Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Wörk break Edition

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
SPD in full damage control mode LARPing as opposition.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
Presicuck Steinmeier inviting usual suspects for anudda 4 year big coalition of doom.
Greens are now ranting about FDP as was predicted.

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag
>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled


>English: poz'd (((press)))

>AfD speeches in Bundestag

>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

Last thread:

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Alle noch am schlafen?

wide awake, but there's so little news over the weekend, nothing to talk about.
I still feel like memeing up the ZpS "monument" though, just don't wanna do it alone.

Probably. I feel asleep watching a documentary on phoenix, woke up to hysteric Green screeching.
It was horrifying.

Im thinking about doing some "Tipps &Tricks" Infoimages for IRL Actions, after the last thread.

Nope schon wach.

>berlin trends

What are the moon runes between the Arabic?
Also the Greens are talking about a 'crash into the reality of the others' when trying to explain LGBTBBQ to CSU and now they're playing the A-Team intro....

berlin ist nicht deutschland. Schon der Führer hasste es.

>arabrunen in top 10

thats japanese

der führer wollte berlin, 'germania' zur welthauptstadt machen


18,7 tsd tweets in japanese? What the fuck?

it's a saudi football club idk

some tipps & tricks on stickering (or a fork from AfD general covering it) would be great.

Obviously not doing at during daylight

Niedrigste lebenserwartung in Europa loiddde

Tja unser Land säuft und isst sich halt weg.
Drachenlord pls

I will make something about Sticker, Banner, Poster and Stencils. More to ad on demand later.

good lord, did you read this with your brain off?
they had a match against urawa appearently, a japanese club

The new German heroes

The katakana reads aruhiraru. That's the arab Club name you mongoloid.

Are you retarded? That was proven fake 1or 2 threads ago

fake news

EU shill

why is leftwing and FDP gaining?


Fun Fact, most actions i and my guys do happens in broad daylight but that depends on the City and the location, i guess.We Sticker bombed a part of my town (Antifa und Studentenviertel) with 10000 Stickers in 6 Hours a few years ago.Nobody of us was caught.

says the pirate meme flagger

What's the /Kraut/pol consensus on Martin Sellner and Identitäre Bewegung (IB)? Are they helpful? Or a waste of time?

Personally I think they have the right ideas. Martin has excellent, shareable videos on YouTube, interviews well and the collabs with other e-celebs like Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern are making IB more accessible to young viewers.

They are making serious inroads in normalizing white ethnocultural identity to Germany, France, Italy and Austria. In Germany especially this is critical.

Also playing it smart with the connections to the AfD. I think there is potential for a massive surge in UK popularity with the right faces attached. They just need charisma and youth (and nothing to lose I guess)


Only Özil is worth a shit. Boateng is a lazy bum, Khedira is an arrogant asshole and the rest are diversity hires.

I like them, the only problem I see is that groups like that are prone to being subverted by secret service rats and provocateurs

Push polls to demoralize the right in the face of Neuwahlen?

Die richtige Parteien insgesamt 56% (kind of)

Also FDP has a charismatic leader and is seen as a hybrid of CDU without Merkel + AfD without the stigma?

>e-celeb retard shit who larps as a white nationalist

Daily reminder that AfD needs to distance itself from such lunatics

Martin said they've had to kick out a lot of people and are constantly dealing with infiltrators. I guess it comes with the territory. They're doing an excellent job with the core groups so far. I've not seen any high profile false flags or incidents?

That would be the biggest problem with the UK chapter: crypto-leftist traitors, nu-male cucks and emotional women ruining things.

The IB are useful but I wouldn't overestimate them

I dont think he's a retard at all. He knows what he's talking about. Movements need leaders and having a young, clean-cut, charismatic speaker is the easiest way to get media attention to grow.

There is nothing he says you wouldn't get from a reasonable discussion here on Sup Forums


>reasonable discussion here on Sup Forums

I still think the most crucial part of achieving political solutions in Germany (and by extension Europe) is through the AfD and other European centre-right, populist nationalist groups. But IB are a useful tool in galvanizing youth support/votes and undoing some of the worst effects of cultural Marxism amongst under-30's.

The UK Chapter is just running for a few weeks now ,give them some time. As far as i know they getting hundreds of Membership requests now. Let's wait and see what happend.
Btw. Was there any MSM or goverment reaction on them so far?

Nothing to add, but that's a really nice shoop. Have a bump Hans-user

>i'm being honest

Woukd you like autistic screeching instead?....oh wait

I saw a couple of posts on Facebook about the London banner stunt but apart from that nothing. The TV broadcasters haven't covered anything that i've seen.

So I guess it's the classic tactic of simply not reporting and hoping it will go away?

I'm interested in them. Not sure about applying yet. I hope they're extreme vetting candidates though. They need discipline and a lot of 5th columnists and leftist scum will be trying to kill the movement before it can get started. A lot of people are ready for this sort of movement to rise up though and the silent majority (left and right) already subconsciously agrees with them.

Also I don't know about government reaction. Probably negative with calls to brand IB as racist extremists. I haven't followed UK politics closely in months because it's so depressing.

Wait a few months and watch them closely.I don't know how the UK Chapter will handle it, but in Germany and Austria there are Meetups open to Non-Members so maybe that will be a start for you.
This was yesterday in Dublin/Ireland

Help us ultimately help you, share and like the following message from Jimmie:

Good Luck 2018!

if it is important to him/aou that this stands a chance going int, dubb it in english

Page 4...

Is nothing happening?

>What's the /Kraut/pol consensus on Martin Sellner and Identitäre Bewegung (IB)? Are they helpful? Or a waste of time?

They are good guys, join them if you want to be part of the biggest right wing movement in Europe.

Also they aren't cingey Nazi-larpers, so they don't get subverted as fast as groups like NA and other NSlarping faggots.

Great video. I'd like to see a similar style video but with his view of what Sweden could be under the Sweden Democrats? Something more optimistic. A continuation to the final line about "I will do everything in my power to solve this chaos"?

Apart from that excellent! SD 2018!!

In Sweden and Finland the natsocs are doing a surprisingly good job. Maybe because it's not part of our history in the same way so normies aren't as scared.

Pic related is so true. Right-wing populist and identitarian movements have to be so much cleverer and direct with messaging than the left as to avoid censorship and MSM smear tactics. They are far more effective that way.

Americans could really learn from Europe when it comes to political activism. I respect free speech more than anything but waving an American Flag at an event is a million times more effective than a Confederate, Kekistan or NSDAP flag because of the optics. You have to play the media's game to reverse-subvert it.

Also, having the truth on your side is the ultimate weapon.

As things stand what are the chances of the Sweden Democrats coming to power next year? Will they align with the AfD?

Zero, they're sinking in the polls right now (will still double their result from 2014 though) as the normie parties took a large turn towards them. Our cuckservative party now wants pretty strict immigration and even the leftist government sharped up somewhat. Pic related, asylum seekers the last years.

On the good side though, Sweden Democrats radicalized a lot as a result of the mainstream parties moving towards them. Now they might actually be considered a serious hope. And yes they are already aligned with AFD.

Are the normie parties not full of shit though? This is what the UK parties did in every single election for the last 40 years. Promised to do something about immigration in the campaign "for real this time", then u-turned and imported millions more.

You say a lot of people have been redpilled and radicalized right? I can't imagine anyone who voted for SD, AfD, FN, UKIP or Trump changing their vote back to an establishment party. Why would SD collapse?


mit dem deutchen gruß, heil hitler

>faggots put a banner on the M1

its hardly anything news worthy though is it? lefties do that every day

>lefties do that every day

They don't

I thought the same thing. Maybe if it was on a national monument in Central London (like the London Eye or Marble Arch) it could garner more attention.

But on the M1 who gives a shit.

they do here

mostly the local tree huggers though about fracking or some shit

Anyone else watching the green bullshit fest on Phoenix?

It was their first action, don't be to harsh.

I turned it off, too much leftist crap.
They had a stuttering mongo on the stage.

I'm ringing all day, quite entertaining. Best one was the stuttering fat mother from Lichtenberg that brought her child onto the stage.

can s.o. post the light market cartoon?

Bump. Sören, go home.


Polls are polls. I recall some guy over at the Flashback forum saw that one polling institute had changed their calculation of SD voters and began presenting a lower number.

SD has had a bumpy year with a former poster child trying to pull a #meetoo, and various retards being retarded. In the next term they'll put in some safeguards against retards-in-parliament by requiring having served four years in a municipal or regional council first.
Terrorism and other external happenings tend to scare people towards any strong leader, and our PM decided to pretend being one.
The cuckservatives got a new leader who is basically a clone of the previous two, but people "believe" in him so he soars in polls. Jimmie has called him to debate the new stance on migration, but the cuckservative refuses to answer.
The liberal shitparties play their usual twofaced game, claiming the borders are closed because there's a minimal screening nowadays, and MSM cheers them on.

Kill yourself, you massive faggot shill.


I understand that. I admire that they're doing anything. Next time they should consider somewhere more high profile though if they want to catch MSM attention. Sticker drops around the entire city would be smart (target the East, but anywhere with a white working and middle class population is good. Even if that's rare now)

I would also focused outreach to Essex and the North. York, Durham and Newcastle (and their counties) all have potential for youth support.

They will get their shit together, give them time.

>groko is coming
>next 4 years will be hell
>hearing already mudslimes at night marching through streets and snackbaring

>>next 4 years will be hell

They won't last that long.
I give them 2 years.



Groko 2.0 is suicide for the CDU and SPD. Things will only get worse? The leaders HAVE to understand that.

How did Germany fuck it all up so bad.

>Gets BTFO in WW1
>World super power by WW2 literally invading countries at will

Why couldn't have Hitler just fucked off when it came to the Commies.

won't last long. whats fun is that a 30% party tells a 20% party that they're not allowed to set up conditions, cause they're just 20%

i hope for Neuwahlen

>leaders HAVE to understand that.
first this god damn nation has to understand that!

Weimar style ineffective circus government. AfD, FDP and Die Linke and Grünen obstructing and protesting in the Bundestag. SPD hated for selling out (again). More demographic collapse, social tensions and terrorism. Possibly economic stagnation or collapse? More disillusion and anger.

>How did Germany fuck it all up so bad.

Read a book on Geopolitics, you underaged shithead.

>1 post by this ID

You don't know anything about anything.


at some point they need to actually run in elections to get anything done.

have faith, britbro, we will drain the german swamp and when its done we will try to help your country

At the top of (((SPIEGEL))) frontpage

>at some point they need to actually run in elections to get anything done.

No, that's not what the GI is about.
They are fighting the metapolitical war, so they will never run as a political party.

Just watch Martin Sellner to learn more about them.



Reminder: AfD would become official opposition under another Grand Coalition ;)

>Reminder: AfD would become official opposition under another Grand Coalition ;)

I fucking love this timeline!

>AFD OFFICIAL opposition

afaik we talked about it in the Kraut/pols prior to the BTW17. Different kind of soldiers fighting on different frontlines. Some fight the meme war, some fight the metapolitical war and some have to go into politics.

GroKo or not, Jamaica or not, it doesnt matter as they just play into AfDs hands

There is a small chance that SPD-Basis tells them to fuck off though.

wann gibt die AfD endlich kampfrüstungen aus?

Anyone read the book by Gauland?

Nintendo sendet komische Signale.

>Different kind of soldiers fighting on different frontlines. Some fight the meme war, some fight the metapolitical war and some have to go into politics.

We are all into this together. A movement which spans all generations, all classes, and all types of people.
We are the future!