What kind of girls should I avoid marrying?

What kind of girls should I avoid marrying?

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The kind without a penis


That goes without saying


None, marry a cute trap instead with a feminine penis instead

Fortunately, the ones you should avoid reveal their shitty characters without a word.
Look for:
>dyed hair (of any kind)
>skimpy or profane clothes (for any reason)
>piercings (ear lobes only exception)
>tattoos (of any kind)
>liberal eyes (you know what I mean)

OK, girls with ugly fat mothers. If you care about looks.

Girls that use to be wild and promiscuous

Girls that were molested

Girls that used hard drugs.

Girls that have no maternal qualities. Can't cook or clean

Good luck user

no way that person has a penis


You know why you said person and not she? Because you have doubt. It’s got a dick m8. Just deal.

Single Moms
Rape Victims
Colorful Hair

Basically just stay away from Ohio.

>what type of girls should I avoid
the ones with a vagina

Women with armpit hair. They low-key asking for acid attack.

all of them

Alright user , here it comes.
>Piercings everywhere but the earlobe
>Brown eyes
>Thicc meme
>Active on social media
>Has guy friends
>Grew up without father
>Gamer gurl xd
>Changes hair color to an unnatural color
>Non virgins
>Has had a black boyfriend

You're a virgin

Agree except for brown eyes. I prefer blue eyes myself but theres nothing inherently wrong with brown eyes.
Redhead with any eye color should be avoided though.

I-is that a trap?

"Girls nights out" types

No, he's right. I'm dating one that has all of those except her and her friends don't like blacks. Pretty much the only reason I'm still with her. Every other girl I've met has burned coal.

>girls with dyed hair
>girls with mental illnesses
>girls who would consider being coalburners
>girls who have slept with more than three other men
>girls who do drugs
>black girls
>Hispanic girls
>any girls that aren't white or East Asian
>girls who dropped out of high school
>girls who don't want to be mothers
>girls above their prime childbearing years
>fat girls
>girls who are obsessed with social media
>ugly girls
>girls who don't shave
>Democrat girls
>smelly girls
>girls who hate white people
>girls who have Tumblr
>girls who use Reddit
>girls who use Twitter
>girls who use the word "problematic"
Good luck!

I want to add "tattoos" to my list from your list.

It's quite easy.
Just stop being retard, actually watch em by what they are and imagine em on your home, every fucking day.
She might be pretty and shit, but it's your life at risk here.



>asking the virgin hive about women

whats with all these faggots on Sup Forums? Haven't been here in ages, wtf has this place become

Whats wrong with hispanic girls specifically?

I have a tad bit of a dilemma, shes a chilean immigrant

>white (not the mestizo kind) hispanic
>was/is a slut
>probably was molested or raped as a kid
>feminine right wing (doesnt have extreme opinions but likes that I do)
>wants a quiet farm life

what do


All of them.

*drama girls
*party girls
*shopping girls

Fuck me you made the joke first and got even better dubbs.

>>liberal eyes (you know what I mean)
Sorry, you lost me.

only real correct answer

big clit also qualifies

That sounds okay, honestly. I was speaking more specifically about Mestizos than anything when I said "no Hispanics."

>is whore
>has mental illness
>>what do?
Are you seriously asking?

wtf is that,a water balloon?

All of them.

What the fuck is wrong with the autistic manchildren on this board.

Getting laid is as simple as
>not being fat
>talking to girls
Women aren't quantum physics, they're more akin to those puzzles they give to retards and kindergartners. Fuck, I even had a girl watch anime with me, and that ended up with my dick getting sucked. She told me specifically she doesn't like anime.

Only valid answer ITT

A lot of the other parts of your post go against my list, though, so it's not okay. I concentrated on the "white" part. Do so at your own peril. Remember that she'd be the mother of your children.


Nah bro belly button piercing, 10/10

Just be honest with yourself and install Grindr on your phone.

>OP asks for marriage-avoidance criteria
>hurr i got my dick sucked
neck yourself

We got you user

Yea, I realize. Sup Forums is the only place that I won't get a bunch of "Hurr durr sexual partner counts don't matter" and other autism lefty crap responses. I'm hoping anons with actual experience might chime in, but I forgot the kind of website I'm actually on.

Any advice from experience about the shit I'm getting myself into?

everyones a fag on the internet

T. virgin

Interesting. Any rationale or explanation (outside the obvious, ie niggers)?

drinks regularly
does drugs
is a whore
obsessed with social media
'guy friends'
zero knowledge of the world... wtf is ISIS??!?!
is a leftist
believes in the wage gap
wears slutty clothes
poor diet + doesn't exercise much
lacks empathy + loyalty
doesn't know the meaning of integrity

basically 99.9% of white western women


>banging whores is the equivalent of finding a partner for marriage


Look you stupid fucking faggots, none of youbare ever going to get married PERIOD. Let's talk about what the fuck kind of women want to date men like you! NONE, were all fuckin rejects here so just shut the fuck up about women period.

Jewish ones

interesting list, I avoided most of this, outside of really
>wears slutty clothes
>doesn't know the meaning of integrity
>lacks empathy + loyalty
but women will do that no matter what

girls don't want a guy who even whores won't bang

You wouldn't happen to be a refugee from plebbit /r/incels would you?

>Fuck, I even had a girl watch anime with me, and that ended up with my dick getting sucked. She told me specifically she doesn't like anime.
user, are you one of those autismos that I've been hearing so much about?

Yep this and any female that claims to strong and independent. They are anything but and will only give you greif.

>be at my house
>watching last exile
>girl "can I come over"
>watching the part where they're racing
>"anoooooooooooon this is booooooooring"
>go do something else then
>she starts fondling my dick
>she starts sucking
>Claus and Lavi beat the faggy guild dude to the finish line
>ejaculate in her mouth at the same time
life is good

Avoid girls who have drama with their parents, even if it isn't their fault. Let them marry men who also have parent baggage.

You could have just said yes.

I have autism, remember?

>Women who like video games
What's wrong with this one user?

White women

Hit it on the nose there hans.
Also add ones that show promiscuous tensions.

My current gf
No tattooes and perfect pale skin
>Piercings everywhere but the earlobe
Only ears are pierced
>Brown eyes
She has hazel eyes, sort of poopy green looking, but atleast she's blonde. Doesn't look bad on her.
>Thicc meme
She's a healthy weight, not to skinny not too overweight
>Active on social media
She has a Facebook and browses it, but that's it.
She's moderate but mostly apolitical
Calls herself one, but doesn't call herself third wave. She hates that women get cat-called. I tell her it's niggers and spics doing it.
>Has guy friends
Yeah she does, but she's grown distant from them. Female friends can be worse than men though.
>Grew up without father
Has a dad, and I met him
>Gamer gurl xd
Kek, nope
>Changes hair color to an unnatural color
Nope, she's a blonde
>Non virgins
She's been with a couple guys, but I've had sex with her more than any other guy has
She's "spiritual". Trying to get her into Christianity.
>Has had a black boyfriend
Won't date non-whites. Doesn't think they're attractive.

Avoid virgins and women who haven't been married at least once before. If you can find one with kids, all the better. Why build a family from scratch when you can score a starter pack real easy?

Good list I will add

>has a mortgage
>has massive debts
>is into horses in any way (this is a huge one, drop like a red hot coal no matter what)
>uses pets as placebo babies / fur-babies (dressing them and cuddling them and other degenerate shit)
>never wants kids
>is a corporate ladder climbing type
>uses pharmaceutical drugs, particularly antidepressants (big % of women secretly take them). I don’t even like birth control but good luck on that one

There, we are up to 99.9%


>'guy friends'
What about no friends. I'm not sure if that's better or worse...


>anyone with tattoos
>anyone who supports feminism
>someone who isn't a Christian

Pretty simple list. Ideally a virgin but that is going to be highly unlikely these days.

Ones that don't have a good relationship with their father.

Christianity is gay social programming

I've been reading this a lot. Whats the issue with them? I've never dated any girl who had an absent father or an unusually bad relationship with their father.

you should avoid marrying altogether

Holy shit you are retarded. Please marry her so you dont corrupt someone decent

Who hurt you?

>feminine penis

old school blackwork
>>Piercings everywhere but the earlobe
earrings only
>>Brown eyes
>>Thicc meme
>>Active on social media
gram only
>>Has guy friends
>>Grew up without father
>>Gamer gurl xd
>>Changes hair color to an unnatural color
>>Non virgins
women with no experience are and childish
>>Has had a black boyfriend
actually im the one colonizing
ot anyone who actually tries to catagorize women like this is a failed abortion stay incel lmao

She black?

no one hurt me, I just find it pointless. you can still be with someone without some paper. I don't know anyone here below 40 that's married, the tradition is pretty much dead.

if sex is just rubbing your you know what why don't you do it yourself? that's the most efficient, the most economic, the safest way

why would you buy an overpriced, overhyped product?

I play a shitton of videogames with my sisters, are you telling me i should stop?
Whats wrong with horses? Scared of that BHC?

Well in brief, the majority of the other problems listed here with women usually stem from daddy issues.

Stay away from our woman.

yeap ;)

Women who dress in such a way as to emphasize their asses. 100% guaranteed that they're coalburners.

arent you grossed out by non-pink nipples? Dark nipples are a boner killer for me.

Anything but:
>God fearing

No kikes allowed btw.

Sounds like a Muslim girl

>Gamer gurl
I get the rest but c'mon. You don't think girls can actually enjoy vidya? Shit everyone can

You can find christian ones too, and degeneracy is gaining ground in the muslim world, though not as much as in the West.


It's honestly all about personality. You can get a girl with the benefits of being all those traits, without having been raised that way. Introvert girls are God-tier. Your conversations are intimate and personal, and it's not hard to mold them into the perfect woman. Extrovert whores are worthless, they want the attention of every Chad for a 50 km radius.

You're one or more of points in his post, roastie.

i'm the opposite, i can't really do pink nips and gash
put on for the caramelle

If you're so bad off that you could possibly gain anything from asking Sup Forums about women, you need more help than you could possibly ever get.

im confused about the horses part, explain?

I've been dating/fucking a single mom for a little bit now. She has told her son that she has a boyfriend now, and he's asking her if he's gonna have a new dad and if she's going to get married.

I told her not to get me any gifts, and today she texts me "user! my son got you a gift! hes really generous!" I said, no do not do that. "Oh dont worry he is really nice and when I said that you dont do much for christmas he said youre gonna have the best one!"

tldr; she's nice but I'm worried she's trying to trap me. I really don't want to/can't see myself marrying someone who already has a kid.

Sure they can. I talked more about the stereotype gamer gurl who has game related tattoos and is obsessed with it.

Being an introvert yields bonus points, indeed. A man should be able to softly open up her woman to God and traditional values as long as she feels safe and cared for.

So for the few courageous anons out there, you might also go for introverts that aren't really God fearing nor traditional and make them adopt those traits.

you might as well rule out 95% of girls. some of these are plain autistic.
here is the real list
>is white
>hasn't fucked a black guy or been a complete slut(if she was in committed relationships for long time then she'll have at most 6-7 guys)
>isn't retarded and lazy
marry a girl who you can respect, has a respectable level of intelligence she will pass onto your children, and who will help you either at home or by working

To each his own I suppose. Plz don't make any mongrel niglets. Get a vasectomy, so if she gets knocked up, you're not raising Tyrone's baby without knowing it.