Australia immigration policy

Aussies, I need help understanding why do you expel white people and accept so many muslims.

A friend of mine was recently deported. He had an european passport, he was white, and hard working. Thanks to people like him, business owners in tourist towns made money and made you enjoy a nice vacation.

While he was expelled, HE WAS ESCORTED BY TWO FUCKING PAKIS. Why do you do this Australia? Why do you subsidize abbos and mudslimes and reject hard working white men? I don't get it.

Don't try to understand anything about this country mate. Nothing about it makes sense anymore to me.

Fuck off we're full

We're in the middle of freefall mate, there's nothing to understand. Our country is bound for destruction like South Africa so we need to have a backup and escape
tfw this is now becoming hell too

it's all so tiresome

>Implying little towns in Western Australia are full
Fuck off Ahmed

they lie to us mate, every day they lie. Lots of idiots live here and think because no boat people can come we are safe. They just let them all in because they need to keep the ponzi scheme going

>Lots of idiots live here and think because no boat people can come we are safe.
I used to see those stories about your coast guard repelling immigrant boats and thought that you were hard on immigration.

Living in Australia today is awful if you are lower or working class.
>No jobs
>No wage growth
>Boomers run everything
>Becoming ever more multicultural
>Property super expensive and always climbing
>Marriage a joke
>Degeneracy everywhere
>No rights
>No gunz
>Giant nanny state
>Everything regulated, taxed, covered in red tape or just banned
>Feminism, political correctness and other SJW stuff aplenty
>Institutional rot, esp in .gov departments

What it adds up to is a society I don't understand, and can no longer navigate.

We have a strong Jewish lobby here like everywhere else in the Western world. People think we're super based or whatever because of some points based immigration system lol.... We're cooked like everyone else. Our inner cities are garbage. We even have disgusting blacks here.
Postmodernism has a stranglehold on our current generation. Everyone is very scared of being called a racist.
I can't emphasize this point enough: think of all the problems every other western country has. These are the same problems that are right here in Australia!

they are hard on boat people because it is a distraction. We are taking in around 200,000 permanent residence and 400,000 temp migrants each year

tell me about wage growth, my income went down $150 a week due to restructuring bullshit. Just managed to get $88 a week back after 6 months of negotiation but it's all lost again on bills increasing. I am lucky enough I have savings and investments but i just feel like I am pushing shit up hill all the time

It's all just bullshit mate. They stick 1500 boat people on an Island to shut the dumb bogans up while doing whatever the fuck they want.

God only knows what the real demographics of the place are. Both Sydney and Melbourne are swarming with Chinese.
Melbourne has at least 50,000 Somalis officially who will grow to a nice 250,000 in 20 years or so.

I've got no idea about anything anymore. I don't know how anything works anymore. I don't know who is in charge of this countries future. No one is at the wheel, its just a big immigration = build houses = economic growth joke.

The immigration hurts the working class the most from increased job competition. The liberals at the top who have a 'job' importing all these people to put downwards pressure on wages are the big winners. So is big business.

I really have given up on how the place actually works. it's not a country run for the people anymore. It's more like a goy-farm or something. The people are infantilised, the government runs everything.

yeah it's shit at the moment and if this Sunday penalty rates getting abolished happens there goes another chunk of money for me. It feels like I am constantly being fucked and the tax I pay just gets given to shit skins and nothing is ever done to help out the working class white man

I see more and more Aussies in threads talking about escaping to the USA where they have a better shot at life.
One guy said he saved 20k this year, so just 5-6 more years and he will have a deposit for a home loan he will never pay off.

The place is stuffed.

yeah I figured out I was fucked about 6 years ago. Moved in with a mate who was paying off his mortgage. Gives me a room and all bills for $170 a week. He gets help paying off his loan with no female bitching at him and I can save most of my money for something better in the future

Get this; property costs say $100,000 in Texas for a few acres and a 3brm home. That means within 4-5 years a bloke can own a home, attract a female and start buying other stuff.

In Australia the same costs $500,000 and jobs pay about 1/3rd less. (Land costs more and less income all around).

Basically you can accomplish in 5 years in the US what would take 15 here. + they still have rights & guns.

Now if we are both destined to be multiracial globalist shitholes where would you rather live?

US mate but it's not really a choice now I am too old. I played my hand and fucked up

My basic complaint is that they place used to be a 'working mans paridise' but today it looks like anything but.

As I stated previously I don't understad what they are trying to build here. I don't even understand how to function in the society. nothing in it makes sense to me anymore.

Don't mean to contradict you at all, but going back to my friend's case, he was living in a small town in WA. Are properties that expensive there?

How old are you? What age do you think is too old to try your luck overseas?

same thing happening in europe.

34, I probably could but I have no formal skills

No. But the more rural you get the less job opportunities and income there are.
Granted you might be able to find 12 acres and a 3brm home for 400k in a place with just a pub and a shop but WTF will you do for income?

also I don't know how transfer of skills work. I have a mate who moved to Canada at 19 to get married. Had a articulated vehicle license there. He is not allowed to drive one in Australia. He is making a living delivering pizza at the moment

Even a shitkicker 40k per annum job in the USA would go 4 times further than it would here.

I'm about your age and am considering it. I don't know what sort of capital I would need though to 'make a go of it'.

Shitskins are just better at rorting the system. They overstay their visas working cash in hand for their cousins cleaning company while receiving full unemployment payments. White people are too honest and don't have networks

I don't know anyone in the USA and the only way I got a job in most cases was through friends

The jews

Yeah but leafland is in an even worse position than us because of Trudeau. They have the exact same resourse+housing+immigration problems us, you are jumping from one burning building into another. Same if you went to NZ.

We have a bunch of Muslims rotting on an island in the Pacific. Go look up Nauru, it's like Alcatraz but hot and filled with dangerous natives. The natives regularly get tired of their shit and kick their asses too.

Funny thing is they can leave at any time, but they need to sign off on it.

And while this is pretty cruel treatment, it's a good deterrent to the 100s of boats of illegals who were risking their lives their children's lives for a free ride.

Fuck off, we're full. No free rides.

Did you know chinese pool money from extended family members to buy places outright then the young couple pay off an intrest free loan.

How can Anglos compete with a collectivist culture like that?

australia has the biggest labour shortage in the world so thats why we need to import so many third worlders :^)

And all the other 'legal' non-white immigrants?
I guess aussie Anglo culture is worthless and should just be chucked into the bin.

Except we don't. Wages aren't growing at all and unemployment / underemployment if rife.

Explain why non whites can't be hard working?

just making the point that you can't take a skill set to another country

Explain why non Europeans have the right to live and outbreed Europeans in European lands?

Do Europeans have the buy property and outbreed the Chinese in China?
Can they do so in Japan?

You would no doubt reply: well it's their own fault woulden't you?

Well, you can thank the "conservative party" for that. One loves immigrants for boomer economic reasons and low wages and the other loves Somali shitskin diversity and feels.

The conservatives should be worried about "conserving" Australian identity. And labor should be protected Australian wages and jobs. They're both massive failures. The only people winning in Australia are the miners.

There is a complete disconnect between people living in reality and those living in the twilight realm created by the television and print media, unfortunately the vast majority of Australians are still under the spell of the corporate media and vote accordingly. Until they die off or their is a massive jolt that wakes them up everything will remain like it belongs to some fucked up Orwellian nightmare and the (((globalists))) will keep advancing their agenda, which just doesn't happen to include a strong independent Australia.

I know. I don't see any Anglo countries in particularly good positions.
It would be great to be born in Switzerland or Luxemburg. Even Poland's future looks brighter than ours.

I get pissed when I see shit in our supermarkets that has "made in France" or "made in Germany" on it. Why the fuck is the only company making shit here Bega Cheese and SPC

I know. What can we do though? I've been bitching about it on Sup Forums for years now; but venting here, it fixes nothing.

The society is becoming low-trust. I see it every day. I look for options to isolate and save myself; a mountain cabin, escape to the USA.
That stark realization; that no one really gives a toss about the countries fututre. It pains me so deeply.

they have no balls over there
I've been also always puzzled by it OP, they accept boatniggers fine but they will tell a white European to fuck off cos "they're full" - of shit I presume

also it's worth to add that it's the same all over Anglosphere (except UK/Ireland), so USA and Canada and New Zealand as well
they require you to get all these cards and permits as a Pole, but will welcome literal Niggerians for their warehouses and what-not
it's not about logics, it's about money and having no morals whatsoever

>disconnect between people living in reality and those living in the twilight realm created by the television and print media.

Yeah but the 'cracks' between reality and the twilight realm of liberal MSM is growing wider every day.
Boomers and other normies are increasingly angry or confused. Getting confronted with non-liberal (twilight realm) worldviews seems to deeply disturb them.

Poland has become the shining city on a hill of the world


It's because the shitskins are from a war-torn country (Somalia/Sudan) and the UNHCR gives the Govt a goy quota to fill.

You'll need to move to Ukraine and then claim you're from the Donbass region and you get your free ride. (Been seeing a few Ukrainians around recently)

Should I come to Aus lads?

>work oil and gas
>made redundant today

>it's about money and having no morals whatsoever

This is what it takes to get ahead in Anglo countries now. The people I see succeeding, you have no idea how evil they are to do so.

what about SEA people, are they from war-torn countries too?

It's weird isn't it?
50 years from now our counties will be unrecognizable but Poland will still be Poland.

Nothing our ancestors fought for or belived in will have been conserved.

If there are dudes with guns killings people and they apply to UNHCR to get out, yep. Amazingly, most white countries aren't in a war zone.

Only the Burmese. I don't know how we get so many Filipinos though.

south flips have Muslim uprising. mindanao. ISIS musos took a city Marawi, dunno how that turned out. But, if a fight is on, you can apply to get out.

>no jobs
Wtf. I have a lot of friends there with "working and holiday" visa and they find jobs easily, with good money. Housing is insanely expensive tho.

They have the right because white governments gives them the right.

The problem today is that white people are to pussy too have children.

backpacker jobs don't hire locals, finbro.

Same problem in all oxxidental countries. We tighten immigration laws because of god damn sharia sandniggers/niggers - but to not be raicyss the law is equal for everyone.

>Etnic norwegian couple goes on vacation to finland.
>Woman preggers in 8 month. Kid pops out early.
>Have to fucking fight the state to get norwegian citizenship for kid born in Finlandia.

Or if you find love in say the US or Thailand, you have to go through hell to get your spouse back to Norwaystan.

Or, like britbong friend of mine, married a bolivian woman and two years later he still cant get her into Englandistan because he is an artist and a poorfag.

The big question is: Is it fucking intentional?

It's not necessarily the immigrants that is the problem, it's the fucking government that is the problem. We need a Pinochet in this country, but that won't happen because everyone in this country who is against the government or immigration are fucking pussies who just whinge and whine and then not actually do anything about it, and the government knows this that's why they keep doing things that Australians are against, because they know they'll get away with it.

You are correct. Who knows how it will all play out?
I've stopped caring. I exist in this society but no longer understand it.

Australia has small mans syndrome. The politicians want to be a global player but to do that we need a massive population. We are a welfare state so its cheaper to import fully grown tax payers. We are fairly picky with our immigrants, thus havent seen many negative effects so people buy the multicultural meme. But we are heading to a massive demographic shift in the next few decades. Thats when people will finally wake up to the immigration effect but it will be too late. The government is very good at hiding the figures also. They distract people with 'stop the boats' while simultaneously importing millions of people. Thats the depressing thing about the red pill, you know the end result while everyone else moves blissfully towards destruction.

This hurts.
Think of all that was fought and died for.
The 2010+ internet considered that all superfluous to their preferences for the future.

Personally I'm sick of the whinging and whining.
I want to care I really, really did.
Everyone knows .gov and the corrupt fucks in charge will just keep doing whatever the fuck they want though.
Immigtation + housing = growth.

I just don't care. You can't care about a county as corrupt and culturally broken as Australia.

Im the faggot in question by OP.
Fucking retards didnt let me renew my visa because i was 31years old at the moment. Arbitrary retarded age restriction you say? Maybe. Alright, I'll just bugger on home and apply for a visitor visa. Come back a month later, everything fine. Three months later i travel to Bali to have some fuckimg fun with my girlfriend but in my return this fucking pakies, muslims ir whatever brown people you shelter here, decides to cancel my visa because i might be working! Working! Must be a sin in their welfare refugee gifted everything life. They dont even fucking speak english, but they decided i could not enter.
Fuck off you're full? Yeah, ill fuck off. Enjoy your chinastan sharia country in the next 10 years.

Yeah. We are a fair way behind Europe and the USA though. Maybe the demograpich problems will come to a head in one of those continents first and the flow on effect us in a positive way.

In the meantime we sail towards a globalist future and nothing we can do will stop our course.

This is a country that now actively discriminates against white men as an attempt to enforce equality. I know several friends that have applied for jobs on government and fire fighters who couldn't get in. They were told informally by people informally that they essentially had no chance due to their gender and race. This is what it is happening now and we're meant to be the proclehed ones.

It also seems to be insanely hard for white Europeans to get residency here and is a long and expensive process. Meanwhile the brown hordes from the third world and their families somehow seem to he through this process quite easily.

120k will buy you a really nice house, it just won't be near anything

The place is dysfunctional. I don't understand a fucking thing about my country anymore.

There's all this fucking bureaucracy in place to do god only knows what. It's impossible to care about the fucking place.

shits fucked man
place is full of pajeets and chinks mostly