What happens when we run out of oil?


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We make our own with nuclear power, coal and water.

Or we switch to methanol and mithecanthus biofuel.

But user, I don't drive.

we wont run out of oil for the next 200 years. youll be ded when it happens

elon musk will save us and then the ayy lmaos will show us the warp drive


Synthetics until we move to another energy source

The transportation system breaks down, resulting in mass starvation in the cities, with the smart people fleeing to the countryside and the Midwest.

desert city people will go first. no a/c no food there will be a mass exodus to places that have lush forests and provide food. The people in those places however will have their shotguns loaded to prevent city folk from destroying their farmlands. there will be civil war and lots of dead people. after things have settled down mankind will live in the dark ages for a while until they figure out cold fusion.

we start using blood

you could accept the fact that this world is heading for a disaster of biblical proportions. Real wrath of god type stuff, fire n brimstone raining from the skys. Rivers and seas boiling, 40 years of darkness. The dead rising from the grave.

American suburbs -> Fallout 5

We switch to something else

We still use oil because its still relatively cheap, when oil starts running out then the cost of mass replacement and redesign of infrastructure will be a more appealing investment.

Oil is renewable believe it or not.

this + enormous stockpiles in the earth still

We won't run out of oil. It is generated at the core constantly by the heat and compression of the earth. See: The Abiotic Oil Theory

Going to need a bit more of an explanation

We crush the underclasses in large pressure cookers and turn them into more oil

then use jewgle you lazy fuck

Fusion power is so close in figuring it out, I'd say another 20 years and we will have unlimited basically free electricity.


Solar Thermal

Only then will you bend the knee

Citation needed

Peak oil is like proof Jews are entitled to Israel; doesn't exist. Like global warming, it's a method to control behavior and not a scientific phenomenon.

yeah, but no.

We burn niggers

Nothing. I doubt we ever run out. In the next several hundred years, oil will be harder to extract and technology will increase in other areas. Eventually it will be cheaper to use something besides oil and some non Dinosaur based fuel source will take over. It’s not gonna be a big deal. It will all happen organically based on the needs of the free market

You're a fucking retard. Nothing infinite, aside from how retarded you are.

We will never run out of oil. It is naturally produced by geologic processes. The US alone has enough oil currently to last us another 100,000 years.

Fuck off nuclear shill.

Some supposed shit can make it using ridiculous amounts of resources and water.
Shitty meme by ancap retards,

then we all switch over to e85 ethanol and everything runs on corn. its the superior performance fuel choice already and requires no modification aside from a tune to dump 30% more fuel than before. it also costs like a dollar a gallon

Eh, market will correct before that.

Someone will "invent" an alternate source or space mining will suddenly become a thing.


I'm sure the EROEI is close to pupping billions of litres out of a single well at premium quality...
Fuck off, destroy the earth for MUHTERIAL shill.

spoilers: we currently have a huge oversupply of oil

further spoilers: our demand for oil will continue to decrease into the future

mega spoilers: pretty much it's all good unless you're a Malthusian, in which case you're an idiot anyway.


The 60s want their meme back

we switch synthetic for industrial purposes or until new supplies are found.

cars will slowly move to electric as the price of gas becomes prohibitive. ultimately, that electric power will be supplied by whatever is cheapest (nuclear, coal, hydro, small amounts of solar).

No idea where you get the lithium and heavy metals for the batteries with increased demand. Maybe they will find something better to work as a battery. Otherwise you need to find a new a supply. Asteroid mining won't be a thing until you move away from petrorockets, and good luck finding Lithium/heavy metal (class-M) asteroids close to Earth

>200 years pass
>humanity has been almost been destroyed by the corn wars


People keep getting milked for hard work to make up for the lack of oil until civil unrest reaches revolution levels and then suddenly *POOF* OH LOOK WE *JUST* FOUND ANOTHER FUEL SOURCE

e85 is fucking horrible for gaskets, seals, fuel lines etc. fucking trash gas is what it is.


Hydrocarbons can be generated without biomass degradation. Oil is hydrocarbon and we are being jewed as usual.

>spoilers: we currently have a huge oversupply of oil

double spoilers: military superpowers are already hoarding oil and will restrict public access loong before we run out

>further spoilers: our demand for oil will continue to decrease into the future

triple spoilers: there is data that shows our demand for oil is increasing, not decreasing.

>mega spoilers: pretty much it's all good unless you're a Malthusian, in which case you're an idiot anyway.

not an arguement

u r like a littel babby

There is no other energy source

Yeah, but my great grandkids might still be kicking. I would like the assurance that my bloodline will live in a world where they don't have to worry about being murdered over a can of gasoline.

Don't know, but the OPEC nations will go completely to shit. I can't wait for them to go back to being turd-world shit holes again.

So NASA says that if we turn the earth into a giant sinkhole we have infinite oil.
Great (((plan))).

Assuming you aren't le 0% face already, your kids will most likely need to worry about nigger problem first and foremost.

>What happens when we run out of oil?
Yabba Dabba Doo! Or mass extinction since most people would physically, emotionally and mentally not be able to cope if they had to walk 2 blocks to a grocery store and back.

We will move to other energy resources

Its more profitable to rely on oil atm.

Libshits don't want any of those kek

Those in the middle east starve to death

lots of work-arounds

is super abundant, reaction chain makes it basically impossible for a reactor to melt down, so no fukishimas. technology still needs to catch up a bit, but it's close. the Chinese will probably be the first ones to crack it
the grid can be supplemented with solar power. we probably won't ever have solar roads and it's probably not prudent to have solar farms except maybe in places like Arizona, but people can put panels up on their roofs
where it's possible, this is a great power source. iceland's total energy consumption is only like 5% fossil fuels because of geothermal
still a good amount of coal left
>simply reducing energy usage
re-plan and slowly redevelop towns and cities so that people can use more energy efficient public transportation, or even just walk/bike to work. build a new and improved rail system to transport goods and people long distances

"We" won't.

>implying there is a plan

A better question is what will happen when oil drops below $50 a barrel and stays there. The OPEC countries build their economies on a continuous increased demand for oil. Oil staying below $60 a barrel is really screwing them over. If it drops below $50 and stays there (increased use of natural gas, increased shale oil prosecution, etc) they are SOL.

Here's a good spot to start redpilling your self on oil: oilprice.com/

the middle east implodes,
Africa is invaded, East and west fight over Africa...
de-population agendas go mainstream aka human rights wars...etc etc

All the fat and weak people that drive everywhere will die because they forgot how to walk or do anything with the strength of their own back and can't hunt, farm or get water. Ftw.

blacks smoke menthols

We just kill more dinosaurs.