What is Sup Forums opinion on Sargon of Akkad?

What is Sup Forums opinion on Sargon of Akkad?

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I think he's deep down /ourguy/ but too chicken shit to reveal his power level.

another MENA-euro mutt abomination

Not even fucking close dude.

squadroon of mossad is our guy, this sargan fella who knows

extremely conceited. its like a slightly better version of anita sarkeesian.

>sargon de cuck
e-celeb riding the train of easy money


Deep down he knows we are right. But he can not allow himself to agree with us. Not because of social damage, but because his grandfather is black. That's why he refuse to admit to himself, that we are right.

What if you like Sup Forums but dont what to kill all jews?

daddy AF. I want him to Kevinspacey my boypuççi

>please donate to mah patreon, i must feed my wife son's; i good at redpilling

He's alright, much smarter than all the other AltRight representatives, merely because he doesn't attention whore and bring negativity to us and our corner of the net. Race realist on the inside, calm friendly person on the outside. Don't need a final solution "yet".

hes our guy

Sounds like he's trolling.

Those redpills are not free

He did a t-shirt competition. 5 winners with £200 for the bottom and £1000 for the top.
only announced 3rd,4th,5th place. Never heard about it again.

This makes him a cunt.

Why would he joke about white genocide?

Sargoy is a fgt


Check the interview with Jared Taylor. He holds it together for 40 minutes before stating Christian Bakers should have government force applied to make them bake gay wedding cakes. He's not even slightly right, he's a classic socialist

To russle jimmies. For lulz. Who knows?

1. Disingenious. Pretends he's "centre-left" when really he just wants to pick and choose. Socialism without the brown people and feminists.

2. A terrible father. Guy has a son, yet he seems to put his shitty livestreams and youtube drama videos ahead of the well-being of his family. There was a rumour he refused to pick up his son from school once because he was in the middle of a heated drama with Thunderf00t, forced him to take the bus.

3. Pseudo-intellectual. Incoherent philosophy that doesn't tie into anything else, he's just a reactionary.

Just like every other "professional" youtuber, he's a manchild who gets paid to talk because he has no marketable skill in the job market. He should get a real job and start supporting his family.

He has a nice big white ass.

achmed please

He's a Pandering Pandrew, but it feels good to watch him when I'm in the mood for some confirmation bias.

Any proof he is married *or* has a kid? He's handsome enough to, sure, but there's no documentation online...

wtf his child actually had to take the bus. has anyone contacted child protective services?

Why do you always come to shill for this shitter?

I watch him half for the politics, half for the fanservice.

He mentions his son in countless videos. It's a well established fact he's got a kid. I think he's divorced

funny you should say that because a couple of ess jay double us did just that recently.

No way this is true.
Dude should set an example. At least Molyneux is a better father than this crypto bugman. His interests are typical of the soyboy: board games and sword and sorcery fantasy.

Odd no one's mentioned his real name. Bit of a clue


>My face when my parents didn't get the time right for my pick up after a field trip and I had to walk home for two hours at 13years old

New age kids are pussies. They get bullied, they cry instead of fighting. They say they're gay or transgender, they rush them to a hospital to cut of their dicks instead of rushing them to a strip bar for a bj.

>t. benjamin

Babby's first red pill.


Benjamin can go either way. It isn't exclusively Jewish like Cohen, Kohn, or Goldberg. Most of the time it's an English name.

One of us.

Oh no :( What's his step-daughter's race?

>shitty livesteams + youtube drama above his kids

You mean his current job?
How many fathers leave their children to go and do work?

I agree with him on most things but he goes too far when it comes to immigration and his opinions on the Jews

You send them all to Israel, like the Nazis wanted to do.

I can't imagine why he would quit game development for this. He could have developing as his main job and being a Youtuber for side money, but he just dedicated his life to being an eceleb. He probably imagines his name will be in history books after a conservative takeover.

If he pays the bill with (((ad revenue))) from his videos, that explains his weak politics


You mean making pathetic videos in response to another pathetic video and fake laughing like an autist all day? Hardly a man is he

He's somehow convincing millenial normie cucks to cuck less, so there's that. At the end of a day he's doing business and will say whatever he thinks he can get away with with the help of his fanbase and leave real issues that his fanboys aren't redpilled enough to touch. He's ever so slowly going to the right, though.

He's the reason the Free People of Kekistan even exist, so I'm pretty cool with the guy. Plus, his voice is just so goddamn smooth.

He's a patreon whore whos only goal is to make more patreon dough.

It's a marketing strategy: steal away the audiences of Francesca Ramsey and so forth


Sargon called Sup Forums an echochamber. He has sinned, therefore he goes to nigger hell hell.

Sounds like a Democrat who rejects egalitarianism but wants no part of a free market.

Quadroon of mossad is some big brain radical centrist faggot, he should stick to raising his wifes daughter and stop making political videos

If its paying the bills that makes him a professional pathetic video maker which would indeed be a work. Welcome to 2017 where you can make money without going down the mines.
Game development is a bit more challenging than making video like this. I imagine that was a factor.
He seems to be making plenty of money from this I don't see a problem. I imagine quite a few of us would drop our jobs to make more money elsewhere.

> black grandfather
Sure? I thought he was a Turkish/ Roma/Gypsy blend myself hence all the cuckery.

This faggot is never gonna be /our guy/ and jeopardize his $8k month patreonbux.

Normie tier youtuber leeching off Sup Forums for memes to feed to his normie fanbase.

He's a quadroon faggot.
Watch faggots like Mister Metokur or Murdoch Murdoch.

Sargon, if you're reading, I used to enjoy some of your content until you went full faggot and started fucking people over for wrongthink. Get gassed

>Game development is a bit more challenging than making video like this.
Its the easiest job in the world if you enjoy It

>Its the easiest job in the world if you enjoy It
isn't that every job?

i enjoy all of them... stop being autistic

Metokur doesn't upload like every day, unlike Sargoy


sometimes I want to suck his hairy quadroon chode

Used to be against him because he denies race realism, but I agree with a lot of his other points, so watch his content anyway.


Why the fuck would anyone pay? There’s better content for free/cheaper.

murdoch murdoch still producing content? i haven't heard much of him lately

hes not


I like him a lot.


he follows rucka rucka Ali on YouTube so he can't be that bad.

good gateway drug

Classical liberalism is slow-mo fascism. I appreciate what he's done for us, though.

he's a massive dumbass who often opens his mouth without having any idea what he's talking about. (that Antifa + ISIS comment comes to mind) that being said, his heart is in the right place.

This is fucking bullshit and you know it. He has denounced that bullshit argument many fucking times and encourages people to not give him anything if they don't think it is quality content.

Yet it keeps getting repeated "muh deleted comments" "muh patreon whore" both have been proven to be fucking bullshit so stop being a fucking faggot for once.

Bullshit and you fucking know it. Guy is as far from being a normie as any of us here.

>classical liberal
>hates islam

he is 1000% our guy

He does not deny race realism, he keeps saying that there is a reason that more blacks are arrested and imprisoned because they just are garbage

Cuckgon of Blackdad

He has decent content, but he refuses to name the Jew and refuses to acknowledge racial IQ differences.

He's basically a normie-friendly version of Sup Forums. He shares a lot of world views that Sup Forums does but he knows if his opponents are able to credibly connect him to Sup Forums he will be shamed into submission.

This is the same reason Paul Joseph Watson was gung-ho with the alt right movement until the left made it synonymous with white supremacy after which he distanced himself as much as possible. Nothing distances you further from something than exaggeratingly disavowing it. Republican politicians are always the first one to shame far right extremists, to remove any possibility of association.

i'm very annoyed that he chose that name and the implications it has that he's related to akkadians culturally or racially

>not Soyboy of Mossad

a jewish cuck

>the patreon whore thing is fake
>literally supports his family through patreon
lmao nice proxy sargon

literal cuck and his videos suck, boring as fuck
>find article or 3 min video
>proceeds to make 34 min video about it half of which is just him fake laughing

true but hes subversive so hes good with normie intro to the redpill

Sargon is entertaining. I like him.

But he will only tell the truth as far as it goes without counting to Jew.

No he is. The nazi thing is a meme, cuz people call us nazis just like someone would call another a heretic. Then we dance around saying "OH YEAH IM A NAZI HAHAHA"
No. The Nazis had more sympathy for chinks and sand niggers than the USA did. The USA, (the people who DEFEATED the Nazis) wanted America to be white and make it even whiter. That was the popular opinion on race in the USA until after the war.

If anyone thinks that Sup Forums legitimately supports NAZIS then please die

Punchable face and irritating voice. Elitist cuck obssessed with Anita Sarkeesian.

He's an arrogant mongrel cuck that picks low-hanging fruit

You can literally hear his children playing in the background on some videos.

makes me happy

Pol does not necessarily support the Nazis but a large portion of the people who browse pol tends to be far right and it just happens to be that the Nazis held a lot of beliefs that are quite similar to our own

He does more good for Society then bad. I enjoy some of his livestreams

>Sup Forums

Really? afaik Sup Forums mostly holds beliefs that MOST OF THE EUROPEAN WORLD HELD in 1940, including the USA. Why do they have to adopt the nazi flag? It just pushes people away.

Sore gone of a cuck. Only relevant for the delusional T_D lovers. Just another naive mutt barking at the wrong tree.

Jesus fucking Christ never had a clue he was such a fag. Glad he distanced from us.