Racism is a mental illness


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t. German


correlation != causation

Racism is natural and there is nothing wrong with it

Dumber white kids were probably poorer and had more experience dealing with and being around average blacks, which was highly negative for them. Their perceptions were formed by actual experience. Higher IQ white kids would also know at a younger age about political correctness, and that some things cannot be said in public even if they are true.


Why not link the actual study? Afraid it would be too easy to pick apart?

inb4 immigration gumballs

And was it repeated with Black children being asked the same?

So bring up the study with niglets and mirrors, that one is fun.

>certain people who have naturally developed a hate for blacks and a later developmental capacity in one cognition test
>this somehow proves that whites are less intelligent off one metric, regardless of IQ, communities, college graduates, poverty %, etc.
>we supposedly cannot stand to accept that truth because it just BTFOs everything we know

its sadder that some fucking faggots here will actually fall of this shit, and then people are even more turbofaggots spending their entire days trolling this board and shilling stuff like this

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Black people pass the mirror test only when they are 5
White people pass the mirror test at the age of 1

No because they all would fail

Said the nigger

>Some white kids are stupid
>Some stupid white kids are racist

Judaism is a mental illness.

>''Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews. Lombroso quotes Servi ("Gli Israeliti di Europa," 1872) to the effect that in Italy there is one insane among 391 Jews, nearly four times as many as among the Catholic population of that country. Verga ("Archivio di Statistico," 1880) shows that in 1870 there was one insane among 1,775 Catholics in Italy, while with the Jews it reached the alarming proportion of one insane in 384 of population. A similar phenomenon has been observed in other countries. In the various provinces of Germany and also in Denmark the percentage of Jewish insane is very large''.

''It was real in my mind.''

Stfu jew bait lefty... i swear its time to kill.u all

We need to push for all liberals to lose the right to vote due to being mentally insane


How to be a retard 101 german style.

Marxism is mental AIDS


> so sayeth the Jewish researcher.

>this amount of false equivalence

>modern pseudoscience sets out to prove a hypothesis correct
>real science tests a hypothesis to see whether it’s correct

C’mon now.

Does this means all jew & rabbi like you are retarded? They really hate white people. So..