Army turned Cuck

why do so many in the army once they retire become cucks ? look at this soy boy bitch and viatnam vets .

what causes this

Did you actually read his book? It's called War is a Racket. You can read it free online. It answers your question

fuck off shill

Read the whole thing. It is actually pretty good. He was red pilled 100 years before his time.

>being anti america
>red pilled

fuck off faggot

fuck off


He's right tho, (((((Wall Street))))) and (((((bankers))))) are a leftist judeo-bolshevik racket.

neck yourself shill

I feel as if a solid double digit percentile of iraq vets are cuckolds; guess they just like being the protector and nothing else

no u r the shill

smedley butler prevented our enslavement. unless you want to live in a Warhammer 40k style Hive City a.k.a. China? Because that's what it would be like.

>worshipping Judaic Neo-America

OP is a leftypol false-flagger, as if the meme flag and overuse of MAGA awoos wasn't a clear indication.

I gathered as much. This board is irreparably damaged by post-GG immigration anyway.

Don't you understand that only cucks take issue with killing and getting killed for jew profits. A real man dies for Israel, praising the Marine Core.


>most decorated soldier of his generation

thinking for yourself is cuck,
state of peasant edumacation.

its true

These men face death in the face to protect your freedom and you, sitting there on your computer, never having faced any real adversity in your life, think these men are cucks for seeing war (which they've been through and you haven't) as a scam.

Get a life

shart trump dick suckers

If you un-ironically still support the US Government after 1913 your either a kike or a amerimongrel

neither Butler would have trump lined up against a wall and shot if he were alive