ITT red-pilled YouTube political commentators

ITT red-pilled YouTube political commentators.

I'll start

>Sargon of Akkad
>Lauren Southern
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Chris Ray Gun

Other urls found in this thread:

Dick Masterson

Sup Forums is dead.

>Lauren Southern
>Milo Yiannopoulos
>Paul Joseph Watson

>Sargon of Akkad
>Lauren Southern
jew cocaine whore coal burner poo lover

>Milo Yiannopoulos
coal burning jew

>Paul Joseph Watson

>Chris Ray Gun

Typical commie trying to divide and conquer.

good one, user

0/10 bait didn't use reddit spacing

>I'll start
when? hurry up daylights wasting

If you think any of these people are redpilled, kys

These threads wear on the soul.

most of them are shit
I like Chris Ray Gun for his humor and Ben Shapiro because he has good arguments and at least tries to be not biased

This. Case closed.

didnt Chris redpill a feminist with his dick once?

kill yourself OP

>Hurr durr I don't like girls
- "sargon of faggot" 2017


He did, all of the people I mentioned are fighting for Western civilsaiton and Judeo-Chrisian value system. All of these people replying are just plain old antisemites attributing their own failures to "da jooooos"

Mr. Obvious is redpilled.

Few actual redpills on YouTube these days. You've got Alternative Hypothesis. Way of the World. Styx and maybe a few others. Mostly because YouTube will fuck up your channel if you are too politically incorrect.

/ourboi/ PewDiePie

Based Chris

No warski ?

Sup Forums died in 2015 when the elections started and nu/pol/ began moving in


BASED PEWDS is the most redpilled youtuber XD

>mark dice
>Steven crowder

Yeah okay fbi nice try there


Found the roastie.

>Davon Cloyd
>Nigel Farage (LBC)
>Yonan Groubranhavnik
>Jacob Rees-Mogg (LBC)
>Cross Talk (RT)
>Info Wars/Alex Jones
>Stefan Molenoux/Freedomain Radio
>Faith Goldy
>Millenial Woes
>Joe Owens
>Jordan Peterson lectures
>Jared Taylor
>David Duke

If you wanna learn how to destroy ''le SJW's XD'' in debate then I recommend Milo Yullilililiponis (forgot his surname) and Ben Shapiro, although they're not hardcore rightists. Louder with Crowder is pretty fun to watch.

Also, there's an Indian (poo in loo) guy who's pretty good too. I forgot his name.

They're good entry pills for normalfags, but that's it.

>Sarcuck of Cucckad
>Lauren Cuckern
>Milo Cuckopoulos
>Paul Joseph Cuckson
>Cuck Ray Gun

Is Trump black?
>dat ass doe

very smart

0/10 bait
go watch some Varg faggots

Why is Sargon a bad channel? Is it because he rejects white identitarianism?

Incoming hatred for Lauren from the angry virgin squad.

She made a white genocide vid and still its not enough for them.


>jew cocaine whore
Sounds like my kind of woman

Yes, and because he's boring, and because he's a pseudo-intelligent asshole who thinks he knows everything.

She's a very good and nice lady. I can't believe people expect her to get married so young. I thought she was in her late 20s, NOT 22. I mean oh my god, she's 22, do you really expect her to pop out kids that young?

>>>Sargon of Akkad
>> jew

What? He's not even close. You have to have a jewish mother to be a jew. He doesn't even has a jewish grand-grand-mother.

You don't have to like him, but he's not a jew.

David Se*man on youtube


That's religious judaism, he's talking about genetic jews. He probably isn't, but he certainly isn't red-pilled. Ashkenazi and Sephardic jews are genetic, not religious.

Well thanks for the answer

Varg is alright when it comes to Innawoods, Prepping, Acceleration-ism, and his scepticism on Capitalism/Democracy.

However, he's retarded on the race issue.

These are not Americans.
How do I set up a debate with this Destiny cunt?
I will own that fucking dweeb in a debate and make America proud.

That's just my opinion, plus I hate the posh accent he has, I feel like people agree with him just because of that, also let's be honest, they never really say anything that incredible, most of what they say is usually common sense.

Subtle trolling, I see.

Who's Destiny, I know he's a libtard streamer, but I've heard he's won every single debate with conservatives. Is he really that convincing?


Nick Fuentes owned his ass, and he sperged-out.

>They say mean things about SJW
>what a high bar
>much intellectual

he's a joke.
I cant believe people cant out debate him.
I can, I would like to find out how.

Ok but what does he usually debate about? Feminism? Economics? Niggers?


Destiny sits back and grinds his teeth like some kind of twacked meth smoker.
He uses poor psychology to entrap people into bunk ideology.
he sticks to economics, to justify immigration basically.

>Sargon of Akkad
fat shitskin who makes 30 minute videos reading news headlines with his condescending british accent because people think that makes him intelligent

>Lauren Southern
annoying leaf accent, misuses Sup Forums memes to fit in and whines about women being childless and unmarried while being childless and unmarried herself

>Milo Yiannopoulos
opportunistic attention whoring kike who embezzles money from r/the_Donald retards and won't shut up about being a faggot who sucks nigger dicks for 2 seconds

>Paul Joseph Watson
another condescending anglo fag who anunciates every syllable in a very obnoxious cringey way and cites info wars and right-wing twitter without really factchecking to see if the shit is real

>Chris Ray Gun

>Ben Shapiro because he has good arguments

Sargon of Akkad is just some fat uneducated bong. Why does anybody listen to him?! He is a moron

sargon of akkad is a black bisexual

James Allsup.

Germany can't even do bait right. Truly a dead nation. Sad!

Liz Wheeler


Call him on one of his streams and you'll find out. The little dude is a manipulator and few people seem to see through it

take the real redpill....

>Lauren is ok
>Paul is probably ok
>I don't watch the rest

>add E;R
>Mr Metokur
>Alternative Hypothesis

>thinking any of the faggots op mentioned aren't just riding the wave
>having no idea what the true red pill looks like

trust me. I'm going to get that little fucker on the phone this winter and school that little prick.

ultimate redpill

Actually I should clarify that I don't watch the two I said are ok either I just know more of them. Just watch the ones I listed instead. Push the rest to spread our propaganda.

Add Mr Obvious too


god youre a queer

>Whiny Beta Soy Boy
>Never heard of him

Sup Forums is more alive now then before. Used to be mostly stormfags that were too afraid to do anything like Sup Forums does now.

Back to plebbit

And yet they are all totally blind to Jews being in charge of things. Fine redpill there. That's a violet pill, you talk about truth when it benefits you, but ignore truth where it goes against your narrative. That's like Fox News and CNN, both always 100% truthful on their side, but logically only one can be 100% truthful, other has to be 0% truthful then.

>>Sargon of Akkad
>>Lauren Southern
>>Milo Yiannopoulos
Get the fuck out nigger.
It's either
>>>/reddit/ or
The only one good so far is Lauren Rose.

>Chris Ray Gun
You might have SOME arguments with the others but this guy is legit just an idiot.

OP named all jews or jew shills.

Check out Vox Day. Way smarter than all the E-celebutards and whores. Very far right but not national socialist.

Also has a regular periscope and will answer most questions as long as you don't spam bullshit or act like a retard.

Check out Lauren Rose

ITT: larpers and shills

dumb frogposter

Be honest OP, you just did this for the (you)s

Steven is comfy, I can see the nazi eyes in the dark he hides so well. Mark is just convenient and a good small dose laugh when I am bored

never change germany


le anti-sjw edgelords


no yous for you


hopefully, this is bait because these purple pill pussies will never amount to shit besides taking money from Sup Forums autists on patreon
found the MGTOW virgin
I don't see how this is funny when it's the sad truth
autistic brofags are doomed to a life of cancer and failure

How much do you wanna bet that Carl made this thread himself?


>nu-Sup Forums will never know who this guy is

The greatest story never told

Why does anyone watch these talking heads? I can't stand any of them. Can none of you read?

Typical divide and conquer. You have meme flags and commies trying this shit. Don't fall for it.

TJ Kirk

>>Sargon of Akkad
>>Lauren Southern
>>Milo Yiannopoulos
>>Paul Joseph Watson
>>Chris Ray Gun
He's alright, but only if he fucks Laci Green in the ass every day.