Why do polish people look so "jewish"?

Why do polish people look so "jewish"?

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because she is jewish, idiot.

poles are a very judified race

Oh come on!
I've stalked literally hundreds of polish girls who look pretty much like her. This features seem to be pretty common specially in the south!

Antifa raped them after the war.

spic rapist detected

They are quite receptive to my swarthy latin charm. I'm going in february :^)


Poles are Jews. Duh

Jews look like Poles not the other way around

Remember to stay in Cracov or other tourist trap shitholes.

Because many of them are one way or another.

Whatever is not of pure blood is not Native and has no fucking place in Europe.
Ever wonder why so many of Poles rock that “Der Untermensch” look?

That’s because “Poles” often have those subhuman negro genes thru Jewish side (jews are 2-6% nigger) manifested in them.

I can say that the share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40%
That means poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel united states
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees" is whiter than Poland

Poles cant claim that Poland didn’t :
A - gave refuge to subhuman gypsies killed by Germans
B - bring armenians to Europe
C - give a homeland to the jews
D - import lipka tatars


doing a little bit of research? btw i think it might be a result of jewz mixing with poles before WWII, you know there where like six gorillions of them before?

Well, good luck, subhuman.

Wow it's almost like if you kill subhumans just for not being White, they don't come


>be non-white subhuman (((from Canada)))
>go to Poland

nonwhite tries to talk to you in your Native Land? Pepper spray him, spit in his face and break his teeth


I have a Polish friend and holy fuck does he look Jewish. He even works in commercial banking. He denies being Jewish though...

Oh look, its this autistic mongoloid again.

One polak is worth 10,000 fishnigger gook russians.

I'm heading straight to Konin in Wielkopolskie to meet a chubby polish girl, with incredibly pale skin and big breast.

t. Pawel Cwelski, the Lipka Negro

Ever wondered where the 6 million European jews disappeared to? Soviets replaced the ethnic Poles they genocided with jews.

Hey there senpai.

Well, at least from my experience, polish girls possess some "rural charm" that I find impossible to resist. They're friendly without being flirty, funny without being stupid, and overall well educated in whatever they're interested in.

And about the jews, yeah I have no doubts about it. Dark hair, dark eyes, huge nose, smells like jew to me. But it seems to be specially common in the south.

>islam, muh MASS migration

Every racemixed pederast can say these mean-nothing words today.

If you want to talk about REAL problem of Russia, a better question to ask is who do tatar, armenian, pontic greek, gypsy, jewish, northern caucasus and central asian subhumans enjoy equal rights? Actually mongrelization is far greater threat than reproduction or lack of “strict immigration laws”. The White Genocide is not mass immigration or decreasing birthrates, the White Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" US hookers being able to sneak into Finland and procreate unchallenged. What we need are racial laws and eugenics to get rid of weak genes

There must be a Constitution Article I - “Only those of good character and of pure Northeastern, Central and Notthwestern European Blood shall be citizens”

My mom is half-polish and she has a giant semitic looking hook nose. I have a normal irish nose like my Dad but I always wondered about being part kike. Thankfully a DNA test cleared it up, no jew blood.

>muh one drop rule

>muh being a racemixed abomination
Go back to Albania, Bosnia, France, Italy, Portugal or whenver you came from, Kanake

There are some Jews in Poland. Not many but Hitler didn't finish the job. Most Polish people do not look Jewish at all.

You are fucking retarded. It's too late at night to sit here and refute you. But you are wrong on basically every level. You're just bitter because You come from an Asian country.

Oh hey, you're the autistic Russian who larps as Bavarian. Do you make a DNA test before you have sex with a women because she could be 1/128 Clack or Chinese?

>Manpreet Kanhaiya
I'm actually whiter (or at least not less white) than the average people in eastern Europe. So I don't really worry about such incidents.

You live in a fucking third world country. No one wants to live in Russia,it's one of the worst country in the world. We know you only because you spend all your money with vodka and weapons

its funny how its always russian talking about "white supremacy" while russians are "le 36% face" in reality ...

russians are the most diverse society in the world as well as the most tolerant

I simply don’t hang out with non-Germanics or those of low social standing. That’s one drop rule test by itself, silly roach. Why should we tolerate any mongrelization, when we can solve it by repatriation of foreigners?
No such thing. One drop rule, and those of Southern European descendance are not European White.
Yet Russia has the second highest amount of immigrants in the world and about 700k-1,2mil Westerners, me being one of the latter.

>the most diverse
>the most tolerant
Not correct either. To be fair each race has its degenerates, but 95% of ethnic Russians are racially aware and exclude nonwhite filth of all type from their lives, social circles and networking

There are a lot of russian immigrants here

Russia proper is Moscow and St. Petersburg, everything else is their empire's provinces and it's poor and underdeveloped and not inhabited by Europeans.
For whatever reason people try to think of them as one monolithic country when they're an old school empire, even China and India are more homogeneous.

>No such thing. One drop rule.
Where do you find "pure russians" and how do they even look like?

but you aren't Russian. why are you speaking for all Russians?
fuck, you don't even speak Russian

Because European jews come from an enclave set up by some Polish monarch in the 10th-11th century.

>inb4 I'm German so that makes me Russian hurrr durrrr
no it doesn't you schizophrenic fuck
how long are you gonna keep LARPing?

he's not Russian
it's not even established he's in Russia, he's probably using proxy
he's some German fuck sperging out

Ones social standing in these days doesn't depend so much on ancestry but on hard work. So it isn't a one drop rule test Ivan.

He probably isn't German.So far he always dogged when someone demanded to communicate in German with him.
So he's a larping Russian in my book as long as he doesn't show up in a Kraut thread and talks with us in German.

I just try not being a sucidal subhuman shitskin whose living depends on shilling for Putin. Helps to form a decent bond with people you like

why are you pushing this autistic shit vladik?

Extremely similar to Balts
>more than 40 bans for speaking German including several Swi*s threads
Ayylmao. Archives are at your service

>a norm of European nationalism and Traditionalism
>silly shit
You need both, do you get it? What’s so hard to grasp? I don’t want fucking Steve Jobs living next to me

>more than 40 bans for speaking German
We often talk in German in Kraut threads and nobody got a ban for it Ivan.
The best one drop rule test is to only breed with women in small villages. It's not perfect but as it as it can get.
>What's so hard to grasp
Learn to read fag, i explained to you why social standing these days doesn't have a real connection to ancestry. So as long as you don't do a DNA test or get the family tree of a person you don't know if she isn't for example 1/128 Turkish.

If you have a beard you better shave it or you'll get beat up by people thinking you are a muslim.

>Chilean pianist performs in Poland after being beaten for 'looking like an Arab'

okay, I want to kill myself, sure, that's me
but answer:
1) why are you switching between claiming to be German, then using ''we'' when talking about Russians
2) why are you talking for Russians, when you aren't Russian, and when you can't even speak Russian?
and no, you aren't ''Russian'' just because you're German, I literally have no idea how can someone even say something like that
furthermore, how did you speak with all the ''Russian nationalists'' you claim you met, when you can't even utter a word of Russian?

90% of polish people are jews

By “we” I mean the European population of Russia. How does it feels like to be a legit autistic moron? There are quite a few of NWE-Russian families I know and they are NOT happy with the ethno-racial state of Russia and Putin on top of the government failing at LITERALLY everything