Who is the single biggest Chad in political history?

Who is the single biggest Chad in political history?

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Valerie jarrett


Andrew Jackson, his only regret was that he never got to kill his Vice President

hitler. so hot he burnt turned that jew pussy to ssh.

Teddy Roosevelt. Our best president too.


thanks mate

>Who is the single biggest Chad in political history?
Gengis Kahn

>tfw 1 in 200 men are related to me
feels chad man


King Masinissa of Numidia

Unironically Kekkonen.


fucking Gengis Chad

I agree, but "political" might make him void.

Alexander the Great. This isnt even debatable:
>Conquer every know kingdom
>dont give a fuck and conquer more kindoms
>conquer places you didnt even know exist
>Die conquering stuff


>in political history

Alexander the Great.

Or Kam if we include unproven history.

Alexander the great

fitzgerald kennedy, the resurrected assassin


Alexander the Great

It took you 40 fucking seconds to think "biggest Chad in history? That's Valerie fucking Jarrett and im going let the whole world know it!" It's time to put down the keyboard, fag.

literal whos

Genghis Fuckin' Khan. Conquered the known world and fucked so many bitches, a percentage of the planet is directly related to him.

He even looks like a frog hory shiet

Charles Martel

I would agree, but he LOVED COCK.

Still a bro though.

Shill detected

Maybe Ragnar Lothbrok or Alexander the Great

Trump is also unironically a Chad in the sense that he cares very little for the "rules" and mostly does his own thing ( mostly )

Virgin hetrosexual vs. Chad faggot

It's closer to 1 in 1.01


>fags can be chads

Any answer other than this is incorrect, someone pls find the Caesar alpha greentext.


>Ragnar Lothbrok
fantasy character

>Alexander the Great

He was more Roman than the Romans, he probably fucked anything that moved.

>jews can be chads

You lame fucks don't even really deserve to know the biggest political chad in history you all seem a bit queer to me.



its definitely this guy

>killed 60 million people
>fucked millions of women
>has hundreds of millions of descendents


I believe you are correct. I'm on the fence about that making him more chad or less, which is why I'm sticking with Caesar. Less to think about.

weaboo anime Trash wins a Reply for biggest political Chad.

Hans Ulrich Rudel.

If you say otherwise you are literally the enemy, This mother fucker right here is holier than Jesus and did way more miracles.

This is the only correct answer


Go away, Reddit. You're Pickle Rick, wub a dub dub and stuff, uh huh.


Lincoln, he enjoyed fightings and womanizing, and both cucked and conquered half his country.

Mussolini. He literally looked like the chad meme.

Politics is to make decisions for a larger group of people, often as part of a governing organ of a state. The Great Khan was thus a politician.

I really liked this post user. Hhaha. Pls post more.

Based Berlusconi

Genghis Khan explicitly called Muslims and Jews "slaves", and demanded that they follow the Mongol method of eating rather than the halal method. Circumcision was also forbidden. Jews were also affected, and forbidden by the Mongols to eat Kosher.

honestly? i think it might be Trump

women love to bitch about Chad. they always complain about him. they totally HATE HIM YOU GUYS. they bitch & whine & cry to the betas about how big of a dick Chad is

but as soon as hes around, they immediately gravitate towards his dick & totally ignore the betas they were complaining to earlier

that is the relationship women in the west have with Trump. they hate him, but theyd totally let him politics-fuck them

>>Conquer every know kingdom
What? No. Then he died young and his "kingdom" disintegrated as every general in his army tried to get a piece of the pie.

Horse gambling, Indian slayer.


Vlad the impaler

Andrew Jackson is up there with Rudel same with Washington and the Founding Fathers.

>being so Chad that you archieved everything that life has to offer within a few years and die before you get bored
>being so Chad that you know that you are the chaddest and no one can match your perfection so you dont give a fuck about what happens after your die

Sounds pretty Chad to me.

William the conqueror.

If recent history then Stalin absolutely. Hitler was an autistic betavirgin. If all human history then Genghis Khan.

American history? Andrew Jackson....No doubt about it

He directly disobeyed a Supreme Court order, depopulated native Americans in the trail of tears so white settlers could take over, killed plenty of people in duels and beat a would be assasin nearly to death with his cane and that's just the surface. Guy was legitimately the most chad president ever

Eleanor Roosevelt

You may not agree but this fella was a real badass and the last true man to ever live in France.

Probably Ghengis Khan or maybe Stalin


He was short though.

She was ugly i don't blame hitler for that.

I would agree on Napoleon but he should've died in Waterloo. The entire "slowly getting poisened while lying in bed all day long" thing is not very Chad like.

He was Bisexual.

No one from the chinatown of Europe that's for sure.

Stalin was a manlet who married ugly britches. He is still not a chad even if he won the war with the help of his virgin allies. WW2 had no Chads, except maybe for Franco who did not give a shit about virgin squabbles.

What about Teddy R?

Ghengas khan

Don't forget battle of new Orleans.

Shows up in battle to raise troop's morale.
Kicks sandniggers out of spain.
Kicks kikes out of spain.
Sends Columbus to America.
Establishes the inquisition.

Can you get anymore based than that?

> Andrew Jackson
> Alcibiades
> Alexander the Great

that just means he was the only person able to hold the empire together.


This guy lives on through millions of people apex chad


Patton was Chad, but this is politics only.

chads are not manlets

Is this them counting their daily gets?

Our Lord

Probably Donald Trump, Shinzo Abe, and Rodrigo Duterte.

James K Polk

Oh yes there were Chad generals in WW2
Rommel, Guderian, Manstein

He also (temporarily) killed the national bank, leaving a pretty bad blow on the Jews.

>wife gets raped
>takes care of her son
He's a beta cuck


Gotta see what the get was

>""Conquer every known kingdom""

Bitch he fucking got injured in a battle before even entering the indian kingdom, he would've got absolutely BTFO if he fought against the indians

He seemed like such a silly guy

>Hans Ulrich Rudel
Holy Shit. I just read the wiki on this guy. Holy. Fucking. Shit. This must be the most decorated Pilot in history

No, the last great man of France is Charles De Gaulle.
But the top 2 chad of France are Louis 14 and Napoléon 1st.