A Slave Market in Obama's liberated Libya

Barack Obama, the first black US President, brought slave markets back to Africa.

Previously under Al Gaddafi's tyrannical rule, black people had equal rights and enjoyed the protection of the law as human beings.

"We came, we saw, he died" -Hillary Clinton

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Give source faggot.

They look like they know how to have fun. Get em a goonie and we'll make a game of it

Look it up faggot

Nobody really cares because the news would rather not cover it.

wtf I love Obama now.


Well, it took a while but you've convinced me

What are those silly niggas doing?

Hangin' wit my homies~circa 2017

we are covering it now

we are the news

we decided the president and now run this shit. you are still living in obamas murica kiddo

Under Obama they funded "moderate rebels" in Syria who defected to ISIS and Al Qaeda at high rates. ISIS in the Islamic Caliphate engaged in slavery, selling men, women and children. The US taxpayer funded the institution of slavery in the middle east all so that the PNAC plan to establish greater Israel could be achieved. 2 million dead.

Sauce on your shit claim, Shamus? Fuck off back to the potato farms

Don't make stupid claims that you can't back up faggot

He's right, in IS dominated parts of Libya slave trade is rife, just like in Syria.

why would i pay £800 instead of hiring someone and jewing them out of their wages, none of this makes sense desu. And i have to feed and cloth them and they can run off anytime they want unless you ahev a prison setup

How much for the one in the pink shorts, he be a fine lookin cotton picka.

Oh man I read Liberia gotta lay of the piss

Israeli generals said that it would be "strategically advantageous" to let ISIS fester, meaning it would be in their best interest to let slavery and the wholesale slaughter of innocent people go on unopposed, even encouraged, by strategic funding of oppressive theocratic terror groups.

No "President" is perfect . . . But its not even funny considering the entire western media had no problem with OhBombYas war mongering

>kneels on flag while getting paid 1mil salary

BLACK LIVES #MATTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you're such a fucking faggot

what is going on in that picture?
can someone fucking tell me

i read the article again, its the dodgy aid groups, they get all their details, confine them, charge their FAMILY £800 ransom money and then put them to work until either money is paid or they can't work anymore.

Just some darkies hanging out. Nothing new

How am I supposed to know if the woman is worth the price, if she's completly covered?

Youd think. But look at the communiat regimes. They used slave labor and when they died, they simply arrested enough people to fill the labor vacancies.

Its easier to buy slaves, force them to work at gunpoint, let them die, buy new slaves. If you enslave your tax payers you get a poor economy after losng their tax income.

found the rinkebyneger

>implying they don't hang around the farm with their AK47's ready to shoot a nigger that makes a run for it
man you westerners really live on another planet

This would make for good piss porn.

this is obviously from a protest against isis

>Barack Obama,
>the first black US President
his daddy is Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo Bapak, indonesian leader of Subud cult youtube.com/watch?v=Xck4t1jVnAQ

I wonder what slaving pays these days?

Durka durkas can't into proper lynching. Hang them the wrong way round.

Slave wages or a pittance.

I miss his opression
Its like kinder suprise,you try your luck

>Obama's liberated Libya
only the biggest morons and brainwashed Russian trolls say moronic shit like this

they rebelled against Gaddafi and kicked him out of eastern Libya
with the full force of liberated Egypt standing by

but but but but but it's all Obama's fault because AMERICA BAD OKAY!!!!

Fucking hell. Pics like these are so depressing

I mean as a slaver aka slave trader. The last people to do it anywhere around here where Jewish.

how's the flouride in the water cuck?

That is so hot. I'd wait till they leave and lick it up tbqh

Sorry, I only do sarcastic responses.

lol literal gypsy scum larper

whiter than u

Grow your vocabulary and sarcasm gets better.

what is in rinkeby?

Right, I'm pretty sure the uprising has absolutely nothing to do with the USA financing, training and arming radical rebel groups.

At least Jews and Muslims are woke on the NQ. They know how to make the homo erectus useful.

Wew. Imagine being this brainwashed

no, Ahmed

>MSM celebrated arab spring
>US led push for UN no fly zone

>Previously under Al Gaddafi's tyrannical rule, black people had equal rights and enjoyed the protection of the law as human beings.
wtf I hate gaddafi now

>brought slave markets back to Africa.
To be fair there have been slave markets in North Africa ever since whitey left, the Arabic word for black Africans literally means 'slave'

Wow. He's a fag though. You can because of the pirate flag

>Russian trolls


yeah, you are.

I wouldn't pay 50 bucks for a Nigger. Honestly. They are pretty much useless.

why do arabs constantly enslave niggers but we're always getting bitched at for making them build a few buildings a few hundred years ago?
>muh segregation tho
they CLEARLY don't like us either

"We came, we saw, he died" -Hillary Clinton

Basically a mild form of torture designed to break their will

Ditch the meme flag. Expose your true identity.

the uprising didn't need weapons, they just kicked everyone out like the collapse of East German DDR or the USSR

but there was Egypt under Muslim Brotherhood "democracy" with the most powerful conventional military in the Middle East on the other side of the border

but but but but but still it's all Obama's fault because AMERICA BAD OKAY!!!!

obama's legacy

Unironically, the first person in the United States to own a slave for life was black (Anthony Johnson). He fought for the right in court to own John Casor which set the precedent for slavery.

This and yet no bleeding heart liberals or commies give a fuck, the absolute hypocrisy of the left is getting harder to bear everyday

"anyone who disagrees with me is a nazi"

yes, obama is totally our guy, nothing to see here peons, move on, youre spot on schlomo

It's real, black sub-Saharan Africans are bagged, tagged and auctioned off as farm machinery in Libya.


They made us watch ROOTS in high school and they talked about how Islam was the black mans religion and they should all be circumcised. Kek

Bullshit. Middle east countries were relatively stable because people like Hussein and Gaddafi kept their sand nigger population in an iron grip. The radical groups had no real power or influence until the US pushed them to the brink of revolution. Once it started, all they had to do was wait until the evil dictator starts shooting at the poor innocent rebels, then turn on the propaganda machine and start bombing the country.

WE NEED YOU SEIF. Only the son of Ghaddafi can save them.

is this USA?
not even 1 white


>people would pay for such low quality antiquated farm equipment

A black man in Libya will fetch 75-300 dollars US depending on health etc.

I guess its kind of a living, but I wouldn't fancy spending my life slaving away on a building site etc. in +80 degree heat. Stopping only to suck my masters sweaty Arab cock.

On the other hand, saying that I can see half of Sup Forums thinking about buying a place out there now.


>"We came, we saw, he died"
Evil bitch!

looks like liberia

do you even know how it started you moron? you're insanely stupid


> until the US pushed them to the brink of revolution

yeah, who else? bad governing? incompetent corrupted thieving family dictatorships? no! no! no! it's all Obama's fault because AMERICA BAD OKAY!!!!

Africa has always had slaves user. There is somewhere between 14 and 15 million slaves in Africa right now, which makes up around 40-45% of all slaves on the planet. (India has more with 16 million)

Please kill yourself. You seem like a massive faggot.

>slave markets
no shit sherlock, come bacn when you have anotger monkey war or something in that calliber




>independent co uk/news/world/africa/monkey-attack-libya-schoolgirl-tribal-warfare-conflict-deaths-a7429671.html

The 50 Cent advertisement sells that pic

I love you

Shut up, FAGGOT!
Stop fucken drinkin m8.

Nord bot is best bot.

The weak should fear the strong.

To be fair, ousting Khaddafi was mostly on us. Sorry about that. These slave markets are great to create a wedge between Arab and Black communities overseas, though.

Hillary pushed for that in the states.



Who knew tools could be retarded? lmao

Gaddafi was ousted by the Libyan people, it was over before any foreign intervention started

but finishing him quickly in his tribal capital was necessary to save the Egyptian military from Islamists

He was loved by the Lybian people. He was hated by American people. Get your facts straight. I guess Egypt, and Syria, even Ukraine are all seperate incidents and totally not related eh?

rinkeby is a migrant stronghold

Now ths is the kind of Blacked I can get into.

Just beautiful.

why do russkie trolls love Poland IPs so much?

go start your daily Poland hate thread you degenerate shitposter

that is outright lie. that cunt gave his people enough money and women were not forced to cover up like mudlsimes enforce in shitskin central.
what was done to that country by benevolent 1st world countries is most shameful happening in past decade. anyfkways, their own fault, should not dance with the devil and expect not to get fucked over. right?

I dunno, I recall Blair was tits deep in the financial rinsing before America came to annul the contracts.
There can be no doubt Sarkozy, Blair, Clinton et al were all peas in a pod following orders from (((above))).

At least Blair is despised as much as Thatcher was these days. Thatcher was grudgingly respected though, Blair is beneath contempt on all fronts.


Its all over the news ya dingus

>95% of Tripoli population come out in support of their leader in white & green

>meme flag

The bit that really gets me is she's still on her phone, trousers down drunken tattooed slut sitting in her own piss on the floor and she still can't put her fucking phone down and to add to it she uses it for her hook up app picture. The fucking state of roasties