Why is there so much Nazi fanboys on this board?

Hitler was a junkie beta who's wars killed over 50 million ethnic europeans and the Wehrmacht were hardly the fighting force people here make it out to be. Why is there so many fanboys on this board who cream themselves over pictures of Nazi Germany and Hitler?

Other urls found in this thread:

jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/David Hoggan-The Forced War.pdf

Do this

- google "black couple" look at images
- google "asian couple" look at images
- now google "white couple" and tell me what you see

>Why is there so much Nazi fanboys on this board?

The triggering.

Hitler was indeed a worthless piece of shit.


>now google "white couple" and tell me what you see
So what does it have to do with nazis? They were german chauvinists.

Why most anti-nazi here are americans aka israel slave?

Cause nobody likes you kikes.

>it's real
>turning into hitler.png

this is you


Because Europeans are cucks and it seems most on this board embrace the ideology that leveled their countries. Goes for you too France

Who would do such a thing?

t. Best goy who literally killed the nationalist empire in ww2

That dumb reason turned them into nazis.

I guess if somebody was dominating me artistically, academically and financially I'd have mixed feelings about them, too. You'll get there, little goy.

You must be talking about Communism.


No Hitler killed nationalist Empires in WW2 by waging the most bloody war in history. Yet you cucks keep worshiping him, lmao

Don't insult our daddy Hitler, cuck shill kike JIDF

this. Sadly they prefer to suck Israel dick and die for the banks in Middle East, they are top tier goy quality for shlomo and mr. golden stein.

He was the only one who tried to save Europe.

Haha yes! The most authoritarian traditional generation of Americans purposely went and fought the nazis because they somehow saw a cyclical downward cultural shift 70 years into the future. It totally had nothing to do with the fact that their own country was attacked! Hitler dindu nuffin!

>the absolute state of stormfags

I didn't know saving Europe consisted of killing over 50 million people in the most bloody war in history

He lost. You Jews are what's stopping Nationalism.

More like being tired of all the propaganda they are being fed

Are the Jews to the far right what Russian hackers are to the far left?

>He thinks human relations are governed by clearly-delineated rules, and if you break them you're cheating

Our bankers funded the Communist revolution you stupid fuck. You also threatened the Japs and acted like it was a surprise attack when it wasn't, just to get into the war for your Jew masters.

He tried and you ruined it, now look at the state of the west.

> Hitler was a junkie

Oy vey! The goy watched out Netflix documentary throw him a shekel!

> mfw the average nazi of past or present would crush your pathetic soyim body into dust.

Can’t touch the ideology and philosophy of the master race kike. KYs

Poles really where killing ethnic Germans. Google it. Hitler defended his people.

Fuck you, Hitler died for our sins

He's our mascot because he was actually a giant troll who did WWII as a prank. He didn't believe any of that shit, he just thought it was funny that nobody called him on it when he was practically foaming at the mouth screaming into a podium.

One side has proof the other doesn't.

That's called morality, /leftypol/

>killed over 50 million ethnic europeans

what else is he supposed to do when Britain and France declare war on him for simply taking back territory which was stolen from him?

>obvious bait thread
>replying someone on 4kidz with "edgy"
>7 replies by this ID

Be honest, Tommy. How much do you get paid per hour for this?

All the nigger loving white woman in that screenshot are the most ugly things I’ve ever seen. The niggers can have those ones!!! That way their sons will be insecure soyboys that listen to Eminem all the time. More success and white goddesses for me.

no, dude, we like him because he installed an economic system, which allowed germany to prosper after the world financial crisis and state collapse in germany (weimarer republik). only 10 years later we were at full world war capacity....just imagine using the same economic principles for today....some rich people would loose most of their power....

>Why does everyone hate Jews!

>master race
Powerful stuff, user

>Our bankers funded the Communist revolution you stupid fuck


>You also threatened the Japs and acted like it was a surprise attack when it wasn't, just to get into the war for your Jew masters.

Wow it's almost like when your country is attacked said country tends to retaliate

This is now a natsoc meme thread post your rares of everything to do with the God Emperor Hitler and his army of super human extraordinary gentleman

>Why is there so many fanboys on this board who cream themselves over pictures of Nazi Germany and Hitler?

It was literally a perfect society and we destroyed it for no reason.

fucking hell

Are you suggesting that Europeans were too stupid to think of subterfuge and intra-tribal conflict? Ever crack a book? Community college or DeVry Online, Gunter?

Dont you have something better to do, JIDF, than trying to destroy a board on an autistic anime website?

Probably in shekels haha

Jews own the banks and the federal reserve genius. You were just the Jews bitch for that war and they own America now.

The German Economy was built on loans Hitler knew wouldn't get paid back. It was a house of cards far from what stromfags believe that it was some sort of economic miracle

>gets triggered at the sight of a couple of interracial couples.
you guys are something else wew

You rthedonald faggots have to go back.

Oh yea besides having no human rights and zero freedom of expression I'm sure it was a Utopia. Oh yea as long as you weren't Untermensch either

So you have no source? Glad we settled that


Don't be surprised when you get kicked out of our nations then. Why would we want some scumbag race who lie and cheat all the time. Have fun with that in the desert. Don't think we're gonna defend your bitch ass anymore ether. Seems those Muslims hate you too.

>what else is he supposed to do when Britain and France declare war on him for simply taking back territory which was stolen from him?

Holy fuck, why are Nazi apologists literally incapable of understanding basic geopolitics or even the definition of an alliance? No wonder hitler fucked himself so bad if he didn’t know the first thing about any of it.

>Britain and France repeatedly appease German breaches of Versailles treaty
>initial terms of treaty aren’t even enforced, Germany gets off easy
>Britain finally grows a backbone and draws a line with Poland
>Germany knows about this line
>crosses it anyway
>Britain declares war
>this is somehow the fault of Jews

You guys literally sound like the families of these black kids who get killed by cops after they draw a gun. “HITLER WAS A GOOD BOI HE DINDU NUFFIN THE BRITISH ARE JUST ANTI WHITE”

I'm a moderate conservative, dislike the jewish attitude towards others, really dislike their over representation in our government and media, but I'm not a Nazi. I think NS is an unrealistic ideology that cannot work in today's world and those pushing it need to wake up and come up with a different plan.

I mean there is a reason if kikes are always being kicked out country.. you can find papers from medieval times telling already Jews were corrupts

>human rights and zero freedom of expression

These are modernist memes pushed by progressives, liberals and communists in order to keep them in power. Why would you want your enemies to be able to speak and undermine you and everything you believe and love? Why would you give them rights? Why does your enemy deserve to exist?

>as long as you weren't Untermensch

This is another propaganda meme as a result of you having been conditioned with decades worth of allied jew propaganda from hollywood and other places. Basically everything you know about their society has been filtered for you by that society's biggest enemy, so why the fuck would it tell you the truth? Why wouldn't it lie to you to make itself appear better and its foe appear worse? Why would you trust what it says?

because it's edgy, that's it

this place was anarchist when bush was in power because that was peak edgy, then libertarian when a socialist nigger was president because that was peak edgy and then nazi when SJWism spread because that was peak edgy

note this place was fadora central until atheism got popular on reddit, then how we were all supposedly christian until ted cruz brought evangelicalism back to the mainstream spotlight and then suddenly you're a "christcuck following a jew religion"

if the nazi party actually came to power again Sup Forums would go communist

most nazi supporters here don't actually support socialism. they just hate what jews are doing and really like what hitler did to fix up germany in his early years of power. very inspirational.

capitalism has just proven itself too based though. there's no point in socialism when you're from a rich country (unlike depression-era germany), so they're as dumb as commies if they think the socialism of national socialism is even worth the paper it's written on.

he was right on a lot of things, though. it's just the application of (barely) socialism was a requirement for getting out of his country's slump.

the other big issue is that the name "nazi" has been completely dragged through the mud for decades. you can't bring it back under that.

fascism is still possible, though, since it doesn't say much about a country's economics.

Jews don't like memes. Look it up you inbred kike. The goyim have to do everything for you i guess.

Everybody in Britain knew Danzig belonged to Germany and most were in favour of giving it back to them.

Hitler did not think or believe Britain would start a war over this and was completely shocked when Ribbontrop told him about it. You keep thinking saying and believing it was his war and that he started it but it wasn't, it was thrust upon him by weak people terrified of a german dominated continent.

>>this is somehow the fault of Jews

When did I say that? You fucking liar. Apologize to me right now.

Yeah they're parasites and nation wreckers.

>Why would we want some scumbag race who lie and cheat all the time.

You tell me. Or are these all crypto-Jews? You think we have the monopoly on guile? Were you born yesterday?

Do you believe the Holocaust happened?

O say can you shart, by the local walmart™,
What so proudly we mixed at the white mans last gleaming,
Whose broad fat and dark eyes flap through the perilous fight,
O'er the garbage we watched, were so gallantly sharting?
And the skins' black glare, the burgers bursting in air,
Gave proofs through the mutts that our genes were still there;
O say does that shit-spangled banner yet screech
O'er the land of the gay and the home of the jew?

>Why would you want your enemies to be able to speak and undermine you and everything you believe and love? Why would you give them rights? Why does your enemy deserve to exist?

Because I like being able to speak freely without being censored by the government. Holy shit how much of a cuck do you have to be to willingly hand over your rights to the government?

>This is another propaganda meme as a result of you having been conditioned with decades worth of allied jew propaganda from hollywood and other places

What the fuck are you talking about? Hitler waged a war of extermination on Russia because he considered slavs Untermensch and wanted living space for Germans. How much of a Nazi cuck do you have to be to ignore of the main tenants of Mein Kempf, something Hitler himself wrote

>Holy fuck, why are Nazi apologists literally incapable of understanding basic geopolitics or even the definition of an alliance? No wonder hitler fucked himself so bad if he didn’t know the first thing about any of it.

Holy shit defending a giant hypocrite like Britian just because Hitler a little piece of the old pre-WW1 land that germany losts compare what Great britain had?

Britain used to owned HALF THE FUCKING WORLD and they accused Hitler starting WW2 and wanted to take over the world?

Well you're not our problem. You're getting removed yet again.

So you have no argument either? Really glad we settled that

>Hitler did not think or believe Britain would start a war over this and was completely shocked when Ribbontrop told him about it

Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany because Hitler ignored the September 3, 1939 ultimatum and didn't cancel the invasion of Poland. That's why Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany. They had already let Hitler seize Czechoslovakia, they weren't about to let him grab Poland, too. However, had Hitler been a good boy after Czechoslovakia, it's extremely unlikely that Britain and France would have begun a war against him. They weren't looking for war, and were still war-weary from WW1. That's why they went to such lengths to avoid war, by letting Hitler take Czechoslovakia for example.

>So you have no argument either? Really glad we settled that
Do you believe the Holocaust happened?

yes, I don't believe the obvious exaggerations tho which aren't supported by western academia to begin with such as the Holocoaster

You're ignoring the argument. Kike bankers funded the Communist revolution. The meme is correct.

The Forced War ~ David Hoggan
jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/David Hoggan-The Forced War.pdf

Adolf Hitler Explains Reasons for Invading Poland

Death in Poland: The Fate of the Ethnic Germans - Edwin Erich Dwinger

The Gleiwitz "False Flag" Incident is Pure Fiction - Carolyn Yeager

The Heretics' Hour: The False Story of the Gleiwitz "False Flag" Incident

Poland and Falsifications of Polish History - Else Löser

Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland

The True Reason Why Germany Invaded Poland

The Unknown History of the 1939 German-Polish Conflict - W. R.

Why didn't Britain and France declare war on Russia?

Genocide's not rocket science, and yet the Master Race can't get it done in 3000 years. Never gonna' happen, Ernst.


Because by the time the Soviets invaded Poland (17/9/1939) Poland was doomed anyway and it would have been strategically senseless to declare war against the Soviets, too. It wouldn't have done anything to help Poland, because the Brits and French didn't have enough assets ready yet to even stop Germany much less the Soviets.
Then after the war was over, the Soviets were holding Eastern Europe with a huge battle-hardened army. It would have required starting WW3 to push them out, and there just wasn't the will to do it given that 6 years of war had already been waged.

>Because I like being able to speak freely without being censored by the government

You have been conditioned into thinking that is a good. If you lived under a government which did not value those things, you wouldn't either. You don't have any opinions. You are a bag of meat and a sponge for the values which are imposed upon you by power.

>Holy shit how much of a cuck do you have to be to willingly hand over your rights to the government?

Rights don't exist you stupid fucking liberal bugman. Wanting to live in a weak bitch tier society that is too pussy to do anything when its enemies badmouth it and lie about it WITHIN ITS own borders is not a fucking society worth living in.

>Hitler waged a war of extermination on Russia because he considered slavs Untermensch

"War of extermination"

lol what the fuck is this? Did you just invent this term? When other countries wage war its just a war, when evil mean ole Hitler does it it's a magic war of genocide and evil.

>wanted living space

Whatever society you currently live in is only possible thanks to men centuries before your time who conquered, genocided and secured that territory to be liveable for their descendants. You directly benefit from and only exist thanks to the same sorts of things that you in your cosy, comfortable faggot liberal delusion world denounce on high, even though you have never had to defend anything from anyone in your entire life because you don't know what real conflict is.

Imagine that...you believe everything your Jewish masters tell you.

>I don't believe the obvious exaggerations tho
You mean that you don't believe six million Jews were killed the the Holyco$t?

>which aren't supported by western academia
And who currently controls western academia?

>such as the Holocoaster
Yet you still believe the holocaust happened because some Jews told you so.

According to what source? The Jpgs you found on Sup Forums?

>steal territory from Germany
>Germany steals it back
>declare war on Germany and wipe it out

Allies were the evil ones.

>a cuck calling others cuck

>ooga booga Hitlur was bad cuz he didn't win, killed europeens
it's better to try and fail than to sit back and watch shit collapse you pussy. history is made by those who act, not the idle. if you want to blame anyone, it's the British for being so adamant about preserving their rotting Empire

We're just gonna ship you to Israel. I'm sure the Muslims will finish you off.

>Hurr Durr you don't have a source approved by MY standards for an obvious fact literally everyone knows INCLUDING LEFTISTS.
>argument btfo
>I win

Communism and the Jews

Communism was Jewish - Communism is Jewish

Communism's Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism

Jews and Marxism - Socialism - Communism

The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine

Jewish Communists

Jewish Founders of International Communism for the One World Order

Jewish Pre-Eminence in the Political Left/Communism

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

Jews and Bolshevism

Jews and Communism

Jewish Bolsheviks

Judaic Communists: The Documentary Record

Karl Marx
>Ancestrally Ashkenazi Jewish, his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.

Lenin's Jewish Roots Confirmed

Leon Trotsky
>He was the fifth child of eight of well-to-do Jewish farmers, David Leontyevich Bronshtein and his wife Anna Bronshtein. The family was Jewish but reportedly not religious.

I don't know if you know this (again, I'm sure reading isn't your strong-suit), but we whooped them twice already and have had them under heel ever since.

Trotsky you stupid fucking inbred.

List of Communist Jews

Putin: First Soviet Government was Mostly Jewish

Sources on Jews and Communism

Soviet People By Ethnic or National Origin

Stalin's Jewish Affair

Stalin's Jews

Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR

Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists

Zionism versus Bolshevism by Winston S. Churchill

>You mean that you don't believe six million Jews were killed the the Holyco$t?

5-6.5 million Jews disappeared from Europe after WW2, where did they go?

>Yet you still believe the holocaust happened because some Jews told you so.

I believe it based on the numerous amounts of evidence which you yourself can see so you don't have to put your blind trust into anybody

>5-6.5 million Jews disappeared


4 is the point where you become nazbol because stalin killed more jews than hitler

We found out everything we thought we knew about Hitler and nazis was wrong and used to make Americans buy into wars and bad foreign policy. Leave while you can blue pilled faggot. The longer you stay in room 1488, the more you will become one of us.

The treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany at the end of WW1 and agreed to hand over this territory how is it stealing exactly?

You mean Whites did.

>Not being a Nazi and Hitler but boy makes you a cuck

Storm Faggots everybody

Are you actually serious?

Please tell me you're joking.