Where's the difference?

Every girl I know has tons of sexual partners and a very active sexual life while most guys I know had maybe one partner in the last year, and many are virgin (I'm an expat and it's true for them).
Where does the difference go?

20 80 rule

Change where you look for women

Fuck off not politics

All that semi-presentable women have to do when they want to have sex is literally go outside and let somebody talk to them, whereas guys have to put in a TON of work to do so. It's like asking why deer find it so easy to get shot when they want and hunters have such a hard time finding a deer to shoot.

>The Roman Empire collapsed suddenly

Nobody thinks that

Go to Thailand

And its a copypasta slide thread.

saged. reported.

This looks like the kind of airhead that thinks it's trump and masculinity that is collapsing the West.

Just because something becomes undeniable doesn't mean they will understand why it is. They never ever will.

Rome took almost 500 years to die.
Then another 1000 if you count the Byzantines as Roman

I like how she missed the point of mass immigration forced by a conflict (sound familiar) being a huge factor in the end of the Empire

its real
fpbp goes to the bong. idk about where you live but here no one is 'exclusive' unless you are dating

It's the same guys banging 50+ girls a year. My friend bagged 5 different girls a week my freshman year of college. I know because I had to listen to it from my fucking bunk every fucking night.

>so suddenly
Yeah, no. And modern America is nothing like the late Roman Empire.

The late Republic, however...

The Republic took 50 years to die as well

Rome didn't collapse sudddenly, you brainless roastie. It was a process that lasted centuries! This is what happens when you spend more time finding analogues to Harry Potter and current politics than actually studying!!!

This, goddamnit.

Same dudes banging majority of girls. But not every girl has a bunch of sexual partners. My ex which was an 8 was sexless for a year after we broke up.

I would say you should assume most girls are hoeinv around though.

Also i suggesr for any white dude struggling with those skanks to come to the philippines. Youll feel like a rockstar.

It did, and we've only just started. To me, Trump and Bernie are the Gracchi, giving the plebs their first taste of true populism. We've still got a ways to go before we have our Caesar, but he's coming, probably right around the time 56% becomes 49%.


Also, any woman can tell what's your problem: you're not man enough. And that happened due to the lack of role models.

You're not capable of leading.
You're not capable to make decisions.
You're not controlling your life.
You whine as a child.
You are a man-child.

Yet, you'll choose to ignore all that and carry on with your quest for some magical solution, that'll help you get laid.

He'll be Hispanic

As you get older, and as long as you are fit and healthy, a whole range of girls from all different ages like you. When I was young it was only pretty boys and chads that didn't struggle, I was a skinny ass idiot but I didn't struggle too much because I wasn't that fussy.

There's a pretty complicated equation in there somewhere.

No one likes you, sheep fucker.

Chad fucks about two new chicks a week.


This is true. Age 25 and up begins the golden age for men. Currently 30 and no girl feels out of reach.

How do you do? I'm an expat and I can't get absolutely no girl here. It's worse than my nigger infested shithole I used to call home.

Where are you from my friend?

New Algeria (formerly known as France).

>My ex which was an 8 was sexless for a year after we broke up.

Your rating system is broken if this is happening. Guessing your 8 is actually a 4 in a pig farm.

Suddenly? To West Rome hundreds of years and East Rome a thousand


Our species has it so that women have a higher market value for sex. They can get it much easier. Also women rate men on a harsher scale than men rate women. A guy will fuck a3/10 if he wants but a woman won’t touch a guy below her own level of attractiveness plus some. 5/10 girls will fuck nothing less than a 6/10 guy

Also having hung out with, dated, or fucked attractive girls I can say that only the mature ones are willing to look past a guy status or personality for sex. Younger women tend not to see the value in a man’s abilities as a father or provider until they hit a certain level of maturity. Some never even get there. Nearly every girl I dated in my 20s told me something along these lines

Try filipinocupid. I just banged an 18 year old i met off there. Most are orcish, but there are gems to be found. Also hit up angeles and fuck some bargirls, just to get it out of your system
Some girls are just more conservative. That you doubt this speaks of your inexperience with women

That doggo looks like he wants to be inside.

>Some girls are just more conservative. That you doubt this speaks of your inexperience with women

Filipino preaching to me about inexperience with women? You do realize a white guy in the Philippines is easy mode, right? Now try the reverse, be a Filipino in the states and just try to get a 5 white girl. Good fucking luck.

Idk what the fuck youre even getting at. Im a white guy in the philippines. I had ok success with women back home but the current state of western women is shit tier in general

>I had ok success with women back home but the current state of western women is shit tier in general

Nah, man. Anyone who claims this has no game. Every single fucking person that says this can't pull in any pussy. Get the fuck outta here, acting like you're mystery when it's clear you're the creepy white guy who had to go to some Asian country for pussy.

I don't get her "oh" What the fuck is that supposed to mean, there are a billion things she could be alluding to.

>Younger women tend not to see the value in a man’s abilities as a father or provider until they hit a certain level of maturity. Some never even get there. Nearly every girl I dated in my 20s told me something along these lines

But they do user
The diffrence is in her education, a younger woman will seek a more adventurous and good looking bad boy who will likely abuse her and leave her, because having a child like that like him who is gives her child a higher chance of reproduction as his father did to her.
She is willingly at an instictual level to have a baby with that bad boy alone especially if she is a degenerate, because that gives the child the best chance of himself making babies
When a woman gets older, she values her eggs and time more carefully as time passes the ability to create healthy kinds goes down, she feels that so she requires a male to stick around and fuck her more often and also help with the child as it may have special needs. thus older women will seek a male to breed with.
When it comes to sex, and just sex (but even that is tied to the need of reproduction) women will want the"sucessful" type and men want"healthy"
How you or women determin sucess, depends on her education and inteligence to rezist her instic.
As I pointed above sucess can just mean "the child will be good looking and will fuck a girl and get her preggo at 16-17 which means a sucessful reprodction" or "he rich, handsome and has a sense of a humor makes tones of money, owns shit and he'll be a good father to the child which i'll make him help out so i dont lose my mind"
Where as men are simple,"ya have a nice face, ya healthy" GOOD lets fuck... you can find plently of 19-20 years old girls that are chubby, but have healthy skin and butt with a nice face, and I'll be you right now you wanna fuck that pussy and fill it it
Young = higher chance of healthy
Older men = higher chance of having shit
Young men = who are good looking and fuck around have high chance

Haha lots of cool expats here actually. Some of us just couldnt stand the gynocentric bullshit back home, or the 50% fat rate. There are creepy guys you speak of here too to be fair.

looks like a basic bitch so it is probably "Drumpf!"

Stop hanging around losers.

I see that as the burden of being a man. Women can never wrap their head around to the way we think. They actually think ''masculinity'' is something artificial. Think it this way: Men doesn't really compete with women in life , we just compete amongst each other, in a world controlled with money , on top of that in a world full of economic corruption. All this creates a system. You want the money for pussy? Then you must obey the system or look for business opportunities in rather undesirable areas. In the end , if you are not someone whom those who control the money want you to be , then you are not getting money , subsequently you are deprived of pussy as well.

I can’t tell what side of the fence she’s on. Is she saying that “lol big powerful system is going to fall because I don’t like it,” or is she actually identifying that rampant mass immigration, population divisions between highly politicised virtue signaling classes of citizens, lazy, hedonistic, hypersexualised degeneracy, constant warfare abroad, and over reliance on social welfare systems is what caused the Roman Empire to crumble in the West?