What the fuck is this dude's problem? Why is he so obsessed with "THOT patrolling" genuine white advocates...

What the fuck is this dude's problem? Why is he so obsessed with "THOT patrolling" genuine white advocates. Hey NEWSFLASH, dummy: not everyone who cares about white identity is a catholic retard who thinks women need to be slaves to their husbands.

This fucking incel loser is trying to subvert the alt-right into becoming a boring christcuck venture, when very very few people want to be a part of that. Lead your own brand, Nick, but don't claim to speak for the movement.

Other urls found in this thread:


he's a spook, baby

Nicholas J. Fuentes (born Pedro Gonzalez-Rodriguez) father Miguel Fuentes was a CIA operative who invented and founded the NazBol movement in the 1960s. He has been pushing NazBolism via his son through Project Paperhouse since 2016. His mission has been to subvert all pro-white political movements from the start and corrupt them with NazBolist ideas. James Allsup realized this which is why he was killed and replaced with an imposter.

he's a fed? Does the FBI usually hire kids straight out of high school to infiltrate movements? Seems incredibly unlikely.


>What the fuck is this dude's problem?
he's 19

Women are literally retarded and only make things worse

I met Nick last year during the election. He went by the name "Jose" back then and he a big poncho and sombrero. I remember one time I brushed my his back in the hallway and it was soaking wet. He also loved beans and would sometimes stand outside of the home depot looking for work. Hope he's doing well.

Lauren Southern fucks niggers you retard she doesn't give a fuck about white identity she just wants money

Is that fucking acne?

>This fucking incel loser is trying to subvert the alt-right into becoming a boring christcuck venture

Yep. It's some top tier purity bullshit no one wants to be a part of.

Fuentes and others are doing the same thing the left does to attack men to women. They attack figures on the right who have wider audiences than them over petty bullshit. This is a way to access these figures' audiences. But they never have realistic suggestions for what to do after the debate ends. Fuentes advocates against IRL activism. He wants a bigger platform so his podcast gets more views, not because he actually wants to change things. That's why he attacks "leaders" on the right while offering no leadership himself. White identitarianism? Psh, we really need to attack attractive women who hold 90% of our views and expose them to mass audiences, that will surely help the movement.

I'm not going to speculate on whether or not he is some sort of "plant", because that's beside the point. We should recognize these people for what they are, parasites.

>Muh womenz
>Muh movement

Fags like you should be shot. Name one time cunts haven't ruined a thing they latched on to? Women are the deathknell of most ideologies. But you thirsty fucks will do anything for pussy even sell out your own standards.

people change their opinions and worldviews as they grow older. Tell me, what were you doing at age 15?

Fucking niggers is non negotiable and indefensible.

I know you have some personal vendetta against him, but stop spamming these threads. Everyone else report them.

100% Genuine FPBP

Look dude, it's important to control the thirst economy. If 14-year-old outcasts aren't thirsting over tradthots like Lauren, Faith Goldy, and Lauren Rose, they're gonna be thirsting over roastie twitch streamers, popstars like Ariana Grande, random actresses from shows they watch, etc.

It also (lol I almost don't want to say this) makes other women feel comfortable flirting with white identity. They think if seemingly normal women are invovled, and not just ugly incel catholic meme-spewing manlets, it can't be all that bad.

They go for "troubled" youth

Stop using youtube to find a new dad.

source? or is this "street knowledge". It would be pretty interesting to read about a few examples of this.

what were you doing at age 15?

He has his own agenda and he has been having problems for awhile, he also keeps getting kicked out of far right things.

He's not a day under 30.

How many 14 year olds know who the fuck those people are? They're not watching it anyway mate. They watch fucking pewdiepie and overwatch streamers. I don't care if women are involved or not, I just want women who actually believe in this shit and aren't looking for fame or a quick buck. If they fuck niggers, if they do drugs, if they act like liberal feminist women in everything other than saying "hey gais im so trad lol" on camera, fuck them and any supposed "benefit" they bring. I'd rather have fat neckbeards who actually believe in the cause. Women should be held to the same standards as men in this movement.

This... is fucking beautiful.

Not fucking niggers.

Why would it matter if it was street knowledge.... How about because youth who are on a bad path are easily manipulated and probably given no choice, see it as a way out and take it.

You're totally right in that there needs to be an actual vanguard, but that's totally irrelevant to the point. People like Lauren Southern make money from beta paypiggies, but they are overall beneficial because they give more exposure to further and further right-wing views.

I mean the girl is doing interviews with Generation Identitaire. If you can't see the benefits of a young woman being a megaphone for those kinds of movements, you're an idiot.

What's funny is that for all the people that shit on people like Lauren, close to ZERO percent of them are actual content creators, who could make up a legitimate right-wing vanguard.

This. Redpills are still redpills

Yeah you're right, she's done good don't get me wrong, skeptical about her though. She could waver easily. I don't picture someone like Lauren Southern sticking with this movement if there was some other big PR disaster akin to Charlottesville. I feel her and Tara Mccarthy would jump ship very easily because they have this persecution complex and say things like "guys the alt right needs to stop being rayciss n sexiss mmkay" on twitter.

i just started hearing about this fag...seriously what a retard....is he like 12 years old? this child needs to fuck off

Nick Fuentes had been deported 6 times before he accidentally shot and killed a woman as she walked on a pier in California.

This is all good.
As long as these women change their ways after accepting "right wing" views, than their general actions in the past don't need to be called into question.
If someone is willing to make changes then we have to be able to let them. It's called forgiveness. People make mistakes, we were all lied to growing up and these women are no different. It took me almost 20 years before I started to see through the brainwashing and 3-4 more years before I could consider myself "redpilled". I am more than willing to listen to a women who wants to change.

Don't put too much faith in them. While it's good to allow them the ability to change and be accepted, it's important to see what they've done and keep it in mind. I really didn't like Southern's answer when she was called out for dating the half-breed. Something like "LOL well he's a trump supporter anyways!". It can make someone wary if her head is really in the game.

that's a dishonest take on Lauren's response. Someone said that Lauren is a hypocrite for being anti-Muslim, while dating one. Lauren replied that he's not a Muslim, he's a half-black Trump supporter. Her brand is anti-Islam, not explicit racism.

If the alt-right literally cannot handle have allies who aren't explicitly racist, they deserve to fail.

Fuck off sharia. Do something, anything, more productive with your life.
Lauren is pure unadulterated cancer. She does nothing for anything that we want, including bridging people to our side. She has a leftist normie audience that is secular and doesn't care for Hillary Clinton, and she does so while larping as a conservative. She's a careerist degenerate who makes money off being pretty and being brazenly "anti islam."

This thread is cancer.

Whores must be ousted. I dont care if you pretend to be on the right, they attract too many thirsty cucks. This thread in example.

I mean the alt right's pretty firmly anti race mixing and pro white nationalism. She can be an ally, but she shouldn't be surprised the alt right largely doesn't approve of that. If she's calling herself alt right, she should be more accurate about what she means: civic nationalist.

Not wrong, but you can use her for propaganda.

fuck off jew...EVERYBODY is sick of this nicolas faggot

Yeah Nick's pretty gay desu. He seems like standard some dweeby neocon college republican.

Just let him do his thing man

who the fuck keeps making these retarded threads? who even is this fucking guy? fuck off retard, SAGE

I heard that Nicholas Pedro Fuentes once out-debated Hitchens on Religion at a private gathering in Oxford, England at the age of 11.

You guys have not even changed your ways. Just your words.

I can't wait until the show tomorrow night, he's going to shit over everybody, it's going to be great.

I'll admit I havn't read all the twitter shit about this incident. If it's true that she doesn't subscribe to "white identity" than i'm even more okay with her. I've been mislead by the constant shit flinging that goes on around here.
I said in an earlier post that we need to be more accepting of people who agree with us 90% of the way. People like LS can be a bridge for the younger crowd who are curious about crossing over. If they're remotely intelligent they can find more information and may even find themselves at Sup Forums where they can finally swallow the redpill.
The stupid ones will always bandwagon, either left or right. Better for them to blindly agree with us more than (((them))).

>you guys

>I can't wait until the show tomorrow night, he's going to shit over everybody, it's going to be great.

If he hasn't shut his twitter down and fled to Borneo with a briefcase full of CIA money by then.

Nick had a show when I knew him called "Hide Grandma from ICE ". Entertaining desu.

>never done squat
>just runs his mouth here and there
>thinks the "alt-right" is real
>"I'm the leader of the 'alt-right'"
>starts trying to police who can be in the "alt-right"
hmm, where have I seen this before? And what sort of fucking cuck would follow a man who doesn't do anything but talk, and not even in public?

That said, Lauren is a filthy coalburner and that's that. Spic's right on that one.

>hurr lets be nice they're a gateway to the real stuff
>and the way we'll bring people onboard is never disagreeing with or being rude to the coalburning, civic "nationalist" cosplay whores
10/10 strategic mastermind

>claims to besmerch right wing advocate that thinks status quo is not working.
>no links
I'll give you two shillings for the nice story, but it grew weary after the second line.

I cannot reveal my sources as it would blow their cover.

I don't get it either. He's a complete fucking tool.

>Unironically watching his and Allsops show
lol fag

Fuentes trained at the farm in Langley only he picked the fruit.

When has Southern coalburned / cosplayed SINCE joining the "alt-right"?
People make mistakes. We can't tell everyone who was indoctrinated through nearly 2 decades of school to fuck off, we will lose that way. If people are willing to change we need to be able to give them the chance.
If she starts to regress back into liberal shit, then it's time to abandon her and I will be behind that. But this "muh right wing sekrit club" crap isn't helping anyone.

>people make "mistakes"
>so lets front a coalburner
PROTIP: she revealed it to defend from the allegations that she fucked a muslim, she doesn't see anything wrong with it an hasn't denounced it, in specific nor general

She's an unrepentant coalburner. She fucks niggers.

there's not even any evidence she went out with the nigger, she posed with him in some photos

Let's be real mate did you see those pics? She was grinding on his fucking dick/

I am being real, it's definitely possible no doubt, but it's not proof


and she supports trump, which is think is more important than any "optics" shit you purists care about.
if you want to make changes towards the right you need to be able to do it in small steps. You will get nowhere if you demand we go full 1488 overnight no exceptions. You will lose. Change takes time and happens slowly. What you need more than purists, traditional women, or anything is voters. Voters who will support right wing politicians are the most important part.
Worry about your own personal optics. You need all the useful idiots you can get if you want to win elections.

Look at alabama if you need an example. While everyone is bitching about e-celebs, the left is attempting to steal elections by lying and cheating.
It doesn't fucking matter if your group is "pure" or not if you lose every election because you ignored 90% of voters. That is literally why hillary lost and you're doing the same thing to yourself now.

I don't care. She fucks niggers and you're a retard thinking the way to win people over from a "gateway" shoddy middle-ground position is by not ever disagreeing with them or saying anything bad about their character even if they're literal nigger fucking cosplay whores. Pure nonsense. Can't even mirror the alinsky statement you rip off, too dumb to tell left from right.


>Hello fellow kids
>Hey mis amigos

(((They))) can't find anyone appealing for these sorts of (((movements))) because all kosher goyim are preppy squares trying to blend into obscure subcultures. This desperate attempt to appeal by using a spic.

The DNC is so strong on this board noawadays. The female "right wing" commentators fill a niche, and if people want to pay them to parrot things they agree with while having tits at the same time, who really cares? Just because somebody represents a position that doesn't 100% match your version of Aryan Autism Simulator 9001 doesn't mean you need to try to cannibalize them. Of course, I'm posting in a slide thread, so who's going to listen anyway?

how is this proof

Doesn’t matter you stupid cuck. We can not have public representatives who were coalburners. Maybe you can forgive her on an individual level, but to have a coalburner as a representative of the white-identitarian movement is so wrong I don’t even know why I have to say it.

Your dick is thinking for you, and anyone else who is okay with LS being in the spotlight, and that’s pathetic.

Is that the guy from the new Star Trek

>how is this proof
How motherfucking retarded are you?

"retarded" enough to know that pic contains zero proofs

that's ridiculous. Sex and reproduction are different things in the modern age. If Lauren ends up having several white children, and encourages others to do the same, you'd be retarded to shun her for past misdeeds.

>She fucks niggers
You have absolutely no evidence she's done any coalburning since joining the alt right.
and im not talking about "turning people over". You just need them to vote for your interests. People like Lauren who advocate for trump are important for bringing over voter who push towards right wing ideals.
Lauren is not a political, she is not a leader. She is a mouthpiece that young boys like to look at and will listen too. Even if half of what she says is shit it's better than them listening to 100% retarded lefties who will shill even worse bullshit.

>public representatives
>white-identitarian movement
This isn't your personal clubhouse. Like I said above, lauren is no leader. She isn't a politician and wont be elected to do fuck all. She's openly right wing, even if it is her own brand and not yours. But you need people like her who are willing to go out in public and tell people to vote for your politicians. The ends DO justify the means, you can't win elections without the majority of the population. A lot of women are whores, but you need those whores to straighten up and vote the way we need them too.

and personally i like redheads.

>and encourages others to do the same
This is all she needs to do. Even if she never follows through and goes back to being a coalburner, it doesn't matter as long as she got them to vote the way you need them too.

Twitter user: She used to date a muslim
Southern: No, it was a half black guy actually

The absolute state of alt-cucks, jesus

I think he's saying that posing for a lewd picture is not the same as having sex.

i think there is a chance Lauren was retarded and didn't realize that denying he was a muslim was going to look like she was implying that her dating him was true.

Too long, they should change their production schedule

lauren is not even alt-right ...

her videos she seems to have cognitive dissonance. im not white knighting but if you dont like her, dont donate, and dont watch her videos

has there been any follow up, she's probably been made aware thousands of times so she must have made a follow up saying that she wasn't dating him.
I mean the whole thing could be cleared up with one tweet, and she's 100% aware at this point no arguing otherwise it looks like she was implying exactly that...

lauren ever addressing anything about her romantic life in public is suicide for her because it would dry up her thirstbux, which is why i think she avoided talking about if she dated that guy or not but it looks like it backfired to fuck

dude is a crypto jew


>Lauren Southern fucks niggers, white identity for Europe only, Jew
>Tara McCarthy Jew feminist

Tell me again how hey are alt right?

I hope Fuentes reads this.

He really is a smart guy, together with James Allsup. James has some amazing speeches and when Nicks dumps the memey stuff he can even make _NORMAL_ people cheer for a speech that is basically about ethno-nationalism: youtube.com/watch?v=I-7xjQxL-TI

He should watch more Oswald Mosley speeches and see this movement more as a respectable movement and not some sperg meme group. Imagine Mosley talking about "thot patrol", "fucking traps might be okay" etc. It just doesn't work.

In his last debate with Matthew he was also off the mark imo. It was clear Matthew felt this dissonance and disagreed but couldn't put it in words, I think the following comment did so pretty good though:

>If Nick wants the ''alt right'' to remain a troll/sperg movement and not gain mass appeal that's fine but dont talk about clown world if you want to be part of a clown movement. How bout purging the loser spergs who only spread negativity and not the women who have mass appeal? Make sense? smdh

the alt-right doesn't exist. It's a retarded meme propped up by Hillary and hijacked by the flabby queen of America, Richard Spencer.

Tara McCarthy is explicitly ethno-nationalist, and Lauren Southern supports identitarian movements in Europe, but admits that the American situation is different.

Look, I get it. You watch TRS, and think we need to elect Mike Enoch as dictator so he can crush all the jews under his massive belly, but 99.9% of Americans disagree with that.

Nick will never purge his irony sperg NazBol twitter friends.

Just ignore Fuentes for now. He's gone with the ironybro gang and he will have to Iive with the consequences of that. If he changes his tune, then great. Maybe when he matures a bit and has a family of his own.

We need to make our own set of guidelines for the female question completely independent of what these incels say or advise. They definitely are not arguing in good faith. They've been targeting EVERY right wing female and actually siding with left wing females when bitch-fights break out.

I know Hubris and his Tranny GF has been attacking Faith Goldy, Lana Lokteff, Wife With a Purpose, Lauren Rose etc for months. So don't believe this shit about it being about Lauren Southern. If she came out and started endorsing coal burning for all white women these guys would start supporting her.

Thinking about how to properly deal with women in the Alt-Right? Great. Draw up some policies and discuss amongst adults. Thinking about dealing with it via a bunch of guys who call themselves 'DJ White Genocide', endorse fucking traps and counter-signal EVERYTHING European and traditional? Yeah, nah. Not 'good optics', as Fuentes would say.