Sup Forums humour thread

let's do this




It reminds me of my birth in Treblinka, from which I escaped at the age of 3 years by using my pacifier to hold my breath for 68 minutes while all around me gas was filling the lungs of thousands of eternally persecuted chosen people until I could crawl out from under the wooden door, unseen by the ferocious Nazi guards, 600 of them, who were masturbating furiously while watching giant imperial eagles strip the emaciated bodies of flesh, leaving only bones, bones, bones, the bones which i wish to forget but they will forever remain real in my mind.



Let me tell you goyim about the holocaust. I was a survivor, you see. Back the good ol' days, they used to use our anuses and rectums as molds for tank shells. You could do that back with the old 76mm guns. Oy gevalt, you spoiled goyim with your fancy-pants 105's and 120's. I digress. Now, the easiest way to do it was to pour a solid stream of good German steel directly into the aforementioned corn hole. This had the unfortunate side-effect of killing the rabbi. Since that was bad for some reason, those doity krauts found a workaround: If the jew in question believed it was gold, he wouldn't die. Yahweh would protect his anal wellbeing. So a large propaganda campaign was started to convince all the Jews in Germany to do their part to stoke the fires of German engineering in the pits of their prostates.

Us jews, we're the real patriots.

Thats unfortunately true

i always kek at this.

fucking cuck carts!

This one is completely false, I hate kikes and muhammedans and think Palestine is rightfully British territory but come on man.


shut it down

Lmao I remember that thread shit was funny as all hell

I would never defend the synagogue of satan or the muhammedan satanic cult, I'm just stating the facts. Look up videos online, it's always the Taliban towel heads strapping bombs to their kids

checked and underrated




>Jews being bad means Muslims aren't

Are you sure about this logic?

muslims are usefull idiots for the jews
i thought we cleared that out a long time ago
khazars>zionists>jews>kikes>merchants>amerigoblins>saudi sandniggers>sunnis muslims

serbs on the top

khazar fears mighty Slav warrior

We need to stop both muhammedans and the synagogue of satan


Most ((Khazars)) are Slavs...


heres a (((you)))

Goddammit you got me.





Just another sign the family is dying.

Sup Forums dad jokes



Welcome to Weimerica


Criminally Underrated

You missed the last transformation leaf






Honestly it's for the best

we used to lock these people up in the asylum, now they're the ones running it!

this man is a confirmed numale. He shows his own face in the pic if he wants to make a picture of something



We should just make the age of consent 13 like Japan so we get QT virgin's before the inevitable civil war

This isn't a you rage you lose thread faggot


One of my favorites








dont you mean 600,000,000 masturbating machine toting guards?

my fucking sides





I wish I was an American sometimes and I had freedom


>Canadian flag in the sky

Democracy alive and well in Syria.

Yeah it's probably the only good thing about living here

fucking kek

Requesting more stuff like OPs picture

Unlike Amerimutts Brits can take a joke

take this

I don't get it

it's the reverse of the lefty utopia of going from a mono-ethnic feudal state to an diverse multikulti society.

And guns, I'd carry everywhere if I were an American



dumb roastie, this was a good thread

Based dad i wish i had that.


>Look up videos online





Muslims Arabs are the dumb younger bastard half-brother of the Jew. The one who is always dwarfed by his elder. They hate each other, but the ultimate end is Greater Israel and a new Arab Empire in the rest of the Middle East and in Europe. The foremost goal is the destruction of the White race.

If you've ever seen Boardwalk Empire, Jews are Nucky and Muslims are Eli.

Oh god I know this one is true. They also don’t have words for very simple concepts like basically if you tell them to climb a tree they have a word for top and bottom but can not even describe half way up the tree.


Thats fucking hilarious, gib me more

Negros don't have words for civilization either I assume, since they've never made one


Iirc it's that they don't have the concept of the metric, therefore in their language there is no way to differentiate between "the coconut is at the top of the tree" and "the coconut is halfway up the tree", they simply say "coconut tree up". When one begins to realize that this is how nogs perceive the world around them, since their language is a function of their collective capacity to understand, many more things make sense.





>far right