Name one bad thing about soy

Name one bad thing about soy

> inb4 it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

>it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

beans make you fart

Looks like my swollen nuts after two weeks of nofap

So what? You want to live forever nigger?

Glyphosate herbicide

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

also gives you feminine penis!

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

shutup roastie my penis is none of your business

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

Fuck off soyim. You are disgusting.

you don't?

does non-gmo fermented soy lower testosterone?

or is the the gmo/glyphosphate +xenoestrogens that are prevalent in the foods americans eat?

I am struggling with this question - advocated a meat based diet where the cows are fed GMOsoy/glyphosphate treated grains really makes me feel like it's the whole mercury in tuna thing all over again.

>Name one bad thing about soy
95% of it worldwide is GMO.

Japs eat it and they have rice dicks and hairless bodies, isn't that enough for you faggot? saged

Good, once you ignorant carnists open your eyes to what people are putting in their stomachs, maybe you'll come to realise the harmful effects of meat and the dairy industry compared to soy.

The fag mods actually banned me for breaking this soy thing down and stating its benefits.

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

Lowers test i heard

testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers


it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

Looks liek a beniss :DDD

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

It doesn't lower testosterone retard. They use it for animal feed, it makes no sense to feed your animals food that deteriorates muscle mass.

the fact that it triggers betas so much makes it perfect. cuts deeper than cuck

it lowers testosterone, testosterone causes prostate cancer, bowel and bladder cancers

I always eat an onion after my soy drink so I'm good.
>299% test increases.
>Eat 2 onions for 599% test boost
Me in the pic

Nope, I'll give myself another 5 years tops before I check out.

>name one bad thing about soy
>lists multiple
was there a reason for making this thread?

>testosterone is bad


Here goes a stupid asshole who doesn't understand the actual cause of cancer saying that a chemical which our body produces naturally and has produced naturally since the dawn of time causes a disease that has only existed in recent history due to the advent of industrial chemical synthesis

There's evidence of cancer in ancient Egyptian texts m8.

The reason it's much more common nowadays is a number of factors, including less death to other causes and simply diagnosis being easier because we know what we're doing, but it still been omnipresent throughout human history.