now episode, but they talk about the police response in a pretty honest way that was relevant enough for me to include.

Checked user, I care. He remains uncornered to this day


The threads did better coverage than anything else, suggest reading the 'chocolate rambo' threads.


Same man. The chief of police caving to Dorner and promising that there would be a full and public investigation into his allegations then turning around and burning him alive when his head popped out and doing exactly none of that shit really changed my entire perspective on police power and I think that ultimately Dorner's actions did succesfully transform the american public' perceptions of the police in a very profound way that we are all still experiencing.

Its so forgotten in this 10-day news cycle age.
Its so fucking hard to find anyone who even knows who this nigger is.

Can't corner the Dorner.

Someone give me quick rundown on this please

You nigger. You shopped that nigger rapper's face into the honorary Aryan Chris Dorner's face!

I probably wouldn't be on this board today if I hadn't stayed up the entire night following those threads and seeing the media lie to my face and peddle a false narrative.
Sup Forums was always right.

jesus christ when Sup Forums wasn't 90% newfags

Wow, I thought all of this stuff was lost down the memoryhole forever. Its really incredible to look back on this and think about the mindblowing stuff that Happening watch on Sup Forums was made of.

You are a true fucking Sup Forumsrother for preserving all this user, thank you.

He was a fuckin LARPER who rode Affirmative Action into every job he had, all Govt jobs where he was protected, but then it was discovered that he was making threats against cop's families and tried to light-up a cop's house. That's when shit got real.

sharts believe this just like they believe anything the government tells them

I remember pulling for Dorner. He was a hero indeed.

In what way

shut up nigger

Dorner was a true believer in the American system. He joined the LAPD thinking he would be serving the public. He found out the LAPD was a corrupt shithole and was thrown aside by the system. He couldn't move on and let it go, so he snapped and attacked them. Threads here and on /k/ during Choclate Rambo's rampage were legendary. LAPD were scared shitless. They had fucked over an ex Navy Special Forces guy who decided to start killing them. The raw panic as the LAPD shot randomly at everything that even resembled Dorner's truck was damned entertaining, especially when they unloaded on a pickup with two old Asian women in it. I think the round count was something like 300 shots fired. One of the women was hit in the wrist. There were multiple scenes like that all over Los Angeles. So not only was the LAPD corrupt, but they were cowards who couldn't shoot straight.
>Can't corner the Dorner
>good night, Chocolate Rambo

in our hearts forever

Just answer the fucking question dickface
You probably just bandwagon for every thing you see Sup Forums supports without even knowing why

remember how they went full Mafia on some car that was suspected to be his?

The got a nice fat settlement from LAPD, actually.

This the Zimmerman trial and listening to Palestinian rockets blow up while talking to polaks on an irc chat.
Best pol

He fought against the entrenched LAPD corruption and did a pretty good job.
He limited his response to those who explicitly wronged him.

Stories like these make me proud to live in a true free democracy. free from lobbyists.

well his boss was a CIA nigger for one

>being this new

> when they claimed he was dead

Yep and do you remember how fast that settlement got paid out compared other mistaken shooting?

Newfags don't even know about Dorner? What's next who was Harambe?

He discovered he was a nigger.

Leave, newcancer.

I hadn't realized that, but not that you mention it... that WAS awfully fast.

Fucking KEK

>What's next who was Harambe?
>Harambe was a 4cham maymay

Back you go now

99% of the country probably doesn't even remember dorner


This^. California needs punishment in any way or form.

They firebombed his holdout.

No chance of escape.

My bad, not those guys, it was "YourAnonNews"


I always thought he got droned to death.

It always seems to be tear gas grenades that happen to burn down standoff buildings, another example being the Branch Davidians.

No the branch davidians got burned to death by a flame throwing tank...


No it was a fire bombing. Wasn't a tear gas canister accident.

It's standard M.O. when a hostile is holed up in a structure.
There was even Police radio captured where they said "Burn his fucking ass." Or something to that effect.


Well, apparently they're gonna tear down Rambo for fucking groupies. Nigger Rambo is a pretty worthy replacement.

Shooting at a little asian woman driving the wrong model and colour car because they mistook her for a big black guy

Those are Trumps heroes, how dare you criticize the police have some respect for america!

Don't fuck with cops. They're mostly manlet wannabe gangsters who think they're above the law. Who woulda thought a career of harassing niggers and rousting homeless didn't automatically make them badass operators?

Very odd. His statements about Mormons seem intentionally designed to force sympathy loss and shift him away from militant Mormons to isolate him in the areas he was in.

All reeks of of McMullen intelligence type subversion of militant Christianity.

Think about the Bundy's occupation of Federal land and all the shady fed shit done.

They don't want another Utah War.

There a ton of updates in the padded manifesto that seem like bait across the board. And I'm not talking chan-tier bait. It seemed to be targeting specific political intelligence interests. If you dig through the maga I posted, you can see the difference in the versions and what as added.

Who knows

Wasn't something else going on right about same time?