Socialism will win

If Bernie runs up against Trump in the 2020 election, Bernie would win in a quick fucking millisecond, given his popularity rate at 52% while Trump at 36%. Take that right-tards!

Too bad the dnc will steal the primaries right out from under him again and he will just take it like the cuck he is

Or the gop and dnc will produce candidates that aren't completely shit this time around and a moderate will win.

That'd be fine. I supported Bernie before I supported Trump.
Problems is I don't know if he could manage to have the support of the democrats to actually accomplish anything. He might have even of an harder time with this than Trump has with the republicans.
The democrats did not want Bernie, the republicans did not want Trump.

Hah that's a good joke

"Moderate" can mean a lot of things. There are many ways to be moderate.
Right now a lot of reforms need to be made. THe reign of the special interests need to end. You need a fighter.

They said the same exact thing about hillary last pass. They had the balls to tell us she had a 95% chance of winning. Nobody thought trump would win, anyone who underestimates his connection with his base and his ability to draw in disenfranchised whites is stupid..bernie also does well amongst whites, but only urban dwelling faggots, he cant win against trump, the emperor is to strong for that old jew.

hillary and jeb were moderates. They lost to the populist.

Partially true. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million.

Hillary Clinton was as much of a moderate as you can get, besides all the poop flinging lies all her policies were middle road stuff, the country chose a right wing populist and itll happen again, Trumps biggest pull right now is his place as a culture warrior, whites are getting more nervous about where the country is going and all this trans, anti-american bullshit is pissing us off. Bernie would never condemn someone kneeling or condemn antifa, Bernie is a nutless loser

Hillary was a crooked robot and Jeb didn't have any confidence. I don't even remember any of his policies

Hillary was also a dirty politician with some Nixon tier corruption accusations being flinged around. Anybody that wasn't Clinton would have won the election

The popular vote doesnt matter, try to keep up.

So you honestly believe Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump? Lizzy Warren?


Bernie isn't a democrat, he's a socialist in disguise

Polls and approval ratings. Always 99,9% accurate.

Bernie isn't physically capable of out campaigning trump.
He'll actually die.

Like who? I don't know enough about burger politicians to know who these might be.

All he needs to do is point out that Bernie took the money and ran after getting pegged by Hillary. How people took out loans to donate to him like faggots, and he spit in their faces.


I bet he'd be dead in 4 years.

How old is that fossil again?

Get him a whore or something.

"ahhh ahhh... I'm cummi-- ack!"