Are whites human?

>natives prepare you a feast
>massacre them after

Other urls found in this thread:

>Go to mexican restaurant
>eat your food prepared by illegals
>arrest illegals on the way out
old habits die hard.

the natives were the feast


You know you posted a picture of a white man, right?

Only Africans are 100% Human.
Whites and Asians have Neanderthal DNA.

Daily reminder that the first settlers were stupid commies who had to take food from the natives because their system couldn't support them. Commies are literally less then savages.


>>natives prepare you a feast
>half the people end up dead
Sounds like one hell of a feast!


this supports the out of africa theory. whites were a blend of north africans and neanderthals, interesting.

>natives welcome you supposedly
>after spanish, and vikings have been fucking them up and over
>conjure entire satirical holiday revolving around them being peaceful
>they massacred several settlers towns, and the spanish, we won
>Australian makes an obama tier post on a holiday, his natives are ruined forever sniffing gas.

I love being white. We came, we saw, and we fucking conquered.

*colours of the winds plays sadly in the background*

Literal savages

We bought the land fair and square for a couple of shiny beads and they wouldn't get the fuck out.

It was a prank, bro.
Savages have no sense of humour.

Fuck off
Unity is what Thanksgiving is all about.

What the fuck is your problem cunt? You shame our nation and its proud shitposting tradition with this piss weak bait. I could have made up better content by necking a six pack and snorting a couple of grams of meth and posting whatever senseless drivel I came out with during the resultant bender. Hell, LEAVES are funnier than you, yeah maple syrup slurping moose fucking canadians are funnier than you. Or worse, those stupid cunts that post "Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight", you heard me right "REPLY TO THIS POST OR YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE IN HER SLEEP TONIGHT"

Sorry, we gave those redskins alcohol and one of them tried to have sex with Jerry's wife, ended up having to kill about 30 of them fore things settled down and the rest of them left. How were we supposed to know they literally don't have the proper genetics to create the enzymes that digest liquor.

They are all savages, ask yourself, would you rather live in a tepee, or a modern European style home with all its amenities, would your rather communicate with smoke signals or use a cell phone? drive a car or ride a horse? use a refrigerator, electricity, the internet, ect ect? because that is the difference between the white man and these native savages, they are barely a step above nigger tier retard. wiping them out is called progress and we should have done the same to africa.

They were savages.

>le peaceful life-loving Indian
is a meme.

They were scalping each other's heads long before any Europeans settled there.

not even good b8 faggot.

>wiping them out is called progress and we should have done the same to africa.
YES. You make yet avoid the day of the rake.

Protestants aren't white
>Pope says native americans are creatures of God and need to be converted and educated, not enslaved
>lol let's do the opposite fuck the pope

>Moor nigger
Try again

I'm a tree nigger and am more aryan than those wops.

Were you there?

>Moor nigger
Thanks for the correction. Now I don't feel so bad.

While I do admit whitey brought many wonders, nevermind automobiles, horses were a technological marvel to us. But you also brought us all the degeneracy of western society. Our women were skinny and noble, and we had zero jews. Between living off the land in a traditional society and living in today's Jewtopia I know me and many other Sup Forumsacks would pick the latter.

I live only to dispense the wisdom of my ancestors.

The "indian" your pic is actually an italian

>Be from Newfoundland.
>Leave back to glorious Britain for cold winter.
>Frost Niggers stole all fishing equipment.
>Kill every single fucking one except one female to experiment on.

Idk how the rest of North America contained Newfoundland after that.


You didn't conquer, Americans and to a lesser extent Canadians spent hundreds of years conquering the West. Meanwhile you were conquered and sent to Australia as punishment.

Actually it's more suggestive of a split origin.

Glad you mentioned, I was going to.

Virginia is named after a little girl raped and killed by injuns.
In fact all of Roanoke disappeared.
Injuns killed everything they could and started the indian Wars.
They fought hard but lost in 400 years, and gave title over to the whites,
Probaly time to just deport indians back to asia where they came from

Why is it always white liberal idiots who make these threads and entice brown peoples to massacre them? If they wanna commit suicide why don't they just jump off a tall building or something instead of trying to get us all killed?
Even in their deathwish they expect people to do what they say.

Naw Senpai, we wuz ayy lmaos and shit.

Roanoke disappeared because you proto-burgers couldn't survive a winter despite coming from a land that had harsher winters. Early American settlers were the equivalent to refugees that couldn't hack it in yurop and sought gibs from subhumans.

french had good relations with natives mostly pelt trades

it's the brits who fucked them over

The moral of the story is that after you beat weaker groups for their land and settle in for a while, don't trust other migrants who want to settle in your hard fought land and don't ever give them gibs.

And yet here we are, where the nationals are renting, the foreigners are owning, and all the gibs are going towards refugees.

Current research suggests the Roanoke colony just moved inland about 75 miles because beach sand is shite for farming. Also, researchers don't like the public knowing about blond, blue-eyed, high IQ "native americans" that are part of the Lumbee and Pee Dee tribes that live in the areas extending from Robeson County, NC to Marlboro County, SC. These injuns were encountered by trappers in the early 1700s and were found to be bilingual, speaking English and an Algonquin-type native language.

Historians have a problem with the idea that the Roanoke colony said fuck England and went native.

That doesnt make sense.
Why would Neanderthals die -out if they were superior?

Your mom?

It's all propaganda, absolutely 0 proof natives were given small pox blankets. They were "forced" off their land, but that's not really that big of deal when you realize they had no concept of land and there were maybe 2 million in the whole continent of North America by the time the Europeans got there.