How can we reduce black crime in the US from a realistical standpoint?

How can we reduce black crime in the US from a realistical standpoint?

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Reduce/elminate the welfare state.

That's actually going to breed in more violent crime. Not a good idea

Why?? Its working great!


By removing jews. Jews needed drug dealers to sell drugs they bring from south america and niggers were a perfect fit, they gave them welfare and glorified gang culture through music

Cut off the hands of every black male.

Kill them

Please actually have an argument opposing a claim instead of just vocalizing that it won’t work you fucking mouthbreathing shill

By reducing the black population

There is only one solution...... genocide.

This is as almost equivalent as advocating for a white ethnostate. It's an unrealistic pipe dream that holds no basis in a logical, or even an ethical standpoint

You give them less money, they will steal and rob more to get what it takes to pay bills and eat. They're not going to say Shit, we gets no more free foods stamps, maybe we should go to college and shiat.

>How do we reduce crime.
>Get rid of criminals!
>That's an unrealistic pipe dream. Simply can't be done.
Essentially you aren't willing to go to the lengths required to get the effect you desire.

By getting them all to behave like normal people and stop romanticising nigger rap and shit like that.

Good luck though, anyone whos not as nigger as them is an "uncle tom"

1) Immediately impose martial law on all ghettos, black or not.
2)Legalize drugs, heavily penalize illegal dealing, make rehab manditory for addicts.
3 End welfare, put all dependents to work on national projects New Deal style, except those who are actually incapable of work.

Killing more niggers.

Realistically? We're far away from a race war or genocide but that's the only realistic solution.

This. All of them. No blacks no black crime. But don't reduce this to the USA, it should be done world wide.

Yep, the welfare state has created a group of people with too much time on their hands to do bullshit instead of getting a job like a decent person. The welfare state needs to be gradually reduced until it's practically gone to ween these fuckers off of it.

It will have no net impact on African American crime.
Africans live in destitute poverty and commit crime(particularly homocide) at the same rate as Blacks in the US.


The only reason laws were created were to keep down the black man by making ordinary acts illegal. This is used as a justification to increase the prison population, which just becomes a labor camp, which is just modern slavery 101.



Clearly a monkey in human clothing.

>How can we reduce black crime
>black crime
you know how dont play stupid

Abolishing welfare would only lead to more chimp outs



There’s actually significant evidence that both in utero as well as early childhood exposure to lead, as well as the subsequent lead/blood exposure can lead to greatly diminished IQ, and thus lower quality of education and lower societal effect. Non Hispanic whites have the lowest avg lead/blood concentration, at >5 micrograms/liter (i think it’s around there) Hispanics average around 13-15 micrograms/liter, blacks get up to over 15. At more than 8 micrograms/liter, there is up to a 1.15 standard deviation decline in IQ, which is usually about 5-8 points (depending on ethnicity).

While this won’t bridge the natural IQ gap between whites, mestizos, and blacks, removal of lead pipes and projects to reduce lead paint could actually lead to a greater number of these people being able to succeed and turn away from crime

More chimp outs would lead to the inevitable Final White Chimpout though.

It won't make them any less violent but we'll save a shitton of money.


Encourage proper parenthood and increase gun rights to those that actually need a handgun.

Reduce black people.

Just as I was getting cozy thinking things are going alright in the world, this made me think twice.

Sterilization is the answer. It's 2017 and we don't have a targeted virus that can make all the nogs infirtle? Come on people let's get it together.

Maybe give them construction jobs and have them rebuild their hoods
But blacks commit crimes even when rich, so idk what to do with then that would not involve labor camps and special education

stop pretending like u fucking care

black churches look fun

Improve basic reading and writing skills:

if by jaywalking and "acting suspicious" is a crime then you would make sense yeah

Arrest. Execute. Repeat.

Lace their weed with heavy metals. Don't stop.

Africans have nothing to lose anymore.
However US niggers losing welfare would make them more violent than african niggers themselves. What do they use the welfare money for? Drugs and shit.
Cut that out and you will get crazy drug addicts flinging pistols at you.

Sterilize at least 50% of niggers.

The police already are it’s just prolific. Why do you think blacks are doing the blm shit?

I unironically will run for governor of Ohio in 6-12 years. I plan to remove the Somalis and Syrian from Columbus by claiming their immigration has skyrocketed Ohio crime, and there placement on Ohio soil itself is an unconstitutional act. I’ll pack those fuckers into boards and sink those fuckers dead I’m Lake Erie

>shit bait
The left truly cannot meme.

No it won't. Per capita blacks commit the same amount of crime in all western nations that we have reliable stats for. A black person is nearly exactly as likely to rob a store, kill, or rape, whether he lives in London, St Louis, Sao Paulo, Melbourne, or Cape Town.

It's funny how groups of people act the same way regardless of where they go.

as I remember this was like vietnam or something, but it's still nig levels of savagery.

What did Lake Erie ever do to you?

This but cucks won't admit it.

>succeed in turning away from crime
Start with the genetic factors such as blacks having more free-flowing testosterone(test is basically causally linked with crime) in the blood stream as well as a higher occurrence MAOA genes. Blacks display a high degree of impulsiveness. Impulsivity is correlated to criminal behavior as well.

Next analyze the culture and social factors that exacerbate these traits.
US black culture is that of violence, glorifying defiance, and highly fetishizing instant grandeur.
Socioeconomically they are undeniably at the bottom and will forever be unable to compete in the free market due to their average low intelligence.
It's a perfect cocktail for a permanent, violent underclass.

>50% includes all the males
>nobody will fuck the sheboons
>98% of niggers gone in one generation

stop giving felonies for low level drug crimes and making people into repeat offenders

Kill 90% of black males between the ages of 12 and 60

Reduce black people in the US.

Like getting a thermometer and breaking it and pouring the mercury on the weed?

Stop recording crime stats. They are racist.

reduce/eliminate their population, breed them into other races while killing off all the alpha males, at the same time giving all the males estrogen.

Hire more dumb fuck cops.
They are the first and foremost to shoot niggers.

This would work, but it would take at minimum one generation to see a real impact. There likely would be a short term spike in crime actually as nogs lose their gibs and are forced to steal more than usual.

Undo what the CIA and Reagan did. But all the degenerate niggers will have to go, no other new black must see the horrible state of degeneracy his people can achieve, so his average model would always be a rational civilized black man with no idea about "ghetto" culture and drugs.


>reddit-tier question

reduce nigger population. Any other answer is failed strategy.

Hand out free abortions and birth control in inner city neighbourhoods and remove all welfare and tax benefits for having kids. (Or require both parents to pass an IQ test before collecting)

Free helicopter rides, they will see the word free and stop thinking from there

Stop doing and dealing drugs.
It's literally that fucking simple.

The current welfare state rewards single mothers. The largest predictor for crime(outside of % of blacks) is % of single mothers.

Female niggers are relatively good at adapting to circumstance. If all the male nigs are impotent then they will just heap onto the other race's men who have colonialism fetishes. If the guy wants them to keep fit then they keep fit simply because by being both female and a nigger their IQ isn't much higher than an animal. It's only because American male niggers don't care what the women do that they end up so fat.
There is a reason why many households in less tolerant nations have female nigger housekeepers. Once they have been taught they can do simple tasks and they are actually quite good at them because pesky intellectual traits such as boredom and having better things to do with their time simply don't occur to them.

Tldr: There are enough White guys that like female niggers to bleach the entire population in a generation.

Nice fucking digits

Here's the thing. We could EASILY genocide the blacks just like the Turks did the Armenians, and it would be even less difficult. See, the Turks targeted the Armenian intellectuals and top educators first on Bloody Sunday, but, here's the catch...the nigger thugs in the ghettos don't have any intellectuals, period. Street degrees in koolaidology, fried chicken studies, or armed robbery economics don't fucking count. The true black intellectuals don't care for these thug niggers one bit.

So simple. We displace them, take their property, burn it all to the ground, then bring them back and force them to build our new high rise utopian paradise on their property we razed.

Who's ready?

White people abandon the metro counties. They no longer collect taxes and dues. Blacks who contribute to society are alone in the burning cities. They shoulder the economic burden for only so long before they're forced to lynch other niggers. The fires are snuffed out, one by one. Whites move back in and a new golden age of prosperity begins. The cycle repeats itself.

We should teach federal crime statistics in middle school so that blacks will be inspired from within their own kokoros to be good kids and not bite their friends.

Gas them

Execute murderers, rapists, and pedophiles immediately and publicly upon conviction. Niggers know that if they do any of these things, they'll simply go to jail and be surrounded by other niggers for a few years. They get to lift weights and drink toilet wine. It's nigger heaven.
Also this: Nigs have time to go out and shoot people all day because white people pay for their dinners.

Import more Mexicans. Hell just let all the Venezuelans come here.

Unpopular opinion: legalize and tax controlled substances. Treat them exactly like we do alcohol or prescription drugs.

You'd be toppling every organized crime syndicate on the continent in one move. Without a black market to make obscene under the table profits, Kamal actually needs a job. Might actually start acting like a reasonable citizen if his paycheck depends on it.

Bonus Nachos: mainstream rap pretty much dies. Right now if all about drug money, lambos, and pulling up on your homies. I think it's gonna be quite a bit harder to write "music" about installing drywall.

Agreed, but I'm thinking long term.

build a fucking gigantic jail. i mean.... fucking yUge!

bury it into the side of a mountain so there's only one door.

return to the "inmates should be seen and not heard" approach to prison management.

This is simple OP. We systematically mix in sterilizing chemicals into the spices mix at KFC and all Koolaid production centers.

Hell, just let black people keep doing what they're doing and they'll eventually destroy themselves anyway

Sterilize low income blacks

Obviously we have a crime problem, so we need to pass more legislation banning crime. We need common sense law laws.

But the white apologists, the nigger loving degenerates will keep funding their crime sprees and giving them better things than they could ever deserve

>AK-47- type guns are turning up more often
But why is he holding a FAMAS??

>Execute murderers, rapists, and pedophiles immediately and publicly upon conviction.
You're going to end up with more murder victims who were raped/molested before being killed.

Less welfare, less blacks. Maybe mandatory birth control for people who subsist solely on welfare, but this would most likely be seen as a human rights violation, as reasonable as it might be to not want children raised on the tax payer's dollar.

I'm saying when niggers succeed in destroying whites, they're gonna be in some deep shit. There's no way they are capable of running a nation without us. Simultaneously, women will destroy men (especially white men) not realizing how fucking badly they need us.

what about free birth control for people on welfare? via pill or shot, the shot is probably more convenient for niggos though

1. Eliminate public services so that people get married before having children, and privatize divorce so that married couples stay together. Single mother parenting leads to a disproportionate amount of the criminals in society.

2. Abolish the minimum wage. Black youth employment rates have not recovered since it was introduced in the 1930s. Without jobs, they often end up on the streets, and become criminals.

Reducing or eliminating economic regulations would also help to lower the cost of living in society, making low wages livable and business less complicated to conduct.

Take over the media or at least punish the media.
Guns don't poison minds with images, the media does that.
They are the creators of 95% of serial and mass murderers.

That's clearly an FAL, Pedro.

>blah blah more fuck whitey take care of them
You gadsden/lolbergs are such cretins.

whites are killed at higher rates then blacks during police actions. yes, this is controlled for population.
try again, nigger.

forgot source:

well then more of them go to jail? more people see how they act? seems like a win win, maybe theres a 10% spike in crime for a few years until they start dying out without whitey constantly taking care of all their needs as if they were petulant children

>Reduce/eliminate black people.
You get rid of the welfare state and the resulting riots will kill a significant portion of the black population. Anyone smart enough to integrate into wider society will be spared. Of those spared, things will work normally for. The smarter ones will show it and succeed, the stupid ones will fail.