
Why does Sup Forums hate Latinas and Spanish speaking people in general so much?

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They can't stay in their own fucking countries.

Do we hate Latinas?

Wrong! I hate every non-Hispanic

because the half breeds don't like the gringos we whites have way to nice to fucking world for way to fucking long it's called the white man's burden

there are too many of them in my country

But i stay in my country.

Good I don't hate ones in their country I hate the ones in mine.

what about the ones that were born in your country?

I think they are hot. I would rather marry a Hispanic than an Aryan woman.

we hate immigrants. Latinos have an entire continent to themselves.

They all need to go back.

>she's only 16

White Latinas good
Brown Latinas bad

No American Trump nuthugger hates Mexicans as much as I do. You're scum.

pudrete puto

Examples? Call me colourblind but they all seem brown to me.

Sup Forums worships latinas you stupid spic.
Lurk more and see all the threads and singular posts where effeminate pasty Sup Forums dudebros brag about betraying their own race because they can't get white women. Latinas are what they go for because white women don't want them.
Now fuck off.


No Mexicans or "Hispanic" girls look like that in America.

They're all boxy and fat.



I'm ok with sexc latina girls coming in, latino ppl are mostly european anyways

someone say boxxy?

It's not about /pol hating anyone. It's about the Western World being destroyed, by people who hate Whites.

When will OP get that?

how old is she ? teeth of a fucking 13 year old face of a 16 yo and body of a 18 yo

Old man here.

Nobody minded or even noticed when there weren't so many. Latin Americans used to be considered "exotic".

They're also a lot browner than they used to be.

Jessica Alba

Prime breeding age. She's showing off her tum tum because she's advertising how badly she craves a man's seed inside of her.

You don't notice the white ones.

I have only gotten in one car accident. We don't have many spics here in minnesota, but the one car accident I was in was because brainless probably illegal spic pulled straight out of a parking spot and T-boned my car. Hit it just right where she completely totaled it. I don't want anymore of that in my state.

Frustration. They are an old culture, as old a the US, but despite that, the people do not have a solidarity to unite, and really fucking work at it to be more than they are.

As an American I look at South America, and even Mexico, and I feel fucking pity and irritation. The life is "ok" for their people. Its good enough, but so many people accept a level of corruption that puts the US to shame as the status quo. Just living in the here and now. At least that is the export culture that is left open for international interpretation.

I dont hate Latin people. I hate the dysfunction of latin culture that has inhibited them from doing more. I hate the arrogance when they acknowledge that they could do more, but go "do not judge us, this is our way of life" yet on the flipside immediately they wish for more. No this does not apply to everyone, and no it is not for all Latin countries, but fuck me if its not the majority.

I have a random request for a memelord
Al Franken on Sarah Sanders

I want to fuck a latina so bad

They hate everything, they hate themselves. Don't try to understand it, just pity them and learn how not to live your life.

The only remotely functioning Spanish speaking country is Spain. Spain ffs.


something rodriguez?


I don't hate all Latinos only Mexicans

Hitler was right we don't hate them we are their allies see


never post this cunt over here again

Here is my experience working with the Spanish:

>Be me
>Only fucking white person working for this company
>Surrounded by Spanish
>They complain Americans are too weak to do this work
>They haze me constantly for being not Spanish
>Apparently, I took THEIR job as a white being hired here
>Have to tolerate them constantly trying to sabotage me and everything I do because thats how they do en Mehico

I don't like the mentality they bring here.

they're a good fuck if they shave and u wear a bag


mestizo amerindian dna also most of them are unassimilated newcomers who turn parts of the city into tijuana

Latinas is such a vague definition. Giselle Bündchen is latina from Brasil even though her ancestry is 100% German, but on the other hand Brazil is also full of favela monkeys.

It depends whether I dislike them or not.

Don't blame all Hispanics for the degeneracy of Mexicans.

They almost always vote for authoritarian government. There is no sufficient justification in my mind to tolerate authoritarian population groups in a society based on principles of liberty.

>degeneracy of Mexicans
i wish
avarage mexican is normie christcucks
if avarage mexican was a degenerate at least life would be interesting

Wow, reverse that and you have something. Do you get it yet?

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime.

I hate mexicans so much they ruin everything for the rest of us on a global scale. I honestly wish there were a strait between mexico and the United States but it would make my country even more irrelevant.

Latinas are a fantastic what , dirty as fuck literally game for anything, fantastic big asses to smack about and they seem to have a massive sex drive , once you've been with a Latina you'll understand and I guarantee you'll want more .

Aren't smart enough to inherit the West. Also extremely prideful over two mediocre heritages.

Some of them were Guatemalans too
>Wow, reverse that and you have something. Do you get it yet?

Get what? Reverse what?

No hate for Latin or Spanish speaking people here. White women have become so uncultured and materialistic they mostly just complain...

Latina's are programmed from birth to cook, fuck and take care of their families. Plus who doesn't like to wake up to head and chilaquiles.

Daily reminder that Mexicans were in the southwest long before Amerishits
California is literally occupied territory

tfw no qt latina gf

They refuse to integrate in any fashion and are usually criminals.

I love Spanish
I hate sudacamierda filth, they stain everything thats spanish: The Spanish language has been degraded, Spanish surnames are used by these subhumans who hold no right, and they have a shitty indio accent. I wish smallpox had ended all of them. Anyone that has at least one (1) drop of indio blood must be genocided

>t. desperate latina who can't get a date with a white guy

Who do you think are the cutest Latinas?

Mb cause average latina is pic related and not what you posted

we don't

latinas are sexy but they age like milk

I don't hate them but while I would let her wrap her dirty spic cunt around my cock and milk my nuts dry I would certainly abandon the half bean nigger child as is customary.
That little whora the explorer needs white seed ASAP some Ameribro Chad needs to do god's work on her ass and breed the cunt.

Mexicans are probably the best "brownies". You don´t even know how bad things are in central america.
You´d wish mexican would be themain issue.

I don't. You can come over Paco, but it has to be legally, you have to assimilate, and you need to provide a valuable skill.
Are these unreasonable demands?

Most of them are not white, so there is that. Also, most Americans are exposed to the worst Mexicans their are through illegal immigration and these people hate America/white people and are loyal to Mexico even as the flee from it.

I fucking HATE Mexicans, they have to go back. However, I think there are good South Americans. I've even worked with some. Some of them are even white or white enough. They should stay in their nations, though. Not hate, just nationalism hermano.

Imagine being stuck in fucking Colombia mate.

she is plausible deniability years old

works for me

I wish I could adopt argentines for my son nephews very cultured and white

Nice picture op . Should have used this one

they sould teach eachother to be bilingual

There are lot's of white hispanics but the migrants coming to the US are primarily dirt poor mestizos from places like Oaxaca.

They drive down wages and displace Americans. Then they vote for the left while shitting out more pygmies who will vote Democrat at an astonishing rate.

They usually don't assimilate so mass hispanic immigration just means a political lurch to the left and disenfranchisement of whites.

And if you don't believe me try getting a job in So Cal on a construction site.

Hell, you can't even get a lot of service based jobs unless you're bi lingual these days.

They also commit crimes at much higher rates than whites and turn neighborhoods into 3rd world shitholes like Mexico. They overwhelm the public services that should be for citizens and a lot of them are on welfare or completely dependent. In LA the police won't even question illegals or detain them so they commit crimes with impunity, run illegal street businesses and commit tens of thousands of hit and runs every year while driving drunk or illegally.

They also smell like shit and disrespect our country while insisting they are entitled to come here.

They have no such right and they have to go back.

Correct. The less Spaniard Admixture they have, the more of these you get.

Regardless, Hot pussy is no excuse to give up your Nation, but OPs keep attempting to use it as a $elling point.

Nice Jesus trips

Me la Mamas pinche negro

Oh Lord. The spaniards really fucked up with this one. Die Untermenschen sind gekommen!

Because only 56% of California speaks English and look at it now.

>When Vagina Enrichment goes wrong.

lel. speak for yourself. Brazil isn't much better than any of those other latin american hell holes.

This guero gets it

They never had a country. They are the offspring of natives and a bit of European admixture.


I love you babies

Gracias guero!

pol hates anybody that's not white. You can have them all legal citizens that speak perfect English and vote republican and pol would still hate them

Sadly Sup Forums has yet to take the Latina pill

Is that a woman or a gorilla?


16 is already legal here

Because they should speaking English, as it's crucial for members of a society to share a common tongue.

I honestly don't. for a while I lived in a small town in minnesota that was like 30% hispanic thanks to a meat packing plant and it honestly wasn't too bad. they're usually nice people, although it's annoying how poorly the adults speak english. still, I'd take a thousand mexicans over a single muslim.

Diversity = Bars on Windows, Graffiti, Trash everywhere, and Gang Violence.

Children and Grandchildren, will never no the peaceful, safe, clean Cities and Neighborhoods Whites used to enjoy.

Enjoy your bubble of denial.

no you dont congolombia you have fucked up the entire continent with your bullshit

how anyone thought this was a good marketing campaign is beyond me.

seriously how did a guy all the media was against, and both major political parties were against become the US president? unreal. well enjoy it while it lasts I guess