Why romania?

so the 2016 polls are in and Romania is the most christian country in europe....by a lot.

Although it was fluctuating from 2000-2005, now it's actually more christian than before.

0% nonbelievers
0% agnostics
0% atheists
0% nonbeliever agnostic atheist together

It's more religious than any other country in the entirety of Europe.
Questions for Romania-anons:

- How is it to live there?
- Why are you guys so religious - you put the jihadis in Syria to shame with your love of God.
- Wasn't romania communist? how was christianity so powerful after the revolution?
- if there is a new crusade, will you fight for christianity?

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thats how I know romania as well

at least no degenerates over there.
eastern europe in general has this benefit


yea sounds totally real amerifat

have you gone there? are there really no gays/trannies/weirdo crazies there or is it a meme?

If you google "romania gay" all you get is pictures of people protesting homosexuals with extremely funny signs lmao


Ive been there multiple times. They still build traditional churches, and no degenerates as far as I have seen no

it's pretty weird. i live in the most commie citiy in Bulgaria and religion isn't really a thing here. I was visiting Bucharest once and saw people going to church en masse

don't get mad, aquafresh. perhaps your access to superior education has made you blind to interpretations of statistics. Even if it's 0.24%, it's still represented as 0% in written data. So yes, 0% is real. just because your country is african heaven and the rape capital of the world, don't shit on christian threads to get revenge on whitey.

ever see any other nationalities there? africans, asians etc? I know about the gypsies but that's all over europe really.

It's not that matter so much when you are mexico-tier country with gipsyes

Romanian women are actually pretty hot aren't they? Not sure if religion is doing much to stop degeneracy, I see plenty of romanian waifus on myfreecams

yeah, they are famous for attending church.

specifically the entrance where they beg and pickpocket.

We dont have puritans to turn us off from religion, and most of our folk heros are seen as stalwart defenders of faith and country

absolute best pair of tits in the world belongs to a romanian cam whore

Good job, keep it up cyganbros!

>on myfreecams

it seems this thread has attracted the hate of commie western eu countries that have been destroyed by refugees.

she's seems like a nice christian girl. not gonna lie though makes me want to move to romania

Which city do you live in?

Go away, degenerate
You make me want to vomit

that looks like an expensive limo. Willing to bet she's a sex slave. Id probably suppport her slavemaster for some of those fucking tits holy shit.

But real talk, those old english dudes that go to thailand and come back with asian shitskin wives. What would be so bad about going to romania and getting a qt religious waifu


My country has something like >1 milion romanians, and a lot of them usually are involved in criminal activities.
Altough i know some of them which are alright, many of them are litterally nigger tier

pleven, ama to tva se otnasq za cqla severna i severozapadna bulgariq. samo tuka glasuvat za BSP

See shes a myfreecams model, on right now in fact, with a good christian Christmas tree behind her so it cancels out the public masturbation sin.

1. Mostly ok, depends on the area but I don't feel like I'm missing anything
2. Many Romanians live in the countryside and going to church is the only fun thing to be done around
3. Well communism is the reason WHY we are religious. Forbid a kid to do something and he'll do it twice harder
4. Die for what lol

Thanks. Personally my vote goes to Spain and Ireland. Eastern Europe is still underdeveloped.

I tend not to believe the pol memes anymore, as I've met a bunch of romanian guys in IT and they're just normal white guys.I think it's because a lot of gypsies left romania and went to the countries in which they could best assimilate in like Portugal, Spain and Italy since they look like natives. Not saying I don't believe you, but you are speaking out of anger here.

>so the 2016 polls are in and Romania is the most christian country in europe....by a lot.

Then why don't they act with more Christian charity both towards their European neighbours and their Roma minority and take care of them better so they don't travel thousands of kilometers just to beg in front of supermarkets?

I'm sick of seeing Roma everywhere.

Romanians are pretty simple minded folk living under pretty fucked up living conditions. It's not surprising they cling to jesus so as to derive some solace in their miserable existence.
>no degenerates
HAHAAHAHA omg thats hilarious that you unironically think that.

Somebody has to be poor (that's how capitalism works) and not everybody is okay with that so they move to your country to get their share of wealth. And it's not just Roma, half of Europe works for german economy alone.

The atheist meme in getting traction here too, but people are ashamed to say it.

Spoiled brats in Sup Forums think Eastern Europe is a good place simply because it is homegenous. My family wouldn't have ran away from there if it was a nice place ti live retards. Please stop this delusiom

There are degenerates everywhere, the question is whether society broadly accepts them. Romania so far doesn't. Although signs of globalist kikery are starting to show via media and twatter/borrowing western social media ghetto culture

Bro, your country literally uses taxes to pay for campaigns in Africa and the Middleeast inviting refugees over to sweden, and you complain about Romanians not caring about whether or not their gypsies leave ?

Why the fuck would romanians care about what gypsies are doing lol?

This just proves my earlier theories, christian threads are always attacked by western eu commies that have destroyed their own countries with refugees. Now you shitpost here to get back at whitey.

Tbh i have more respect for romanians keeping their country free of that shit, than for swedes that ruined their once great society, on purpose. Get outa here sven

>samo tuka glasuvat za BSP
Дa бe, кoмyняги имa нaвcякъдe зa жaлocт, тyкa в мoя квapтaл e пълнo и нe yмpeхa дa имa eбa мaйкaтa, нa пo 100 гoдини cтaнaхa и нe мpът

Someone please explain the gap between Poles and Czechs.

Surpising statistics. Majority of the people here are not religious, maybe they just don't identify as atheists. Good for the the Czechs though.

Isn't Romania full of gypsies?

Few years ago I met a Polish-Irish in Ireland.
He said that his family ran away from Poland after Poland entered the EU because his parents struggled to survive in Poland.

Fast forward 1 month, I finally meet his parents.
It turned out that they have the post-communism syndrome, which used to be a big problem in Poland.
(Post communism syndrome - people who grew up in communist country could not function properly after Poland became capitalist. This would often lead to migration, suicides and unemployment )

And of course, they shittalked Poland, they blamed her for their incompetence.
Funny thing is, right now, as a Java Developer, I earn more than his entire family combined.

It just goes to show that incompetent people will not survive here.

Wow, we use that word too

It depends on your definition of degenerate. Romanians may not be trannies and fag lovers but they have their own degeneracies such as being shitty dads, drinking, lying, thieving, and all sorts of crazy drug and anger fueled degeneracies you can think of.
The idea that Romanians are in any way christ-like or pious, and virtuous in their behavior is fucking laughable.


you're saying your country isn't full of them? Every country in europe has gypsies. stop trying to derail the thread.

As a percentage of the population, not at all. Also gypsies are christian if that's what your question is.

No gays or trannies, plenty of weirdos though. Also Romanian women are pretty slutty and their church is corrupt as fuck

Stop trying to pretend Romania is not notorious for its fucking gypsies.

Poles were part of the Russian Empire and had two major uprisings in the 19th century, it's the same dynamics as behind the Arabs in Palestine voting Hamas and Falah into power.

Thread theme:

It's not fair to compare your current profession with somebody from the past. Both my parents are uneducated morons who work really shit jobs and I have a decent job just like you (I know people dislike java and find it cheap but you understand what I'm trying to say here).

It's not about people like you who try to live a good life. It's about peoolle on Sup Forums who think "Oh, let's go to any country in E Europe because le white". They've got the wrong idea man.

They're technically Christian, but they do not go to church at all. Neither do any other Eastern Europeans.


Romania is extremely poor.

poor countries are religious.

>Romanian women are pretty slutty

well, idk my anglo friend. What would be so bad about going there on a 3 month vacation and marrying some 18 year old christian girl and taking her to the US? Making a career here, and then, when you're 70, move to Eastern Europe and live there with a VERY nice retirement. Is this a retarded idea? i'm honestly debating it for real right now.

>Every country in europe has gypsies
We didn't until about 2009 when they started coming to Scandinavia and begging outside all of the fucking stores.

Heres a big tip for you: she doesn't love you, she loves you for your US passport and stability.

So what's the best poor eastern European country to find Christian waifus who want citizenship in the West?

What you thought some ex communist balkan shithole was going to be a bastion of piety in Europe?

It's not even about going to church. Just compare numbers of pregnancies aborted, HIV levels, the amount of divorces and muslims overall and you'll get the picture. That being said - Ireland is über alles and it will become even whiter when shit kicks the fan in America and all those 1/4 Irishmen and women will come back to the promised land.

you didn't have gypsies, then you opened ur borders and invited every shitskin in africa/syria. And now you are angry about having gypsies as well.

Alright then. Surely this isn't a self-caused problem or anything.

I can't speak for Czechs but I can speak for Poles.

It's because of Russia and Prussia
Prussia and Russia censored polish language, they tried to eradicate christianity from polish population.
So, in order to show them the middle finger, poles became more and more religious.
And some of the greatest polish books were written under Prussian / Russian occupation in order to inspire Poles and promote christianity

>Quo Vadis being the best example

There was a huge drama back in 19th century, thousands of polish children would refuse to pray in German / use Protestant prayers or even speak German to teachers.

You haven't seen our Facebook m8 trust me only 1% are actually doing any Christian things

>what is Czech Republic
>what is Russia

but do they still use the spikes?

>Surely this isn't a self-caused problem or anything.
Never said that it wasn't.

Thousands of Turks on spikes makes people believe

Catholicism is seen as central to the Polish identity and sign of resistance towards the communist regime. In the czech republic we were originally protestants and had Catholicism forced upon us so it's seen as the opposite. Also the Czech Republic is more metropolitan and centered around Prague and it's godlessness permeates the nation. Briefly after ww2 czechs unironically wanted communism

>It's about peoolle on Sup Forums who think "Oh, let's go to any country in E Europe because le white". They've got the wrong idea man.
Oh, now I see where you are coming from and I agree with you.
Truth be told, I actually condemn people who travel to E.E only because it's "white"

meh, love can be manufactured. I highly doubt a young wife would betray someone so quickly once they have kids/house/plenty of income. While I get that there's a huge risk, i also think it is possible. 2 guys from work have romanian and czech wives, which is why I started debating this in my head really. one of them has 2 kids, she doesn't speak hardly any english, and they seem happy as fuck. she stays at home, knits sweaters and makes food and kisses him every 2 minutes on the lips. seeing it made my heart ache with the realization of how much I was missing. am I retarded for hoping?

Don't be naive

Yes, Orthodox is also Christian, Lazlo

fucking kek thanks for the laughs m8 didn't know people can be this delusional

please don't kick me while i'm down, radu. Every woman here has fucked 10 niggers by age 17.

What you're describing is an opportunistic whore, not a conservative, 18 year-old Christian girl.

>Every woman here has fucked 10 niggers by age 17.
Are you a Californian?

Ceausescu was trying to integrate them during Communism period. Some of them embraced their culture (not a big percentage) while others immediately sold everything they got from the state and continued their traditional lifestyle. Gypsies simply do not wish to be integrated.

Can this exact vid be found on porn hub or something? This looks like the best one

I'm actually amazed that you could discern that only from the amount of niggers 17 year olds fuck here. But yeah, basically no white girl is untouched here.

First, you should get rid of that trophy-wife mentality.
If you don't, there is a huge chance that 18-year-old-conservative-christian-girl will exploit your naivety and eventually leave you.

You really are delusional my friend. Wake up, please. You will find a clean woman eventually. These girls love your passport, not you.

Dated church girls all of my life. Almost all of them lied about being fucked by some black/spic or being a virgin. Been through 8 chicks so far, and they were the most "traditional" our of their friends groups. Their friends would tell them they're "old fashioned" and shit. But all of them eventually fessed up to being fucked by some nigger in 8th grade, or not wanting marriage, not wanting children, although they pretended to.

I'm 29, one more year and I'll be 30. My last girlfriend was a girl from christianmingle and she ended up wanting to peg me, and told me straight up she thought having kids would be the end of her life.

The memes are real folks, there are no more "traditional girls" anymore that want children...a house etc.

What else is left? suicide? fuck cali

You need to remove this trophy wife mentality. You aren't a cuck if a girl kissed a boy in 8th grade or something.

>working in IT
Okay then, now I understand why you're so desperate. You'll be paying for the divorce, alimony, child support for at least 1 kid, and then you'll be responsible for supporting a foreigner that you pledged to take care of.

Have you tried being less socially retarded? Because I think that'll be much more effective in the long term.

Romania like most of Eastern Europe is christian but nominally. In practice they don't even bother to go to church

This notion that EE is a contradiction of WE, which means that it's pious and prude is a nonsense. EE is as degenerate as WE, only people here are even more brutal and more natural

yeah, cause you'd marry a chick that lowered her standards enough to get railed by picrelated.

>their Roma minority
but it's not theirs

>The more Christian a country is, the more shit it is
Almonds activated

>So, in order to show them the middle finger, poles became more and more religious.
this is bullshit. Many of the Poles became simply romantic socialists, nationalists, positivists, they didn't have to stay catholic, this is a one big meme

>Wasn't romania communist? how was christianity so powerful after the revolution?
Romania was NazBol, as was the rest of the USSR near the end.

Also, poll is retarded. Romanians are getting westernized to shit. I did live in an ultraconservative neighborhood for a couple of years though, and it was great. It's what made me far right actually.

Regarding the spirituality of Romanians, it's theorized that inner evolution was the only path upwards for Romanians, given our geographic position. Whenever the country got too rich, we were invaded by one of the three empires next door.

Well step 1 is to leave Cali. Step 2 is stop going on Sup Forums. No matter how much they say it you, you can't be retroactively cucked. As long as they aren't cheating and don't have STDs you shouldn't give a shit about their past. You think Chad's do? You think Tyrone cares? You think most people outside of Sup Forums and Islam care? No, they don't.

>implying anyone can leave Sup Forums

My parents want us to move to Chicago again because of "muh English education there's no education in poland" and "if I was raised in Poland I would be dead because of the lack of healthcare" and "there are no jobs in Poland" how the hell do I convince them (especially my dad who is the only one working in the family right now since Mom can't find job or some shit) to stay in Poland? I was born and raised in Chicago initially so English is my first language, they primarily use the argument how my inferior Polish skills will handicap me In Education. Fuck do i know about well paying jobs and modern healthcare. I really don't want to go to America.

embrace the 56%
become the 56%

I cared about girls fucking niggers and spics long before pol. The whole christian community kind of frowns down upon stuff like that, depending which one you're part of. I think I'm going to take my chances and try to visit eastern eu for a couple of weeks, and test the waters. If it's too retarded and I only see golddigers, then I guess I'll come back. But it's hard to swallow the reality of marrying an american girl, having children and then at 40 years old she admits to you "oh yeah i did get railed by 10 niggers at 17, also I lied about our children and had them with the spic pool boy, btw here's the divorce papers"

But you're right about pol. It's 3:39 here in cali, and I'm gonna go out and buy a a couple of bottles of Popov and hopefully go into an alcoholic coma and not remember ever making this post.

Thanks all.

It's fucking Poland dude, it's a shithole even compared to Chicago. Don't buy the Sup Forums memes, leave eastern europe like anyone over 100 IQ does.

>implying you'll find the virgin love in EE
you're killing me man

What the hell are those two talking about
Are they oblivious to the obvious facts?

Poland has better education than USA, period
Just take a look at PISA scores.
>pic rel, show this shit to your parents. Compare USA with Poland

two, language won't be an obstacle. If you are interested in economy, maths, IT, programming etc. then you should visit the Silesian University in Katowice.
At Silesian University, you can meet Germans, Italians, Spaniard, Czechs, Ukrainians, Anglos etc. basically you can study in both English and Polish

By the way, If Polish education is so shitty, then why there countless foreigners studying at our unis?


I don't feel the same way about Chicago as I did in 2011. Especially since North Town Village is completely instructed by that stupid shopping mall they built in place of that old empty YMCA plot. I can't see the skyline or the sun anymore looking at that part of the street now. Where the fuck am I supposed to live in Chicago with a proper house and backyard? Park Ridge? I just don't feel very safe about going to Chicago anymore, especially since the explosion in crime after 2012. Compared to Warsaw (where I currently live), Gdańsk, Toruń and Sopot i feel more at home here. Although the home I live in belongs to my grandparents, fuck knows what will happen when they die.

depends what foreigners you're talking about