Young Soyboy cries about being 'bullied'

What's wrong with kids these days, Soyboys are getting younger and younger. What happened to the good old days when kids would beat a motherfuckers ass for talking shit? Sometimes it's good to trade blows to show you're not weak and easy to mess with. Alpha Males are an endangered species these days. The faggot enablers in Hollywood are consoling this kid and his submissive beta behavior. Is our future fucked Sup Forums?

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Monkeys are bullying him, that's why we're against it.

My take on this whole situation is I think we should euthenize the retarded.

Not everyone is a violent redneck cunt and or nigger.
Faced a whole damn dozen chimps in middle school that would gang up on me on the school bus.
What do you Do?

>Alpha Males are an endangered species these days

Not so alpha then, are they?

Women say that a man who is in touch with his feminine side/emotions is something they want. However they then go on to complain about where all the good men went. Men can't be men for them if they're women.

I bet 90% of Sup Forums users look like pic related. Fuck off the kid.
>hurrr durrr he shulda fught! DUURR
Fucking retarded ass clowns on tonight.

Soy enabler detected.

He has a disability, I don't think it's all that funny. I guess the kike shills and niggers do.



Another Soyboy.

Anyone who thinks this is funny thought that Chicago BLM kidnapping and torturing to that autistic kid was hilarious. Edgy liberals find this funny, that's it.

Yeah, don't care. I have better things to worry about than mocking a fucking midget. I have a foreskin, I don't need to project onto others.

This. I was bullied, too. I eventually stopped giving a shit and fought back.

Ehhh don't be so cruel, the kid has a deformity he would get it pretty hard.

They're bullying him because of a fucking flag. The bullies are more pathetic than he is.

Checked. Wait, so the kids at school are bullying him because of a flag? Thought it was because his nose or some shit.

getting bullied sucks. i didn't have it too bad but there were a few jerks in my class. why pick on a kid?

I bet the average soyboy would beat your retarded looking ass.

>majority of Sup Forums and chan is INTP nerds who were bullied at school and still live at home
>same people cry out that bullying helped them become who they are today

i know you guys like to play devils advocate but it isn't necessary to do it every time, it just makes you seem insecure.

Only people who are making fun of this poor kid are the very same kids who get bullied and wanna feel touch being an edgelord on the internet. Pretty pathetic because we know 99 percent of you are ugly fags, only your not a decent kid like this poor guy.

He's holding a confederate flag, and as you can tell with that drama with the Robert E Lee statue, nogs HATE confederacy.

This is what niggers really think. I can't wait until we can start hanging these sub-humans. I'm a Yankee, I don't give a fuck about the Confederacy.

Bullying does enhance mentality and creates alphas. However... I'm pretty sure this kid was being bullied by niggers or spics and as all the other white kids are pussies these days and didn't help him, we have to.


why am i the only one spamming the comments?

The comments of what?

>cherrypicked comment with less than 100 likes represents all black people

kys stormfag


Man, Australian shitposting has really gone down hill.

le 56% face

I don't get it. He is being bullied, why are mutts freaking out about this ?

Fuck off subverted scum and get out of my country. Niggers are the scum of the earth and hate white people.

what an ugly kid, it's hard to have empathy for ugly people
his accent sucks too

looks like i hit a nerve, tell me how those nasty black men hurt you when you were young. im sure the bullying helped your devlopment tho.

the video on yt has bleeding heart faggots im crying for you kinda shit. im informing them its over a rebel flag as well as that he deserves a good ass whooping as all kids do

Isn't he just ugly? Being ugly doesn't mean you have to be a pussy.

What the fuck is wrong with amerimutts?
When I hear bullying I imagine kids stealing pocket change, targeted humiliating, insulting, deliberate exclusionary behaviour etc.
When amerimutts say bullying they mean door wedgies, swirlies and literal fucking beatdowns, explain.


stop with your stupid ass alpha male shit for a second and realize what a fucking retard you sound like
>bullyin iz ok cuz wii ned 2 b alpha mael n it tuffens da week 1s

>black men

Hello neet

why poos are worried about what happens in america? go clean toilets pajeet

exactly he needs an ass whipping like no other

>calls me bad bait
>replies twice anyway

you haven't adressed the issue of the same cherrypicked tweet being reposted all over pol representing all black people btw.

anyone who unironically uses the term "soyboy" is a faggot. there is nothing cringier than coming up with these synthetic e-insults and then spamming them as hard as you can because you realize it won't stick on its own. It puts you in the same category as the tumblr tards who use "fuccboi"

This isn't a soy boy. This is how Hitlers are made.

People are pretty divided about the confederacy and slavery, yeah slavery made over 60% of the south profits, but that doesn't mean the war ONLY over it, but it was a big deal, so I can see why blacks get mad about it sure.

But why bring a kid into this confederacy thing?
Sup Forums makes it a point not to expose kids to things like trans and homo shit early, why expose them to nationalism if they can't think for themselves of whether it's worth it or not? That's not different the north korean indoctrination


It's fun to hurt people, give it a try. We all like it.

hitler was steeled by mustard gas and shelling you faggot

Hitler wasn't bullied. Except by his dad.

pick one

that attitude has been used and we got faggot little kids that hate america and think we should give it back to the wagon burners. no thanks firing squad for you

We're a more intense crowd, it appears.

>there are no black people in australia

who's baiting who here?

your father cannot bully you its impossible all he can do is make you a man. cuck


Who cares what niggers think. I'm a Yankee, though.


He's the product of a single mum. If he had a dad that cared, he'd be training right now. Training to kick his bullies ass.


Haha that little faggot, go ahead and just cry your brains out you weakling soyboy. Yessss. I love that it WON'T get better. The strong survive and the weak get crushed, just like it should be.

I gotta ask how does it feel to have a Zionist president and family that will support this 'soy' individual far more than any supposed ubermensch in your man titted movement?

The passive aggressive rage from OP is utterly pathetic.


Attempt to have even a shard of empathy. Christ.

Cleaning toilets is Poland. Pajeets poo in the streets.

>56% roach
>44% turk

>lalala i cant hear you nigger nigger nigger hahaha

Tittany Venti is a semen demon

Does you pussy hurt?

only a matter of time he will be hanging out with trump, pretty cool, maybe him and barren could do halo coop,

Why are you hiding your flag you insecure piece of shit ?

Do your teachers have absolutely zero authority or what?

I think it isn't an unreasonable prediction that most people here have been bullied before, and they should know that this whole "just beat up your bully user" bullshit is just that, bullshit that only insensitive autists that aren't involved in the situation spew, a good dad would simply kick the bully's ass infront of the bullies friends and make him a laughing stock. Honestly kill yourself if you blame the fucking victim of bullying.

I grew up with a single mom...Just me and my Brother, we used to crack skulls all the way through Middle School until shit calmed down a bit more in High School. It's no excuse, mom told us exactly how to deal with bullies.

What the fuck happened to Americans?

You sound like a huge faggot. No wonder you were bullied just like the retarded potato in OP's post.

Look at all of these disgusting soyboys coming to his defense. THE STRONG WEED OUT THE WEAK MOTHERFUCKER. THAT IS LIFE!

Wow. You have that flag and no English comprehension. Nowhere in what I wrote is there blame on the kid.

How is this any different then Sup Forums shitting on him for being a "soyboy"?

You people only give a shit about people if race is involved.

You're about to be entirely replaced by foreign Muslims because you elected a ski instructor for weed you still don't have. You're one of the last 3 places on Earth in any position to shit talk another country's leader.

The bullying will never stop

Remember that handicapped boy that got kidnapped and tortured for hours on fb live? Well one of them just got off with community service despite pleading guilty to the crimes.

So nut up soy boys cuz the ride just started.

no fuck no that kids a loser and needs to have that scar caved in

betas over react and use violence.

Canada is the land of Soy. Fuck outta here Chung-Lee.


this i spit on a niggers shoes the other day out of disgust im done with these coons

>the term "soyboy"

would you prefer kale male?

>The Soyboy is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a bugman, memeflag, leaf, cuckold, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Soyboy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

From my personal life experience the issue with bullying is that white people dont stick together

If a sandnigger gets bullied in germanistan no matter how much he is hated he will get backed up by his people while white people dont do that for their own and if anything start joining in as well

>absolutely no arguments

I guess I hit a nerve then. A literal 'subhuman' in your eyes is getting more praise from Daddy than any single one of you will ever get.

It burns so much.

Then the weak white cuckold can get stamped out. I don't care who fucking wins, I want the strong to win. If you faggots aren't strong anymore(which you aren't), you will be replaced. Go ahead and cry about it on this forum, but I don't give a fuck. Bring on the strong.

>alt right are mirror reflections of SJWs

Did you not get this when they go out in pepe uniforms and scream White Lives Matter and White Shariah Now?

>Reddit spacing
>u mad
The last words of a dying species.

When the second post is the best post

piss weak

With a head and face like that, one would think the boy is a produce of incest.

>getting bullied
>gonna post it on twatter

Meanwhile in the real world whites collectively are getting stamped out while the subraces are breeding like roaches

Good job buddy

Congrats, your single mom was right on that. Most single moms turn their kids into huge pussies and victims, because women themselves love to play the victim. You got lucky.

Do you honestly think that a bully would pick one someone that they thought could beat them up? Of course not. Also, bullies have friends that will often gang up and start beating up the victim together, especially if the victim tries to fight back and does any damage to the bully himself. I have only punched a bully once, and granted that stopped the bullying, but there have been other cases where that simply wouldn't have been possible.

The latter half wasn't directed at you, but the first half was, you were saying that you should train and beat up the bully, I said that this is fucking bullshit, it is bullshit because a bully wont pick on someone they think can beat them up.