Holy shit, are the migrants actually saving Sweden?

Holy shit, are the migrants actually saving Sweden?

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The Zionist put the Moslems in Europe because the Zionist are trying to get the Jews out of Europe and into Israel. Looks like it's working.

If that fucking Orange cheeto didn't move the capital none of this would be happening

>If that fucking Orange cheeto didn't move the capital none of this would be happening

Tell me you're having a laugh right?

>Move capital
>Chimps chimp out
>Trumps fault.

Get a clue.

thank fucking god. now the mudslimes are showing their true face out in the open. it will get harder and harder for lefty schmucks to support them openly.
2 1/2 D backgammon move

Wtf I love sandniggers now

OP is /sg/ in a nutshell

It's one of the best things Trump has done so far.

is that guy literally the only blue check right-wing tweeter in sweden?

there is still the Gülden Huan

he's largely irrelevant though

>replacing one problem group with another

Not saving anything, just another poisonous ideology to slowly enforce its self on the populace.

>Muslims can't be responsible for their own actions

the virgin jew, the chad muslim firebombing

>yfw the real untermenschen were the nords all along

but that is what lefties actually believe in their mind. they see black/brown people as low IQ down-syndrome children that they need to "guide" and nourish/cherish so they can live in "peace and love"

Jews are the problem.
If there would be no jews, there would be no shitskin flood to EU to promote bigger israel and to free bigger israel lebensraum.

That retarded cult must be ended at once and the whole territory glassed or submerged in the sea.

Islam/Alt-Right alliance against soyboys and jews? I'm down

it was a genius move you potato. the more muslim attacks the better, because muslims are incompetent fools at best.

das ist gut

was this trumps plan all along?

yknow the dutch are nordic right?

>Sweden has a problem
Yeah, clearly the kikes don't know they're not welcome


This is going from the frypan straight to the fire

Hold your fire until they have women put in their place.

>sweden has a problem
>a problem

Just checking I understand this correctly

>Muslims want Jerusalem
>Trump says it belongs to the Jews
>Muslims worldwide are now trying to kill Jews
I wonder if theres a chance of holocaust 2.0 on the horizon

This. Knee status: bent the fuck back!

If muslims drive away jews, then Sweden can finally uncuck itself and deus vult muslims. Interesting turn of events

Jews aren’t the problem, their just smarter than everyone, so bad Jews can inflict more damage and are in positions to inflict more damage. Their smart, so their at the top, and their just as bad as any other human being.

I guess Trump really was playing 4D chess.

>still advertising PeterBluepill

Swedejews can call Israel, order America to defend Swedejews since they know Sven will never shoot mohammed with the BBC

Two molotovs was thrown at the jewish cementary chapell in Malmö 20 minutes ago.


Sounds like BASED kikes to me desu

I've got a rat problem. Solution: let loose 10 million snakes in your house to eat the rats.


Muslims own. Hitler liked Muslims Sup Forums, never forget that. They're going to help us solve this problem.

btw, I've learned that big numbers of jews fled to Sweden during WWII and then there was jewish emigration form Warsaw Pact countries during following decades. Is this the root of swedish problems? For example, there is a guy, Stfan Michnik, who was a stalinist prosecutor in socialist Poland, a jew of course, who fled from justice to Sweden, and nordniggers never gave him away so we could imprison him

Also this, fuck that Jew Peter

Damn those anti-semitic native swedes. Clearly more cultural enrichment is needed.

>muslims are 10x worse than Jews
>are going to help us solve this 'problem'

First of all, Jews aren't the problem. It's your perception that they're ruining your life and they're not. Second, muzzies are 10x worse than Jews.

Can someone give me a rundown on this? Jerusalem was already the capital of Israel before Trump's speech.

Why is everybody and their mother chimping out about Trump saying 'The Capital of Israel is the capital of Israel'

Thanks to jews unleashing muslims all across Europe, everybody's going to get caught up in the in-fighting, proving once and for all that semites are the natural enemy. Holocaust's gonna happen again and muslims will be included.

Muslims are a direct problem, yes. But it's the jewish politics that allowed them to come to the western countries en masse.

I love the vsauce edits. Got any more?

>it will get harder and harder for lefty schmucks to support them openly.

You see... you'd think that... but it's not what will actually happen. You underestimate the left's capacity for self deception at your own peril.

No. Just because they hate Jews too does not mean that they are good. Don't be an idiot.

I was wondering on the point of that move but when muzzies inevitably start chimping out all over in the world - including all the nice places they are quietly invading (by being "refugees" and immigrants) then it is a good show of their face. Was it thought so or not the move did some good for the world.

It's good, Jews need to be BTFO. I'm tired of theses Zionist ' nationalists '

I am mostly suspending my criticism of him for it. Haven't decided whether it will ultimately help or hurt them.

No they just say that to secure votes. The only people they care about is themselves

>muslims kill jews
>suddenly there is no one preventing the west from purging all non-whites
>all problems solved thanks to muslims

Yeah right, that will comfort us when Muslims are cutting our throats or driving over us with trucks.

PS. Death to America. Partially ecause of you faggots we got 30k Iraqi Muslims to this shithole in 2015.

Based Muslims.

Our eternal allies.

Wow that's kinda funny, I hope they were the Jews that brought them in to begin with, that would be pretty funny. Do Palestinians know how to access internet? Maybe they can find out who their true enemy is here.




Looks that way...

The entire Middle East is the problem

They will flee the country and leave Sweden (then Europe) to deal with the problem.
You're an idiot if you think this will affect them in the long term.

I wonder if many US (non-jewish) leftists would look away in the same apathy. Ten years ago I think they would have. Today, I don't know. Today's US leftists are knowingly siding with corporations and jews seem to have effectively inserted themselves into every protest chant.

>Sweden has a Jew infestation.

wow first good thing to come from these emigrants

Look guys, this whole thong is AGAIN initiated by Zionists ... just as Nazi Germany and the propaganda about it ( 6 gorrillion etc ):
It is designed to make all Jews move to Israel and

They literally are not. Not all Germanic peoples are Nordic. Only the ones from the North. I bet you're not even in Norway.

The whole Jewish white genocide conspiracy sounding a little silly now, eh fellas

I've always been thinking though, the worst Jews are the rich ones that hide behind walls. I seirously hope Palestinians would distinguish the two. If Palestinians would call out Rotschildren, Soros, CNN Jews (pretending to support Palestine) it would be pretty powerful IMO.

No, muzzies are a symptom, the jew is the cause.

Yes. But our peoples are very... how to put it. While hard to infect initially, if you get inside and can then use manipulation (use traitor swedes instead of jews to show propaganda) people are very easily lulled and boiled alive slowly. Not so much being gullible but, they got hold of traitors to our country/or tricked some higher ups (possible person would be that one socialist that died a mysterious death. forgot his name.) and if you get a hold of our society it's pretty easy to control the rest, especially if you make it seem like it's suggested by Swedes. Even more so Swedes with a good reputation.
TLDR: We fucked up at some point really bad and let Jews have power in our country. and they fucked us up for it. and still fuck us up for it.


He did a deal. We got more out of it than Israel. Calm thy butthurt Fag

This. ¨muh civic nationalism¨ I don't expect him to be some autistic NMR skinhead retard. But him backing away like a coward made me like him so much less.

I agree that this should be categorized as a possible motivator. But also worth mentioning in the same light is the statement from one of the five dancing Israelis of 9-11:
>We are not your problem. The Palestinians are the problem.
I'm paraphrasing from memory, but the gist seems to be:
>I'll make you see things my way.

I have a hard time believing zionists want their greatest weapon, the diaspora thrall, removed.

What will happen in Sweden:
Papers report that antisemitism is on the rise and because of that far right views must not be tolerated
For safety reasons access to "alt-right" websites and content online must be severely limited

wtf i love shitskins now?

So the jews are playing 9D chess?

Glorious day.

To be honest I don't care. Politicians are the one responsible for this big mess in Europe, so when zionists and Jews get btfo by arabs, I'm happy because they are jewing themselves.

When did they ever stop?


muslims have more kids than jews. if you side with muslims over jews, you will have a huge muslim army to deal with after.

That's already what they're saying and doing. Just like muslims raping our women, children and even elderly men and women.. and some soyboys is somehow due to MEN (swedish men of course.) because the arabic, african rapists have a fucking dick. Sadly, you are no doubt correct. Jews and lefties don't let things be or take a win. They're greedy and always go for more. So if you can both defend muslims AND pin it on real swedes? Maybe Trump too. They will. Hell, their own side.. lefties and jews get caught? They try to pin it on right wing men or normie men.

No, we're Frankish and Germanic

Globalist kikes are using you normal Jews (no different from goyim) as safety barriers, i.e. pawns of sacrifice. How's that feel? Calling out the Jew is impossible because YOU are the one that's gonna suffer the consequences, not the rich kikes that live in their massive 1km^2 castles with 2-3m high fences surrounding it.

The protests aren't planned, it's just easy to guess what will be the damage control

Rot in hell kike, always kill a traitor before an enemy

>Trump aggravates mudslimes all over the world
>bullies and removes jews while showing the world mudslimes are unfit for civilization with one fell swoop
>people still doubt his 4D chess skills

At last I truly see

Wtf I love migrants now

Reminder to anyone who saw this that there are literally six gorillion of these creatures in the US so read burger posts very, very carefully.

>Sweden has a problem
what the fuck is a problem? fucking racists, killing killing jews is a muslim cultural tradition, you bigots

I think one of the end goals of Zionism is to have no Diaspora. How can they achieve greater Israel othrwise?

And then from there they will initiate the bioweapons made to kill the goyim

It's like letting rattlesnakes loose in your house to take out an infestation of rats.

Archaic battle of Sweden and Denmark

It's meta-subversion. The jews are behind the muslim riots. They're trying to get the nationalists and neo-nazis to import more muslims.

>the president of USA can change the capital of another sovereign country
Wow! I wasn't aware he had such power!

>implying they weren't showing their true colors killing, pillaging and raping since written history