Anyone else gets the cringes for the fact that this 30+yo guy with a kid is dirty-debating 20yo ethnically dubious...

Anyone else gets the cringes for the fact that this 30+yo guy with a kid is dirty-debating 20yo ethnically dubious stream sluts?

Other urls found in this thread:

he has a kid?

I just literally destroyed Destiny in a debate earlier today.


>when the autism finally kicks in

>30 year old
>video games

Time to grow up kid


he is just desperate to stay relevant so neet bux keep coming in. knew of him way back when starcraft 2 came out, hes always been a cunt.

"yeah cause that shit costs money my dude"

I cringe because of how big his fucking head is for his body. If anyone has that pic where he's standing there with that dumb look on his face and his head looks way too big, please post.

He is such a fuckface, he is pure rhetoric trickery, specifically speed-talking to move the argument to places where he can use the same strategies of of semiotic analysis, deconstruction, and a bunch of fallacies, mostly appeals to authority

>pls express what soyboy means so i can deconstruct your statement with some shit tier basic semiotic analysis of it

>im familiar with the research, i bet you don't know shit
>meat is PROBABLY bad for you

>so what if we are inferior?
>(aptly avoids this front)

>sees the crime stats coming in, switch to rednecks cooking meths memes

>confronted by data against his position, semiotic deconstructs answer's expression and tries to hop the topic

>tries to deconstructs callers definition of words

>"ryan is a no name" (appeal to authority)

>"im not gonna take a side till the science is settled" (doe i did 5 mins before)

>implies the caller is low-status cause he admits to have less money than him

>"you bring idiots in cause it makes you look better, but you backoff from arguing with people who know what they are talking about"
>"n-no, i have a responsibility as a streamer to not give platform to people who can cite stuff that disproves my surface research!!"

>vague begged analoguies

>social shame via friends in call when shit gets tough
>"loool he is a carpenter!!! hahahhaha"

>horribly thinly veiled trolling/begged questions/disdain for trade workers (when he is a streamer)

>robots are driving cars

>more begged questions


>"where do you live? cause i live in a ghetto"
>mmm not gonna answer to that

>"lol your poor"

>i can buy to Jordan Peterson cause he has an authority position

he is a hgih speed troll for sure, but his insistance on going exclusively for the low hanging fruit is just sad

This. Fuck off with your video games assholes. Grow the fuck up.

holy kek

wtf!!! is he channeling stevie wonder?

destiny is the proto-soyboy

Whoops lel

does destiny even have any education related to debating? all of these internet debates just look like fucking monkey free for all cage matches to me, it's embarrassing

But he wrecks these stupid sluts so well

i like how upon realizing that he stirs up controversy to make money, instead of contacting his sponsors with his views, you choose to continuously provide him with relevance

No he's just a pseudointellectual. It's pretty funny he was shitting on this guy who posted earlier in the thread who was a carpenter, because destiny was even lower as some store manager 15$ wagecuck. His only accomplishment in life is playing video games.


Unfournatly we don't live in the era of where theres constnatly shit to do around your house. Would you rather rot your garbage brain or play vidya?

Yep. Not his though. He's cucked and taking care of another mans seed. He even admitted to wanting other men to fuck his wife.

lol but i post this thread, and it enrages people like you who know how to bite back

No one here can beat him in a debate. They only can resort to ad-hominem like NIGGERS.

>specifically speed-talking to move the argument to places
The term you want is Gish Galloping. He does a fuckton of it.

>invite someone over to your stream because your audience wants to see this person
>berate and moan the person you invited to your stream that they are a nobody

The gall of this manlet, why would you invite a literal "nobody" onto your stream unless people actually wanted to see this "nobody"? When will they learn?

Only thing he does is use insults. What a debater.

>Debating a manlet

spotted the quadroon who can't grasp what the men were actually saying

he uses two techinques:
1- speed talk + sophistry
2- ego attacks

if you can avoid feeling butthurt by his comments on you, and stop him in his tracks and confront him with why his attack questions are begged and aren't an actual response to your point, can sweep the floor with him

after the first stump like this you just try keep control of the convo and pretty much he is done, he only wins by being an erratic conductor

All that aside the caller isn't too bright and terrible at arguing. Destiny did the same thing to jontron trying to bait him into admitting he was a racist by saying why not just deport all idiots. The reason you dont want to do that is obvious, no one is going to want to deport their family members just because they're stupid. This simple statement proves ethnic bonds exist more strongly than some autistic bullshit about IQ. So all you have to do is provide a substantial reason for segregation and you have won the debate. Destiny already argues for such reasons with muh oppression but you could use crime rate or political hostility, demographics and there is no real logical way for him to disagree other than some bullshit about it being too hard but so what? you are arguing in principle.

>not even 30

it's honestly super cute

Destiny has the most low testosterone body ive ever seen, like a ten year old boy. Not knocking him, I actually think he suffers from some kind of hormonal disorder


I don't see a man, I see an autistic representative of the Lollipop Guild. He really shouldn't be allowed to be around his wife's son if he's admitting to watching CP.

>Radical centrist
>Pedophile symphatizer
>Attention whore


Stop spamming this shit nigger i dont care

yeah the caller is shit i agree, but he still has weak points, if you just stop on your feet and actually think "wtf is this questions purpose and what does it assumes" you buttfuck him, he is a pearl-clutcher, his friends in the call provide the "oh what a nerd lol! teehee" character that enforce the social dynamics of the call (destiny and friends = reasonable people, caller = autistic loser retard)

> This simple statement proves ethnic bonds exist more strongly than some autistic bullshit about IQ.

great example, if he would just said "waait hol up, hol up, hol up, are you implying that...?" he would have thrown him off

he actually those so a few times, specifically when he asks "and what if we are inferior?", when he asks destiny where he lives, and when he admits to paying less tax than him, in the three of this he "nudes" the actual dynamics of destiny's rhetoric in this statements, there's no argument, just fnord formula

>that overtrimmed beard
fucking hell

He also dodged the point I made about the difference between an average white guy who does carpentry and pays taxes and the average black who commits crimes and incurs massive costs on the US economy. I should have articulated this point better though. Destiny can make fun of someone like me for "not contributing" as much as him (albeit his contributions are entertaining people playing videogames) but this still isn't comparable to a group of people who are a net drain on the US budget. It was dishonest for him to equate me with blacks. Moreover Destiny kept generalizing "low IQ race realists" but it's not like he has actually data on this. It's just something he made up.

I completely agree with this. I made a few big mistakes. I let Destiny state "my" position for example when he asked why I want to kick all the undesirables out.

I also let him shift the goalposts. Before he was saying that AltHype was a conspiracy theorist because he disagreed with the majority of scientists. After Destiny was shown the survey of intelligence researchers, where roughly half of researchers agreed with AltHype, Destiny then shifted the goalpost to "AltHype disagrees with SOME scientists' interpretations of SOME data in SOME studies."

I did a really poor job and I recognize that. But my main goal was to confront him for his avoidance of AltHype. I like that he asked me why I would bother talking to him if I knew I'd look bad. I wish I would have pointed out that I'm not a pussy like he is.

this one?

At the end of the day he makes more money than you by playing video games and debating people on Twitter.

Yeah well you said it yourself you have a low verbal IQ, you shouldn't try to debate or at least dont try to in good faith. Not everyone is cut out for it.

Also this notion that a primarily high IQ only society is even possible is pretty retarded, obviously you need lower skill workers and I suspect low IQ people also serve to keep certain genes in the gene pool as well as necessary behavioral traits. I have come to think of society more as an organism than individuals.

Aye the eight year old endowed with a forty year olds head.

>playing video games and debating people on Twitter.

So that's why he's such a retard.

>it seems i'm superior in every way to you
what a cocksucking douche

lmao please tell me that's actually you. you sounded so fucking stupid

>or at least dont try to in good faith
I agree. I tried to throw in a lot of jokes here and there to lighten the mood. I got Destiny to admit he was intentionally going for low-hanging fruit like myself too, and I think I did a decent job tripping him up on TheAltHype thing.

It was me.

The fact that destiny triggers you idiots so much and has been a regular subject of threads for almost a year now is all the proof I need to know that he is right.

>He also dodged the point I made about the difference between an average white guy who does carpentry and pays taxes and the average black who commits crimes and incurs massive costs on the US economy. I should have articulated this point better though. Destiny can make fun of someone like me for "not contributing" as much as him (albeit his contributions are entertaining people playing videogames)

You are arguing for both sides here, if you disparage blacks for contributing less than you, he can disparage you for contributing less than him, its the same line of logic

> Moreover Destiny kept generalizing "low IQ race realists" but it's not like he has actually data on this. It's just something he made up.
If he didn't make it up, he had a point, if you wanna kick all blacks for average, he can kick all "race realists" for average

But were 2 inches taller - that's everything.

This. Bomb mexico, give pedophiles their porn and buy the new iPhone already.

>economy I dont mean GDP
>black people and women are too stupid to go into STEM unless you give them figureheads
>what's wrong with communism?
>what's wrong with incest?
>what's wrong with pedophiles?

making threads about this washed out Starcuck loser should be punishable by three day ban and also death

>its the same line of logic
You can reduce everything into absurdity. I wouldn't say that Destiny's dream of a super high IQ society that excludes me is "bad". But it's completely infeasible.

>If he didn't make it up
He did. He has no research to back up that claim.

I just get annoyed that he debates retards and acts like he's debating the top minds of the world. I don't know how he can get debates with people like Shapiro but he should move up. Debating low hanging fruit is fun but it's not going to accomplish anything.


You are missing the point, his arguments work on self-contained logic, he isn't "wrong" because he defines very clear limits by the way he expresses his arguments.

The issue is this limits are debatable themselves, yet by highspeeding and adhominems he gets you to try respond them instead of thinking of what kind of assumptions he is making in his framing of the issues.

Someone like Enoch who focuses on deconstructing deconstruction frames for a living would rape him out of the world, even Sargon did a good work with him.

>for almost a year now

It's been longer than that and Destiny is part of Sup Forums board culture at this point. I personally can't stand his politics but I enjoy watching his debates.

"YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO LIVE WITHOUT A PHONE" stem bonnell vs sargon of akkad

he really said it huh

>"dude 54% means absolute majority"
>"even 51% would mean majority"
>percentile comes up again but this time doesnt favour his side
>"dude what the fuck are you talking about 65% isnt even the majority!!!"
>"wtf buddy you are the most dishonest debater i have ever debated!"

is brittany playing a character?


Its only cringy because he loses and argues like a 5yo
Not to mention hes the soyboy figure incarnate

>asks question
>gets answer
>10 minutes later asks same question again pretending not to know answer
>gets same answer again
>repeat ths action 7 more times through the debate

is it autism?

Somehow I don't think it's very fulfilling to be a children's entertainer. He even tries to compensate for it with this half baked philosophy and these sophist debates. Poor guy is a divorcee at 30 too and he's not even got that lategame sexual market value because he's a manlet cuban.

Just think he's going to be playing video games to entertain children at 40 and 50 if he's lucky.

>he isn't "wrong"
Yea. If he wants a high IQ society then he can support it. I just think it's about accomplishing something reasonably possible. In the heat of the moment I just couldn't reasonably process this. He got me good.

>The issue is this limits are debatable themselves, yet by highspeeding and adhominems he gets you to try respond them instead of thinking of what kind of assumptions he is making in his framing of the issues.
You're right about this. Destiny is smarter than me and has much more experience in live debate. He had complete control of the framing for most of it, and he was good at distracting me. He would ask leading questions and in the heat of the moment I would just assume he was right. I'm not saying I could have otherwise performed well. I'm just saying I recognize he has techniques that make it difficult for dummies like me.

I want to say I did more harm than good, except I did get him to explicitly state that he was trying to find dumb people like me to make look bad rather than confront well-researched people like TheAltHype. Plus I thought a bit of it was funny.

>Someone like Enoch who focuses on deconstructing deconstruction frames for a living would rape him out of the world
Agreed. Enoch would wreck him.

Imagine being 30 years old and only good at video games. Different than a hobby.

>I like to misrepresent viewpoint of people I disagree with because I am a child who cannot honestly debate.
I think it has more to do with him being one of the few streamers who talk about politics from the lefts pov.
Virtually every streamer who talks politics for a while was a rightie, well at least the popular ones anyway, for a while so he kind of stands out naturally I suppose.

Those are all things he has said or the gist of topics he has discussed.

He's braindrained consumerist pig shit. He doesn't have any viewpoints.

>"i would be totaly ok if my, as a child, rape footage would be shown to pedophiles"

is he allright?

He is such a piece of shit who thinks he is smarter than everyone else when actually he is a weak pathetic beta who lives in an academic echo chamber so he can keep shilling for twitch bucks

No, they aren't.
And what is more, you know they aren't.
You are simply unable to bring yourself to the table because you are a feeble minded child who cannot separate your emotions from the subjects that are being discussed.
Simply put you are incapable of being objective in discussions.

That's less retarded than thinking pedophilia is equivalent to drug addiction and you can wean them off it by giving them fucking CP

>Yea. If he wants a high IQ society then he can support it. I just think it's about accomplishing something reasonably possible. In the heat of the moment I just couldn't reasonably process this. He got me good.

He put you against a wall, watch Spencer's interviews, everyone brings up "peaceful ethnic cleansing", thats a fucking wall, you can't escape because a semiotic analysis of the phrasing just buttfucks you into having to go into a winding explanation that then the journalist can stop at any moment and attack a forming point as if it where the full point, which prevents Spencer from fully expressing his ideas.

I dunno if you have seen the video were Enoch responds to "what is white enough?" thats a good way to get out of walls, he shifts the responsibility of defining expressions to the asker, even though deconstruction pretends to be an objective technique, it has a strategic assumption behind drives the reason behind the dissection of the text; by surfacing this you can counter deconstruct and turn the table around without seeming dishonest cause it was the asker who low-stepped into semiotics.

> Destiny is smarter than me
Wouldn't say this, he just had the conductor's role, if you take it slow and don't accept this power dynamic he proposes by speed talking you can buttfuck him. The main problem is that because he conducts the talk he is the one who decides when to deepen an exchange that has him winning, and when to shift away from one that has him losing.

>Ad hom.
Try harder user.
You are performing at about the same intellectual level as a grade school child.
In fact you just might be one.

Go suck a nigger dick.

first two are from naked ape, commie and incest are obvious made into webms and pedo is from that brittany one and also amos yee. Shit I even posted a webm where he says he sympathizes with pedophiles right in this thread.

The guy's argument is weak. He's saying that he would rather rely on the research rather than a layman's interpretation of the research. Yet he is a layman. How the fuck does Destiny draw an opinion by relying on the research without necessarily having to interpret studies as a layman? Give me a break.

It's not about weaning them off it, it is about providing an outlet for them. You can't "ween" someone off of their sexual proclivities, it a deeply rooted psychological component of every human.
That way, instead of that urge building up until the breaking point, and some kid getting raped and killed, they can at least satiate their desires virtually.
That is the idea anyway.

Would not be suprised if this is Destiny getting involved.

Nice theory. Or, as they are sexual predators that target children, they don't deserve treatment and should be gassed.

"Carpenters are going to be automated soon" Is this guy for fucking real.
Coming from a streamer who will be irrelevant in 5-10 years or less. Dude has probably never worked an actual job his entire life.

Oh look it's the manlet and his twitch subs making threads again.


and remember to sage e-celeb threads

what about all the other treatments before this one?

this is the jq right here, disregard everything that doesn't include some fucked up limit-pushing experiment

he should stick to the one thing he is good at, getting raped by koreans in sc2

He literally said wean them off. Anyway giving them CP is retarded because

A) you cant supply enough for their demand so you are just delaying the inevitable.
B) you assume their sexual nature is the same as normal people, they rape kids has it seriously not occurred to you retards that it is the corruption of children that is their fetish? how is a wank going to compete with that?

>Proving my point even further.
Thanks bruv.
Its not about sympathizing.
You apparently don't understand the concept of debate.
Debate is when subjects are discussed rationally, with both sides represented.
It is not a format that allows emotional reactions to the subjects to be utilized, quite the opposite in fact.
So, for instance in the context of Pedophiles, they exist, they have existed for millennia and certainly have before that as well.
The debate would be about what the best way for society to treat them, with the goal of minimizing the negative aspects of their existence. So that means, that whatever way reduces the harm done to society by them the most would be the correct direction no?

We all want the same thing: for the least amount of harm to happen to children.
How can we find what that is if we do not allow any actual debate to occur?

>Let his best friend kill himself
>Sexually harassed someone on stream while drunk
>Tried to cheat on his current gf resulting in his dick pics being leaked
>Said he wanted to let his father die of cancer because he voted for Trump
>Wants to DMCA everything that makes him look bad
>Only person to actually get fired from his job for calling someone a gook
>Constantly tries to bait and harass people so they get on his stream because it's the only way he can get views now that he's a washed up pro player
Why do people care about this manlets opinions on what's morally right and wrong?

>I dunno if you have seen the video were Enoch responds to "what is white enough?"
I haven't but that sounds interesting as fuck. Is it from this clip?

You want to feed child rapists, we want them executed. We do don't want the same thing.

Why would a layman take another laymans interpretation when he can make it himself?
The person he's referring to IS a conspiracy nut, but intellectually he and destiny are on the same level, no reason to go for his interpretation when he can draw his own conclusions.

