Why do only white people not want children/to be married?

Literally no other race is like this. If you ask non westeners getting married and having children has a deep cultural and traditional impact among their societies while this has disappeared in the west. Even countries like Japan and South Korea who are experiencing declining populations, many still wish to marry but may only cite financial reasons.

The west is different. I think almost half of white people don't want kids but are somehow magically fine with adoption. They cite that children are expensive (which is true) but then immediately diverge into the most negative mindset like children are automatically shitty, my sperm count isn't high enough, your kids won't love you, your wife will divorce you, all western women are trash etc.

And Sup Forums wonders why whites are dying out when every other race is able to compromise and maintain they're populations. You have to give up some to win some

Other urls found in this thread:


They've been indoctrinated. Every time you see a news headline about not having kids it has a white baby or a white couple.

I may have also gotten the wrong statistics but I read a small poll on r/college about if uni students want kids down the line. Almost all of them said no, some where LGBTQQEUWGEJFGEI and were somehow fine with adoption but not the good ol' man + woman = baby and they were all from North American or Western Europe. Shit's getting outta hand

Why did the US government intentionally break our religion, sense of community, right to self-determination, and promote nigger hip hop and promiscuity if they wanted us to breed?

I'm guessing there's a high chance you're a US government shill, but I can't imagine the dissonance over there in DC is this absurd.

Don't you guys still do this, have the word "God" in your money and motto and constantly shill your military?

>have the word God in your money


>shill your military

How is that relevant?

You answered your own question

Kids are expensive.. too expensive for the average family, and the average family is too flimsy to stick together with the most minor speed bumps.

Liberal laws take too much money away from working families, drive the overall cost of living up and fuck over any man with enough self respect to leave a woman that’s cheated on him.

The inherent risk of monetary loss, emotionally loss, and a shitty overall life far outweighs the perceived benefits of raising children

Other ethnic groups don’t pay for their children, the government does so the risk of having children is little to none.

Something tells me that other races may experience the exact same thing white families do but they just suck it up "for the sake of the kids".

I think culture also plays a huge role as family may pitch in to help financially and there's a strong sense of family. Other than that is there anything stopping whites from leeching off govt welfare checks as well?

>is there anything stopping whites from leeching off govt welfare checks as well?

- common sense
- a sense of responsibility
- honesty
- a sense of self-reliance

White women are too busy buying stupid apartment dogs and fucking Chad and Jamal. The other majority of White men have checked out of society or are low test nu-males.

Pic related is responsible for the drop in white women having children. I hate these beady eyed soulless shits.

Because it will feel cramped physically and financially if I raise a person in a tiny apartment with with a job that doesn't feel secure and less than $20k in savings ;-;

trips of truth

I don't feel like I have nearly enough money/savings to responsibly start a family. It's not something I'd want to do without being well-prepared. Poverty in the US is especially bad since it means your (presumably white) kids might have to live around/go to school with violent minorities. And that's not acceptable to me. Until I have close to a million in savings and properties, a family is out of the question.

Because literally every government favors brown people when it comes to financial aid for new families, the white family has to contend with biases that favor illegal immigrants and niggers in many walls of life - law, business, and even medicine. Eight years of Obama made us the lowest priority and thus many whites can't afford children in this Zog economy.

Its also been made trendy by white celebrities to push for adoption or say having kids is the worst thing imaginable.


Whites are the majority of the population that are footing the bill for welfare.
We also care more about our quality of life than blacks and Mexicans do.
So since we understand that our actions have consequences and in our society, potentially life ruining ones.
Most whites see raising families as a risk as opposed to a reward.
I say MOST not ALL

MOST would rather live well to do and selfishly their entire lives than take on the inherent risk I already explained.

Are their white people that don’t have the fortitude to raise one? Sure.

But it’s not the reason that the majority of them decide not to get married and have children

I am white and I have observed that too tho I don't agree with it for my own life

Are there really that many young white men checking out of society? I find it hard to believe though. Even though the typical millenial route of major in liberal arts, graduate with 150K debt and can't afford anything until 50 true, I always thought this """lifestyle""" was less than 30%. I always assumed most people are fine

I don't have liberal arts degree? I went to school for engineering and work as one. I'm white, tall, have my own place and car with no debt. 95% of white women are genuinely not interested in settling down (especially true if she's attractive) since US government has allowed the culture to indoctrinate them into thinking promiscuity is more important.

Bring back traditionalism and ban MSM and Facebook from spreading their propaganda.

Where are you coming up with these perceptions? Are these literally just ideas you have bc of tv shows?
It sounds like you have no idea what life is like here other than Hollywood misconceptions

2/3rds of White women in the US have 2 or more kids. Only 16% forgo having children altogether or have a non White child. As a matter of fact the birth rate for East Asians is usually 10% - 30% lower then the White birth rate in the US. Also I think this is a slide thread I’m going to need proof.

>T. Plebbitor

You could be right. It's just Sup Forums paints the situation for whites so dire

Ask younger girls about it, almost all of them dont want to have kids.

We are going to lose, that's all Im going to say. And for our struggle to fight the (((ZOG))) takeover of the world, we will be summarily executed. Hope that all of you listen to this - we're all fucked, especially for fucking with the world economy. Better yet we will end up being at fault for the eventual genocide of whites at the hands of other races.

It's not just white people, it's metropolitan types of all races, through brainwashing through media and college, that put career and self above all else. White trash whites have no problem starting families.

Look at the US Census statistics - fuck Im surprised they have computers in your nation. Are you even white? is the ultimate statement if politics was an opioid. Look around you sometimes, the world is cracking, our race is dead and our own people are enjoying it fall.

It’s actually big cities and Rural areas which make up 38% - 39% of the White population and have a low White birth rate and an aging population. Suburbs seem to be almost a whole new world. As for young women IDK 49% of White Women under 30 voted for Trump compared to just 42% for Hillary so there is still hope.

Part of the problem is you're basing your answer on Reddit users, who are arguably the most brainwashed and susceptible to propaganda group in existence. The site that they're on encourages groupthink and manipulation. The sample bias is showing big time; you're not getting a true sample of recent college graduates, you're getting an extremely tainted sample of far leftists with too much time on their hands.

Their beloved popular media told them they don't want kids, and because they want each other's approval, they all thus don't want kids.

Fake news. Besides the fact most voted for Trump and the census bureau shows a numerical increase and a median age of 40 it just so happens Non Whites have an extra boost of 910,000 - 920,000 thanks to external immigration.

I’m aware of the degeneracy, look at my ID and my replies.
I asked about his perception bc his statements and questions were more conjecture than based.

The anti-white forces have appealed to our sense of reason and our spoiled nature from being on top for so long (not saying shit about whites, it's just the way civilization goes, bubs). They told us we could just chill and be a kid forever and a million other perfectly reasonable reasons that sound like wonderful alternatives to responsibility and the coldness of reality

but we're falling. And it's our moral duty to have 15+ kids now or die fighting for those who will to at least ensure our race makes it through the collapse of western civilization

>it's another veiled 'love your roasties' thread

No thnx

Just taking a moment to appreciate the rare flag. Never seen a Papuan flag on here before.

>Literally no other race is like this.

I'm black and you're full of shit. Children aren't needed and are becoming closer to a liability then an assist in the 1st world. Nothing to do with race.
Nice flag btw

Rural areas are the backbone of the white population. If those go we're done - I couldnt give a flying fuck about cities at this point. They're full of minorities and the only whites are the rich ones who will be below replacement level.

Suburbs are weird. They're where those poor whites are going, but on the other hand Hispanics are taking up shop in them too. Also, cite your source on that 49% of women stat, seems hard to believe. Women are the biggest turncoats of them all.

Go on social media and look at who responded to for example Steve King's tweet saying diversity is not a good idea - mostly whites defending the niggers and spics. We shoot our own kind while the niggers and spics fuck our innocent girls far away from the battle.

All you said is conjecture. Suburbs are the backbone and no they aren’t poor. Almost Entirely middle class. White Rural dwellers have a birth rate of 1.5 and a median age of 45. Compared to a birth rate of 2.2 and median age of 35 for White suburbanites.

Hahah I'm not white but the "western women are trash" meme seems to be true since all my white collegues have asian or papua new guinean wives ;)

I don't really care about racemixing. If they love each other and are good parents then its fine

that's bullshit, white people used to live in way riskier conditions, we used to have monarchs and expanded into the wildlands with no infrastructure and medical support. We used to be badass... Now we are fat and lazy, afraid to breed.

>Japanese, Koreans, Chinese still want to marry but cute financial reasons

Not at all, at least in the Japs case the men are full mgtow because jap women are like white women but westerners have yet to be red pilled on em

Chinese women are materialistic scum, same with koreans

Also White Ruralites are the poor and working class whites which have a crude death rate which has exceeded it’s birth rate since July 1st 2005. On top of being in decline since the 1880s in the first place. Urbanites are even worse there just happens to be some of those twitter thots you are talking about and other yuppies moving back to the cities. Well guess what White people with kids of the same race and White Americans over 30 as well as remaining middle class Whites are still leaving the Cities.

Yep. Reddit is terrible at expressing unique thought. Some small subs are good but as always with anything, the larger it is the more retarded it is.

Also no Suburbs aren’t changing that fast as a matter of fact the spread of Non Whites has been reduced to a trickle. 60% still live in big cities. Same as it was 4 Year’s ago. Only 7% less then it was in April 1990.

Less is more.

It’s bullshit because 2/3rds of White women have 2 or more kids. It’s also bullshit because if the US was all White it would have the same overweight & obesity stats as Central Europe or Turkey.

We're getting ready to fuck this planet up. Tear it up by the seams beat it up and then have it wallow in pain and distress. and then purify it.
Short term
>whiteys be leaving this motherfucking planet
And that should scare the shit out of you.
Ofcourse it's the kikes thinking they live forever if they fuck whitey up.. But when whitey drops in large numbers.. you're going to get very close to mass extermination from the sky. It's part and parcel of living in a multicutural society. You want to fuck things up... you have a short time in the sun.
Whites are the only thing keeping this shit together, with them gone.. your ass is going to fry like you wouldn't believe.
It's the troubles of jacob in the bible a time of clouds and various things, even the kikes believe in it, they falsely believe that europe is esau though which is HILARIOUS because esau is these very kikes, and it's from teman to dedan (yemen to saudi arabia). They were always the baddies. BUT THEY WOULD NOT ADMIT IT. So they lay accusations against the saints.


2.2 is pathetic. The fact that white rural birthrates are low is blackpill worthy, because they have the most room as well as the usual lowest income. Without the rural backbone all those counties Trump uses to light up the map are gone in future elections.

Rural dwellers are also the most ardently conservative. Suburbs are towards center, with cities on the left.

Well at least you're here mate. It's not often you see people from countries like yours here, let alone them being white. I think you'd understand better if you were white, no offense.

Hispanics prove your argument wrong. I dont give a fuck about niggers, they kill their own babies, but Hispanics in 20 years have gone from a negligible minority to an emerging demographic primed to secure big government and progressivism for years to come.

Motherfucker NOBODY wants kids, it's just that white people can actually keep it in their pants/practice birth control whereas jungle and desert rats run around with no pants on, raping everything in sight.

the ones recalled be part of an army of enforcers. You're not going to crawl your way out of this one.
Didn't you want us to leave? Isn't that what you asked for? Are you so sure to take care of yourself? Wow you're such a genius howcome your nations aren't working.
Ah but you dont really want this you want we build things for you you take it over and that's what you want.

supposedly there is 9 million + of them

Its not really about kids being expensive or anything but more about women, there are very few women worth having children with.

In america & europe the moment you have kids with a woman she has you by the balls.

So? Just wait for the right one. There are 4 billion of them, odds are 1 has to not be evil and single. As long as you have white kids then you accomplished your mission. Being a sloth and not trying because "all women are evil" is retarded and immediately leads to our defeat.

Better die trying than dying on your fucking knees, or in your case, from a heart attack from playing too much CS:GO in your room while Somalis fuck cute German girls

How is it in your country?

>there are 4 billion of them
dam that is a shit argument

2.2 is fantastic and Hispanics are 8% of Suburbanites. Hispanics were 13% of the US 20 years ago now 18%. No suburbs are more towards conservative. White Rural dwellers voted Democrat until 2000.

You're completely wrong, meme country. Birth rates are falling worldwide, even in Africa. Their average is now around 5, not 8 like it was.

The rot of feminism has infected nearly the entire world, but fear not. It has no staying power as a cultural paradigm since only those who reject it will reproduce and its supporters will all die with no one to replace them

You shouldn't be asking yourself why whites have low birth rates.

You should be asking yourself why does it matter?

Why do we need to have an infinite population growth?

Whites aren't stupid, they realize shit is getting too overcrowded so they stopped fucking for a bit. Apparently this is a problem for the (((economy))). Stop asking how we can have more kids and ask how we can stop the need for infinite population growth.

This is the hilarious part, the ones that don't deserve it breed, the ones that do do are told not to and do not.
It's the euro vs everyone else thing.
See.. well actually let me have mr. smith explain it to you because it's SO obvious.. (whitey is the bad guy in that)
Europeans always understood that demand vs supply which is why they didn't overbreed. Did you notice. Everything but euros overbreed. DID YOU NOTICE.. And what happens to their societies.. well if you are already in shit.. increasing the demand.. not a good thing, let's do it anyways.
Net result, poverty starvation. and they're screaming for someone to help
>white people to the rescue cause they didn't.
>FUCK YOU white people
You know, we should've let you starve, but we can't do that we are incapable of it, we are programmed to be stewards, we have too much empathy with you lower races. You fuck eachother up you don't care about remedying it and you cry out for help so we try our best to remedy the situation you apparently don't care to solve yourselves.

havent talked to a person that isn't my parents in about 12 years. getting married or having children is the least of my problems


how old are you?

do you have a job?

we don't want you but we are STUCK with you and all your fucking incompetence, we are programmed to take care of you. REEEE

jesus christ dude. get a dog and go to dog parks. meet people. that is super unhealthy.

White Urbanite Birth rate July 1st 2017: 1.0
White Rural Dweller Birth rate July 1st 2017: 1.4
White Suburbanite/Exurbanite Birth Rate July 1st 2017: 2.2

Non White Birth rate July 1st 2017: 1.9
Hispanic Birth rate July 1st 2017: 2.1
Negroe Birth rate July 1st 2017: 1.8 - 1.9
Asian/Other Birth rate July 1st 2017: 1.4

Nailed it

It's not that we need "infinite population growth," and no, shit is definitely not overcrowded outside of certain (((cities))). It's that we're in a fucking demographic war for political control of our country that we are doomed to lose unless those borders close permanently. We shouldn't have to be at this point, but we are and this is all we as lone individuals can do about it.

Another thing we need to be concerned with is establishing conditions for easier family formation and making it so that the sexes aren't afraid of each other anymore. We're all driven to have children, and even if we only have one, there's no reason why things are as difficult as they are right now to make that happen. Too many of us growing old without children, and so the suicide rates of middle aged people are pretty high. They just don't have a reason to live.

Not having children and living the single life is a last stand of implicit white identity.

I don’t think it’s even just a white thing, more of a generational/cultural brainwashing thing.

you've clearly never met a the blacks.

Don't most people go to college until they are 26 these days

Wrong, that would be having 16 children and living an agrarian life in the midwestern plains, tending crops with your sons in overalls while your daughters in bonnets and plain dresses clean the stables and your wife does the laundry

and selfish satisfaction without no care about how it ends, in misery of their societies ofcourse. Nobody seems to get it but the europeans. We are foreigners in a world of assholes, we have terms of empathy forgivenes and things that these idiots only see as weakness and means of exploitation. Perhaps it is going to be the time when the misbegottn should bow rather than the constant shepherd. I'm tired of wanting to do good for these people whom this effort seems to be wasted upon.
They wish us dead yet we're the only reason they still live as they do.

It creeps me out. My friend is expecting a kid soon and every single category for kids stuff I search to find them a gift, dog shit pops up first.

>t-shirt that says dog mom or worlds best dog dad
>clothes for your dog
>Christmas toys for dogs popping up on search engine before toys for kids

Because White Western society is infected with the Jews, and they are hell bent on destroying their host population like any other parasites or cancer.

They say that the Jews are promoting Multiculturalism and a "diverse" population because that would make them "safer", but instead all the clues lead us to believe they truly want to exterminate us at least as much as we would like to exterminate them.

The Jews promote EVERY, SINGLE, POSSIBLE, ABOMINATION that will eventually reduce the number of white people, you name it!:

1) Feminism

2) Socialism

3) Multiculturalism

4) Homosexuality

5) Transexualism

6) Refugeevism

For something to be GOOD FOR THE JEWS

it must be above all BAD FOR THE GOYIM!

They're fucking up their dogs mentally and physically too. Kind of hilarious they think another species is less work to raise without fucking them up.

>tear pup away from mom when they are too young so they develop low self esteem
>raise dog to be brat because they are treated like a human not a dog
>increase over all anxiety and aggression by carrying them everywhere
>make them stupid and depressed from leaving them alone all day at work and all night when they party.
>Leave them mats that tear off chunks of skin because omg fluffy but they are too lazy to brush.
>Leave them a fat, blind, diabetic crippled mass of pain and sores in their old life because they fed them cheap shit that is 80% corn

T. Career in pet industry.

Feminism. And by feminism, I mean jews.

This place where the only rightful stewards are. They fuck it up by these things. Whilst everyone else repulsively mass breed and nobody gives a damn or says a damn thing. Do they say anything towards it no they LOVE it.. jews are going into a furnace but you better understand why. The white races are the ones trying to help you not hurt you, you are the ones hurting yourselves. So much empathy that they let the worst of you animals get away with bad things
>this means whitey bad
WAKE UP WAKE UP. do you really think this is going to go off where white people just die off from altruism? you're in GREAT danger right now. REAL DANGER not from the euros but from something else that thinks it should maybe just wipe you out completely and seed/replant those like euros you want to kill another place. Can you blame them? tables are about to be turned on you.

A lot of this is true.
t. dog owner who grew up with multiple dogs

Don't forget
>Don't bother vaccinating beyond rabies
>Don't even bother to spay and neuter half the time

>Nobody mention capitalism.
>nobody discuss means required to raise a successful child in white countries.

You are not so special afterall especially when you act like a virus most of you. And you do.. Mass breed mass breeed haha i mass breed.
This is you, i mass breed so what. You mass breed you can be destroyed in less than 15 second this entire biosphere. you are not quality you are quantity..

you are NOTHING of value, what the fuck value is your mass produce?
>i suck have a lot of kids so i'm better than you
Even if better people than yourselves would safeguard those children it would never justify those children or make you better than someone else. the whole notion of
>mass breed so i am better
you are the ANTITHESIS of anything better. You are something to be taken into the fire and never heard of again. You're so smart aren't you except you aren't

White people are just generally horrible people these days. They pretend to have virtues but have little to none.

There's also no law saying all the leftover uglies have to get together because Christianity is all but gone and only exists in name.

>white people are just generally horrible
If you would have a proper eye to see what everyone else were doing and had the power to do so you would be engaged in massive exterminations already. Man is a BLIGHT or shall i say non euro man is a blight, act like a virus, that was sought corrected. But can always go along with extermination and replantation and leave all pretense aside.
Don't pretend to me with your little shit that euros are bad. About the only ones who ever got shit right on this pathetic dump of a planet.

If the government subsidized my kids and family like they do for blacks and mexicans, i would love to have a big family. But they wont and they never will. They are just going to slowly bleed us out and watch us squirm and struggle.

Euros were put there precisely to try to improve this blight, now you pretend the euros are the blight. It's undone.

They do, and they are. The Republican tax plans are doubling the child tax credit. Only whites and Asians are going to be able to use that. Meanwhile, Congress is apparently going to get ready to talk about welfare reform next year

>Even countries like Japan and South Korea who are experiencing declining populations, many still wish to marry but may only cite financial reasons.
This is absolutely false in regards to Japan. The average woman is definitely interested in marriage but the average man is not necessarily whatsoever. Their hobbies are more important to them. The same is increasingly true with western whites. And that's fine, nothing wrong with curbing bloated populations. What we should really be doing is restricting immigration and killing/expelling non-whites, not trying to race them into the billions.

You forgot abortion.

I'm So SICK of these people and our duty towards them.. with the jews and the muslims so clear targetted for extermination and justly so. And they hope for white people to die. Patience of the saints to put up with their malfiensce. Overrated.

too many niggers

i honestly think it's civilization, we're not meant to be so safe, smart and prosperous.,the only way to fix it is by returning to savagery, killing each other and then finally rekindling old cultural norms

BURN THEM ALL, stop waiting hahahah.. we're going to wait.. This what you sent us for. We have done our thing.
>salt of the earth
>wheat among tares
>sheep amidst wolves.
slow living through the assholes. So it is.

All edomites need to burn. Esau would be ruling at the end, but prophecy isnt finished yet.

You cant run from your lot, you cant run from judgement. But you'll try, you'll try to kill everyone and laugh during your final breaths without a shred of repentance or forgiveness. Not after the crusades, not after the grecians, not after idumea. You know whats coming. The world needs to go back to the way things were.

>i honestly think it's civilization, we're not meant to be so safe, smart and prosperous.,the only way to fix it is by returning to savagery, killing each other and then finally rekindling old cultural norms
Das rite you the niggers now.


The last chapter of the edomites is about to close, the kingdom will be established.


that's mighty fine of you nigger but that carries the pretence of understanding what esau means or where it is which is for example from deman to dedan which is yemen to saudi arabia. Not exactly europe. So you fucked up already nigger. Want me to tell you how you additionally fucked up?
I'm going to tell you because i'm tired of this monkey mind thinking it knows something it doesn't. Jacob and esau, jacob means supplanter, who was esau.. Esau are the JEWS.. not the europeans.. Dumbass.. what did the kikes do? violate saturn worship which was not allowed (exodus 3:20) they sold their birthright to jacob, who wrestled with an angel to prove his worth as replacement. Also allegory if you haven't found out who jacob is at this point i feel sorry for you. Also parallel with cain and abel.

>all this chaotic babble
Actually the rulers of the edomites are those fake jews in israel, you're the lower class edomites who take orders from your masters, you both need to die.

I wont read you emotional post, you feed off the misery of others, you'll be judged accordingly you disgusting reprobate.

Nigger you literally are too dumb to recieve the message due to the fall, you have shit for brains. Why do you think others bring you it.
But let me put it plain for the sake of you, esau is jews, jacob is europe, ishmael is muslim The two covenants of the flesh persecutes the covenant of the spirit (that's kikes and muslims) persecutes the christians. (jacob meaning supplanter). They both get circumsized in the flesh but it has no meaning and actually it's funny because that was a punishment done to the jews (not a blessing) to diminish sexual pleasure because they were doing a ritual like weeping for tammuz. Which is an indirect worship of the fallen angel inside his cube which is in saturn, the black cube israelie flag north pole hexagon saturn, black cube more intricate, they put teffilin a black cube on forehead and arm, like when they were in makkah around the cube. at the corner of the cube is now a star meteorite that fell from the sky/heaven.