The pundits were wrong

>Some of the best political science research over the past couple of decades finds that militants are less likely to emerge in response to political grievances than from propitious conditions for them to organize. For Islamic State, the “opportunity model” of terrorism was always a better fit than the “grievance model.” After all, this is a group that set up shop in the desert, far away from the Syrian military; preyed on soft targets like the Yazidis who never oppressed the Sunni population; and planted affiliates in countries known not for their anti-Sunni government, but the lack of a functioning one.,amp.html?__twitter_impression=true

Allah, Sourya, Bashar w bas mofos!

bump since actual politics discussion of a novel topic

Apologize to Assad!

ahuevo, hermanon.

Este pinche websitio esta dominado por judios hijos de puta.

Hay q romper esta mierda.

>John Bolton, former United Nations ambassador under George W. Bush, insisted in the New York Times that “defeating the Islamic State” is “neither feasible nor desirable” if Assad remains in power.

Has this cuck ever been right even once in his entire fucking life?

No. Everyone from the Bush administration needs to go away

>>John Bolton, former United Nations ambassador under George W. Bush, insisted in the New York Times that “defeating the Islamic State” is “neither feasible nor desirable” if Assad remains in power.

That is the zionist/israeli political line.

Israel shelters and takes care of sunni dogs.

As usual, thread dies because it's an actually new piece of information with no established talking points or ebin maymays to repeat.

Sup Forums is shit
IS SHIT, hermano.

this place can rest in jewhell.
long live /sg/ tho

Political (((Scientists))) BTFO
I feel even more depressed that my sister has a Sociology degree and I'm going for Industrial Engineering.

bump, bc zionist kikes hate professor max abrahms.


>being this illiterate
The article literally says the pundits were wrong, and the political scientists were right.

>terrorist groups are less likely to rise up if a strong government is there to shut it the fuck down before it gets big

Yeah no shit, that's obvious

What's left to discuss?

F man. Great leader

Ah yes Islam didnu nuffin i believe


Where did you poo today, brother? What was the weather like?

Bashar = anti Israel

Trump = ISIS = pro Israel

we chose the wrong side and Israel was right

also am drunk
